动词时态是各地中考试题中必考的知识点,也是考查的重点。然而,初中英语时态多达 八种,并且近几年中考在考查时态时,形式灵活多样,尤其是我们河北省近几年的中考,多 体现在上下文语境中,这样无形中就增加了试题的难度,使得一些考生总感觉时态题不可捉 摸,无规律可循。其实,你只要弄清楚了时态题的命题方法和解题方法,也就不难了。
由于绝大多数的中考英语试卷同时具有毕业检测与升学选拔的双重功效,所以对时态的 考查在很大程度上还是停留在识记和简单应用的层次上。为此,命题人在命题时,往往会借 助一些关键的时间标志词来给考生以解题的“暗示”。所以,同学们在解题时,应该抓住关键 “时间类标志词”,从而达到快解时态题的“神效”。 【中考例题】
1. (2015 陕西)Many city people ____ their bikes to work every day.
A. ride
B. will ride
C. rode
D. have ridde n
2. (2015 武汉)—A nice car! Is it yours?
——No, it isn '.I ____ it from a frie nd of mine two days ago. A. borrow A. are givi ng A. waited
B. have borrowed C. will borrow B. is givi ng B. was wait ing
C. will give C. is wait ing
D. borrowed D. has give n D. will wait
3. (2015 黄石)The writer and speaker ____ a speech on Chin ese culture in the hall now. 4. (2015 齐齐哈尔)Alice ____ for the bus at seven yesterday morning.
5. (2015 福州)So far, the AIIB (亚投行) 57 cou ntries to be the fou nding members.
A. attracted A. rang
B. has attracted B. has rung
C. will attract C. had rung
D. is attracti ng D. will ring
6. (2015 龙东)By the time I got back to school, the bell ___ .
7. (2015 抚顺)一Why are you so happy? — My friend ___ me next mon th.
A. visits
时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 时间状语 B. was visit ing C. will visit D. visited
often, always, usually, sometimes, never, once a week, twice a year, every day, every week等 the n, just now, yesterday, last ni ght, a few days ag等 no w, right now, at the mome nt, this week, these day等 -1 -中考时态考点梳理
过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 then, at that time, this time yesterday, from 8 to 10 yesterday mornin等 already, just, yet, never, recently, lately, up to / till now, so far, in the past / last few mon ths / years, “for + 一段时间” ,“ since + 过去的时间点”等 before, by, by the time, by the end of last month / yea等 tomorrow, next Friday / week / year, in the future, “in +—段时间”等 the n ext day / month / year / eve ning, the follow ing mon th等 【应试对策】中考测试动词时态必须与句中时间状语一致时,常在题干中加入具体的交际情 景,以测试学生对动词时态知识的实际运用能力。因此,同学们要敏锐捕捉句中的时间标志 词,并且结合具体的语境,来确定动词的时态。
二、 巧抓主从句时态的呼应,快解时态题
考查主从句时态的呼应是各地中考命题的特点,特别是将其放在比较真实的语境中进行 考查。有时,命题者为了增加试题的难度,还会将两种从句进行糅合,来考查学生对时态的 辨析能力。 【中考例题】
8. (2015 潍坊)Next mon th we're going somewhere as soon as the holiday ___ .
A. will beg in
B. has beg un
C. begi ns
D. is begi nning
9. (2015 孝感)We will go to Tian'anmen Square to watch the raising of national flag if it tomorrow. A. will rain
B. rai ns
C. doesn'tra in D. won 'tra in
10. (2015 南充)We don'tknow whe n ____ n ext week. Please call me whe n he arrives.
A. will he arrive B. does he arrive C. he will arrive D. he arrives
11. (2015 无锡)Too many people were abse nt. The chairpers on warned that he ____ the
meet ing if n ecessary. A. would can cel
B. can celled
C. would start
D. started
12. (2015 雅安)The teacher told us that the sun ____ in the east.
A. had rise n
B. has rise n
C. rose
D. rises
1. 在由 whe n, before,after,un til,as soon as引导的时间状语从句以及由 if,uni ess, as long as
2. 解答宾语从句与主句时态呼应题时,我们应熟知一下规则:如果主句的谓语动词是一 般现在时,从
句的谓语动词可根据需要,选用相应的时态;如果主句的谓语动词是过去时, 宾语从句的谓语动词选用过去时态的某一种形式;如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、普遍真 理、自然现象或是习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。
-2 -中考时态考点梳理
三、 巧抓试题的语境,快解时态题
-3 -中考时态考点梳理