1 ni ght/eve ning
ni ght the time of dark ness betwee n eve ning and morning; eve ning betwee n sun set and bedtime. 2 kno w/lear n/no tice know
lear n
no tice
the time
3 soun d/cry/voice/shout/no ise sound 4 take place
cry voice shout
happe n
no ise occur
What happened to became of you? 5 an xious/eager/worried/hurried/nervous anxious
eager ;
worried hurried
6 admire/enjoy admire on eself 7 fun /joke/trick fun joke
play /a joke on sb.
a practical joke a trick
play a trick on sb.
enjoy on eself
8 won der/imag ine/no tice/exam ine won der
imag ine
no tice
exam ine
9 way/mea ns/method mea ns[
;a mea ns to an end
法、办法,与way可以替换使用。 10、path/road/way
path 小路; 人行道 road 公路 way 道路 the way to the station 11、idea/opinion/suggestion/advice/tip idea 主意;意见 opinion 意见;见解
suggestion可数 advice不可数 tip n.告诫,提示;劝告 12、exam in e/check/search
exami ne检查;诊察;审查,目的在于想了解有关的情况; check核实,检查, 目的在于判断正误或是否正常;search搜查 13、usual/spare修饰
14、i nstead/however都作副词时,in stead\而是\含有某种对比,however\可是\仍然\含有\转折\让步\的意思。
15、lost/missing/gone都可表示\丢失\不见了 \
lost可作定语;用被动语态;missing和gone—般作表语 16、pour/drop
pour倒,灌;drop使滴下,使落下 17、admire/inspire/support
admire 钦佩 in spire 鼓舞 support 支持 18、courage/spirit/strength
courage勇气 spirit 精神 strength力气 19、journey/travel/trip
journey长途旅行 travel广义的旅行 trip旅行(一次来回)a round trip 20、com mon/ordi nary/usual/average/regular/normal
common公用的;普通的 ordinary普通的;平凡的 usual平常的;惯常的(as
usual)average平均的; 普通的; 平常的(an article of average quality 普通产品) regular固定的;有规律的(the regular people生活有规律的人)normal正常的 (return to normal 恢复正常) 21、develop/become
develop vt.
become grow, turn, get 22 cheat/lie
cheat lie 23 small cha nge extra cha nge 24 walk/step/march walk step march
25 out of step
out of order
out of sight, out of mind
sufferi ng trouble difficulty
28 rema in/last
remain last
29 disturb/bother/trouble/i nterrupt bother on e's head brains about what troubles me most is disturb in terrupt
Don't bother to care about others' matte
30 possible probable likely
31 exercise practice
1 opposite the win dow 2 sit still still a. adv.
the still smok ing pistol 3 over on e's shoulder 4 send childre n to bed
5 have play, act a part
dan ger
6、 miss one's part miss a step (miss v.错过;失去)
7、 The medic ine did n't work (work v.(使)工作;(使)运转;起作用) 8、 make (the) tea 沏茶,泡茶
9、 go to one's place (固定或指定的)位置,座位,席位 10、None of your excuse! = Don't give me your excuse! 11、speak for onesel# in one's personal opinion 12、pick up sb接某人;give sb. a lift用车接某人 13、look out for 注意
14、be meant for# be intended for 打算使 .. 成为 15、papers报纸;试卷;论文;文件;契约;借据等 16、stand n货摊 vt.容忍,忍受(bear# put up with)
17、 button (扣住)one's coa# do up (束起,收拾齐整,包好)the buttons of one's coat
18、 get a very good idea o#be familiar with 19、call up# remind sb. of …
20、share many experie nc# have many experie nee in com mon 21、in this respect (way)
22、introduce sb. to sth.把某事介绍给某人 23、explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某事 24、help on eself to擅自带走;自用
25、It won't hurt to take an umbrella with you.带把伞去总没有坏处。 26、pick up
(1) He slipped and fell, but quickly picked himself up.(跌倒后)使(自己)爬起。
(2) pick up a wallet 拾起、捡起
(3) pick up some knowledge of physics (偶然地,无意地)获得(收益、生计、
(4) pick up a foreign Ianguage (未经听课等)学会外语 (5) pick up a girl (非经正式介绍)随便地结识(常指异性)