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The bond between mother and daughter is irreplaceable.One of the most

famous women scientists of the 20 th century,Marie Curie,worked 41 her daughter Irene in the field of radioactivity,each of them 42 earning their own Nobel prizes.Today,there are more43 mother-and-daughter pairs showing what happens when 44 works together.

In April 2020,Dr.Cynthia Kudji and her daughter Dr.Jasmine Kudji have become the first mother and daughter to 45 from medical school at the same time and be placed in the same hospital.Cynthia Kudjiput put her dream of becoming a 46 on hold when she became pregnant(怀孕)at 23.She worked as a nurse for almost a decade 47 making the decision to attend medical school at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences.48,her daughter Jasmine attended Louisiana State University School of Medicine.

At first,it was 49 for them to live and study so far apart from one another.\think

initially it was hard because my mom and I have always been really_50 so I had to get used to the 51,\Kudji explains to AfroTech.Although the experience was difficult,it also had 52 results.\people struggle to find someone who 53 their struggles,so for that person to be my mom was extremely helpful,\

After years apart,both Cynthia and her daughter earned their M.D.Then on\Day\实习)applications,Cynthia and Jasmine learned that they were both 55 at LSU Health.

This mother and daughter proves that family can do anything together. 41.A.under






B.eventually C.permanently

43.A.inspiring 44.A.team 45.A.escape 46.A.nurse 47.A.after

B.moving C.shocking








B.doctor B.upon

C.student C.before

D.scientist D.with


48.A.Therefore B.Furthermore 49.A.natural 50.A.close 51.A.role 52.A.mixed


C.Afterwards C.boring

D.important D.rigid

B.nervous B.distance B.apparent

C.successful C.journey C.lasting

D.relationship D.beneficial

D.corresponds to

53.A.relates to B.appeals to C.adapts to

54.A.announced B.confirmed 55.A.rejected 完形填空



D.submitted D.placed


41-45 BBACD 46-50 BCDBA 51-55 BDACD


第一节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


If you have talked to doctorsiin the hospitals, you may find that many of them a; quite seriousand speak in a

range of 41 that may be difficult to understand.. But ZhangWenhong, the leader of the Shanghai team of experts

in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia, is one of the 42 .He caught the public’s attention for his recent frank and funny speech.

Zhang’s words first _ 43

on the interest after he said in late January that he had_ 44 doctors and nurses who are members of the Communist Party of China (СPC) to

frontline hospitals to treat coronavirus cases.

\ becoming CPC members, we vowed (发誓) that we would always_ 45 people’s interests… in the

face of dffiulties,\ Zhang said. \ is the moment we _ 46 the pledge 誓言). All CPC members must rush to the front line. No bargaining \

Such a hardcore declaration of his attitude won widespread__ 47 among internet users. A person’s morals are _ 48 most in _ 49 situation. _ 50 could win more recognition from the people than the down-to-earth

behavior of the CРC members,\ said YangHaiyan, a 32-year-old Shanghai resident.

One month later, when Zhang advised local residents to _ 51 the risk of spreading the virus by staying at

home, he said in Shanghai _ 52 : \ you don’t stop seeing friends, you will see them again in the ICU.\

Though _

53 by the media, Zhang described himself as a medical worker who must _ 54 now, but will return to keeping a low _ 55 after the outbreak ends.

\ spoke because of the fear among the public, owing to limited _ 56 of the contagion (传染

病), said Zhang on Feb 26. However, once the curtain of this coronavirus incident_ 57 , it maybe_ 58

to find me. I’ll just hide myself in a corner, studying complicated patient cases and doing some reading, _ 59 .

A quote from Zhang : It’s suffocating (窒息

的) for everyone to stay at home, but the virus is also suffocating. We aren’t resting at home; we re fighters. Every person who stays at home is_ 60 in the battle against the virus.\41. A. remarks

B. lines C. Terms D. excuses

42. A. exceptions B. experts C. Examples

D. samples D. make a hit

43. A. make a name B. make a face C. make a killing 44. A. drafted 45. A. entitle 46. A. live up to 47. A. appetite 48. A. marked 49. A. typical 50. A. Nothing 51. A. deduce 52. A. dialect 53. A. chased 54. A. work out 55. A. dignity 56. A. fear 57. A. fails 58. A. easy

B. sent

C. distributed

C. justify

D. joined

D. privilege D. set about

B. prioritize

B. come down to C. get down to

C. applause

B. applaud B. appeared

D. recognition

D. witnessed

D. visual

C. symbolize C. visible

B. critical

B. Anything C. something

C. check

D. Everything

D. reduce

B. decline

B. tune

C. version C. exploited C. spell out

D. prospect

D. tracked D. give out

B. caught

B. speak out B. profile B. knowledge

B. falls

C. level D. portrait D. range

D. drops

C. command

C. declines

B. hard C. horrible

D. cosy

D. aimlessly

D. burying

59. A. slightly B. purposely C. silently

60. A. anticipating B. participating C. involving

41-45 CADBB 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 DAABB 56-60 BBBCB

本篇完型结合时事,描述了张医生在疫情期间的幽默发言,本文考察了大量的词义辨析和固定搭配,考察的词汇短语都是有一些难度的,需要考生基础非常扎实才能做好,属于较有难度的完型。可能的难题是43,44,48,55。 详细解析:

第41题 根据前面的说是和医生聊天,而且后面定语从句是难以理解可知,这里是说专业术语,用terms。

第42题 根据前面说医生会说听不懂的术语,然后这句话开头用but转折可知,这里是说这个医生是个例外,用exceptions。

第43题 根据前面的recent frank and funny

speech,可知这个医生很风趣,并且下一段说赢得了广泛的掌声,可知这里应该是第一次受欢迎,因此用固定搭配make a hit。make a name是指成名,用在这里不够贴切,因为下文说了是赢得广泛的掌声,医生说这些也不是为了出名。

第44题 这里可能会有考生第一反应是加入抗议前线的医疗团队,而选join,但仔细看这句话,去掉定语从句,是xx doctors and nurses to frontline hospitals…可知,填join是不合适的,而sent才是正确答案,送他们去前线,没有join xx to sp这种说法。

第45题 根据这里是医生在发誓可知,这里的interests不是兴趣,是利益,因此应该是发誓要以人民的利益为先,因此选prioritize,优先考虑。

第46题 固定搭配,兑现诺言/誓言用live up to,现在使我们兑现誓言的时候了。

第47题 根据前面说的话是非常大义凛然的可知,这里是赢得了大家的掌声,选applause,也照应前面的make a hit。

第48题 这题考察词义辨析,首先B可以排除,因为表示主动出现,但这里是被动,而A代入是被做记号,C是被象征,英文解释是if something symbolizes a quality, feeling etc, it represents it,往往是某种图案,标志象征着某种品质,精神等,放在这里不合适。只有D,被看到最合适,一个人的道德品质在xx形式下最能被看出,被体现。

第49题 根据前文可知,这里是在疫情期间,因此是关键的,危急的情况。



