A Study on the Tectonic Characteristics of Shallow Faults in the East of Zhengzhou City
A Study on the Tectonic Characteristics of Shallow
Faults in the East of Zhengzhou City
【期刊名称】《中国地震研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2007(021)003
【摘要】Study on fault activity is a fundamental part of earthquake prediction and earthquake relief in big cities. In the active fault exploration in Zhengzhou, the spatial distribution, geological features and activity of the Huayuankou fault, the Shangjie fault and the Xushui fault were determined using the seismic prospecting method. New understanding about the characteristics of the faults was gained. This provides reliable basic data for future earthquake forecast and earthquake relief work in Zhengzhou. In addition, we proposed some ways to identify fault activity through analyzing the characteristics of the activity of a fault and raised an effective method for exploring active faults in big cities and exploring concealed faults in regions covered with thick overburdens. 【总页数】10页(245-254)
【关键词】Active fault; Concealed fault; Time section 【作者】佚名 【作者单位】无 【正文语种】中文