通信工程专业 通信1301班 学号130250004
指导教师 李丽芬副教授
摘 要
关键词:智能 STC89C51 DHT11
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Clothes Hanger Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Now the city life more and more busy, a lot of people do not have the time and energy to manage some of the details, for example, in the appropriate temperature of the sun drying clothes. In order to solve this problem, we started the research, through the intelligent clothes hanger control system design and implementation of continuous research, get a better design ideas. By using the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, photosensitive resistance and other components, the change of environment were detected, and then the measurement data are transmitted to the STC89C51 microcontroller core board microcontroller to measure the temperature and humidity and light intensity discrimination, motor driven forward or reverse, achieves the intelligent clothes drying purpose. Used in the detection of the temperature and humidity DHT11 sensor module, the module will be measured data are compared with the set value, if the humidity is beyond the set value, the system will default recovery racks, send pulse signal to control the motor back racks. Similarly, the photosensitive resistor for detecting the light intensity of the light intensity, the changes will cause the resistance change, will change the resistance compared with the set value, if it exceeds the set value, then control the motor to rotate, the clothes hanger to recover, so as to achieve the purpose of intelligent clothes.
Key words: intelligent STC89C51 DHT11
目 录
前 言 ..................................................... 1 第1章 绪论 ................................................. 2 第1.1节 选题背景 ........................................ 2 第1.2节 研究方法及目的 .................................. 2 第1.3节 研究意义 ........................................ 3 第2章 系统总体设计 ......................................... 4
第2.1节 总系统设计框图 .................................. 4 第2.2节 系统组成概述 .................................... 4 第2.3节 控制系统核心选择 ................................ 4 第2.4节 湿度检测模块选择 ................................ 5 第2.5节 遥控电路设计 .................................... 5 第2.6节 遥控发射模块参数 ................................ 6 第2.7节 光强检测模块选择 ................................ 7 第2.8节 电机模块选择 .................................... 7 第2.9节 系统设计要求 ................................... 8 第3章 控制系统硬件设计 ..................................... 9 第3.1节 单片机的介绍及其工作系统设计 .................... 9 第3.2节 温湿度传感器电路 ............................... 14
第3.3节 光敏检测电路 ................................... 17 第3.4节 直流电机驱动电路 ............................... 19 第4章 控制系统设计 ........................................ 21 第4.1节 程序流程图 ..................................... 21 第4.2节 程序设计 ....................................... 22 第4.3节 系统初始化 ..................................... 22 第4.4节 温湿度检测 ..................................... 25 第5章 系统整体调试 ........................................ 27 第5.1节 系统仿真演示 ................................... 28 第5.2节 硬件实物的焊接 ................................. 33 结 论 .................................................... 37 附 录 .................................................... 39 参考文献 .................................................... 41 致 谢 .................................................... 42
前 言