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请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 一、词汇应用和语法结构(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分) (一)词汇应用( 15 分)


1. in order to ______ to life in the wild, he has to learn how to hunt. a. effect b. adopt c. adapt d. enter

2. if you have high blood pressure, you should ______ eating too much salt. a. escape b. suggest c. avoid d. relieve

3. in some countries skilled workers can still get high ______. a. wages b. income




c. salary d. money

4. i have always thought very ______ of him.

a. highly b. better c. well d. excellent

5. every part of a new car should be carefully checked before ______. a. assembly b. combination c. application d. input

6. the manager will ______ the new department store before it is open. a. check b. assure c. approve d. guard

7. he had waited so long that he BECame ______.

a. impatient b. patient c. quiet d. reserved

8. scientists have recently ______ suggestions for a complete reform in our eating habit.

a. taken out b. put forward c. set out d. brought about




9. we were ______ whether our car could climb the hill. a. doubtful b. sure c. certain d. believable

10. the salesman made a large ______ from selling fashionable shoes. a. income b. advantage c. benefit d. profit

11. the manager is so busy that he can hardly ______ a day away from work. a. waste b. pay c. afford d. spare

12. television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science and politics. a. fashionable b. excited c. popular d. current

13. come at your ______ because i will be in the Office all the time. a. diposal b. rate

c. proposal d. convenience

14. ______, many workers who have ----------------精选公文范文----------------




