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A thermodynamic system is a region in space or a quantity of matter bounded by a closed surface. The surroundings include everything external to the system, and the system is separated from the surroundings by the system boundaries. These boundaries can be movable or fixed, real or imaginary. 一个热力学系统是一个在空间或有事项的数量由一个封闭的表面范围内的区域。周围环境包括一切外部系统,系统是从周围环境隔开的系统边界。这些边界可以是动产或固定的,真实的或想象。

The concepts that operate in any thermodynamic system are entropy and energy. Entropy measures the molecular disorder of a system. The more mixed a system, the greater its entropy; conversely, an orderly or unmixed configuration is one of low entropy. Energy has the capacity for producing an effect and can be categorized into either stored or transient forms as described in the following sections.


Heat Q is the mechanism that transfers energy across the boundaries of systems with differing temperatures, always toward the lower temperature. Heat is positive when energy is added to the system.

Work is the mechanism that transfers energy across the boundaries of systems with differing pressures (or force of any kind), always toward the lower pressure. If the total effect produced in the system can be reduced to the raising of a weight, then nothing but work has crossed the boundary. Work is positive when energy is removed from the system. 热量Q与不同的温度,跨系统的边界传输能量总是向温度较低的机制。热是积极的,当能量被添加到系统中。


A property of a system is any observable characteristic of the system. The state of a system is defined by listing its properties. The most common thermodynamic properties are temperature T, pressure p, and specific volume v or density ρ. Additional thermodynamic properties include entropy, stored forms of energy, and enthalpy.

Frequently, thermodynamic properties combine to form other properties. Enthalpy h, a result of combining properties, is defined as: h=u+pv where u is the internal energy per unit mass


见的热力学性质的温度T,压力P,和特定的体积V或密度ρ。其他热力学性质 包括熵,能量储存形式,和焓。

通常情况下,热力学性质相结合,形成其他属性。焓H,一个属性相结合的结果,被定义为:H = U + PV 其中u是每单位质量的内部能量

Each property in a given state has only one definite value, and any property always has the same value for a given state, regardless of how the substance arrived at that state.

A process is a change in state that can be defined as any change in the properties of a system. A process is described by specifying the initial and final equilibrium states, the path (if identifiable), and the interactions that take place across system boundaries during the process. 一个给定的状态的属性只有一个定值,和任何财产总是有相同的值给定的状态,不管物质如何达到那种状态。


A pure substance has a homogeneous and invariable chemical composition. It can exist in more than one phase, but the chemical composition is the same in all phases 一个周期进程的一个过程或一个系列,其中系统的初始和最终状态是相同的的。因此,在一个周期结束时,所有属性具有相同的价值 纯物质具有均匀的和不变的化学成分。它可以存在于超过一个阶段,但在各个阶段的化学成分是一样的

liquid. If the temperature of the liquid is lower than the saturation temperature for the existing pressure, it is called either a subcooled liquid (the temperature is lower than the saturation temperature for the given pressure) or a compressed liquid (the pressure is 如果一种物质在饱和温度和压力的液体,它被称为饱和液体。如果液体的温度低于现有的压力的饱和温度,它被称为是过冷液体(温度低于给定压力的饱和温度)或压缩液体(压力大于饱和为给定的温度压力)。

exists as a vapor at saturation temperature and pressure, it is called a saturated vapor. When the vapor is at a temperature greater than the saturation temperature, it is a superheated vapor. Pressure and

temperature of a superheated vapor are independent properties, because the temperature can increase while pressure remains constant. Gases such as air at room temperature and pressure are highly 如果一种物质在饱和温度和压力的蒸气存在,它被称为饱和蒸气。当蒸汽温度大于饱和温度,它是一个热蒸气。过热蒸汽压力和温度是独立的属性,因为温度增加,而压力保持不变。如在常温常压下空气的气体是高度过热蒸汽。

and the irreversibility associated with the process. The concept of irreversibility provides added insight into the operation of cycles. 热力学第二定律的区别和量化,只有在某一个方向,是可逆的(不可逆)进行的过程。第二定律可能在几个方面。一种方法是使用在一个开放的系统,并与进程关联的不可逆性的熵流的概念。不可逆转的概念到周期的运作提供额外的洞察力。

The Carnot cycle, which is completely reversible, is a perfect model for a refrigeration cycle operating between two fixed temperatures, or between two fluids at different temperatures and each with infinite heat capacity. Reversible cycles have two important properties: (1) no refrigerating cycle may have a coefficient of performance higher than that for a reversible cycle operated between the same temperature limits, and (2) all reversible cycles, when operated between the same temperature limits, have the same coefficient of performance 卡诺循环,这是完全可逆的,是一个完美的模型之间的两个固定的温度,或在不同温度和热容量无限每个的两种流体之间的制冷循环的运行。可逆循环有两个重要的属性:(1)无制冷循环的性能系数之间相同的温度限制经营的可逆循环高于,(2)之间相同的温度极限运行时,所有可逆循环,同样的性能系数

Flowing fluids in heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems can transfer heat, mass, and momentum. This chapter introduces the basics of fluid mechanics related to HVAC processes, reviews pertinent flow processes, and presents a general discussion of single-phase fluid flow analysis.


Fluids differ from solids in their reaction to shearing. When placed under shear stress, a solid deforms only a finite amount, whereas a fluid deforms continuously for as long as the shear is applied. Both liquids and gases are fluids. Although liquids and gases differ strongly in the nature of

molecular actions, their primary mechanical differences are in the degree of compressibility and liquid formation of a free surface. In general, liquids are considered incompressible fluids; gases may range from compressible to nearly incompressible.


Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to shear. Viscous effects are taken into account by categorizing a fluid as either Newtonian or non-Newtonian. In Newtonian fluids, the rate of deformation is directly proportional to the shearing stress; most fluids in the HVAC industry (e.g., water, air, most refrigerants) can be treated as Newtonian. In non-Newtonian fluids, the relationship between the rate of deformation and shear stress is more complicated.


Heat is energy in transit due to a temperature difference. The thermal energy is transferred from one region to another by three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat transfer is among a group of energy transport phenomena that includes mass transfer, momentum transfer or fluid friction and electrical conduction. 热是由于温差在传输过程中的能量。热能是从一个地区转移到另一个传热的三种模式:传导,对流和辐射。传热之间的能源运输的现象,其中包括传质,动量传递或流体摩擦和导电。

Thermal conduction is the mechanism of heat transfer whereby energy is transported between parts of continuum by the transfer of kinetic energy between particles or groups of particles at the atomic level. In gases, conduction is caused by elastic collision of molecules; in liquids and electrically nonconducting solids, it is believed to be caused by

longitudinal oscillations of the lattice structure. Thermal conduction in metals occurs, like electrical conduction, through the motion of free electrons. Thermal energy transfer occurs in the direction of decreasing temperature. In solid opaque bodies, thermal conduction is the

significant heat transfer mechanism because no net material flows in the process and radiation is not a factor.

热传导传热,使能量是连续部分之间的运输粒子在原子水平上的颗粒或团体之间的动能转移的机制。气体中,分子的弹性碰撞引起的传导;电导电液体和固体,它被认为是造成晶格结构的纵向振荡。金属的热传导时,如导电,通过自由电子的运动。热能量转移发生在温度降低的方向。在坚实的不透明机构,热传导是显著的传热机制,因为没有净物资流动的过程中,辐射是不是一个因素。 When fluid currents are produced by external sources (for example, a blower or pump), the solid-to-fluid heat transfer is termed forced convection. If the fluid flow is generated internally by nonhomogeneous densities caused by temperature variation, the heat transfer is termed natural convection or free convection.

When fluid currents are produced by external sources (for example, a blower or pump), the solid-to-fluid heat transfer is termed forced convection. If the fluid flow is generated internally by nonhomogeneous densities caused by temperature variation, the heat transfer is termed natural convection or free convection.

当流体的电流是由外部来源(例如,一个鼓风机或泵),固 - 液传热被称为强迫对流。如果是内部所产生的温度变化所造成的非均质密度的流体流动,传热称为自然对流或自然对流。

当流体的电流是由外部来源(例如,一个鼓风机或泵),固 - 液传热被称为强迫对流。如果是内部所产生的温度变化所造成的非均质密度的流体流动,传热称为自然对流或自然对流。

Equation 1 states that the heat flow rate q in the x direction is directly proportional to the temperature gradient dt/dx and the cross-sectional area A normal to the heat flow. The proportionality factor is the thermal conductivity k. The minus sign indicates that heat flow is positive the direction of decreasing temperature. Conductivity values are sometimes given in other units,but consistent units must be used in Equation 1 . Equation 1 states that the heat flow rate q in the x direction is directly proportional to the temperature gradient dt/dx and the cross-sectional area A normal to the heat flow. The proportionality factor is the thermal conductivity k. The minus sign indicates that heat flow is positive the direction of decreasing temperature. Conductivity values are sometimes given in other units,but consistent units must be used in Equation 1 .



