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新版资料 Unit 1 Cinderella Story time 我尝试 略 我交流

1. (1)C (2)C (3)B (4)A 2. (1)F (2)T (3)F (4)T

3. (1)Cinderella. Because she doesn’t have any nice clothes or shoes. (2)A fairy.

(3)She has to come back before 12 o’clock.

(4)Yes, they do. 4. 略 我运用 1. 略

2. prince’s, can’t, Because, fairy, puts, on, had, before

3. try on, fit, tries, on, fits 脱口秀 略

Grammar time


我尝试 略 我交流

1. (1)Where (2)Whose (3)When (4)Who (5)What

2. comes, puts, picks, fits, tries, leaves 3. cannot, do not, doesn’t, it’s 我运用

1. (1)Why can’t, go to, party (2)Because, don’t have any clothes, shoes

(3)Why don’t, do your homework, Because, tired

(4)Why are you so happy? Because I have a cake. 脱口秀 略 Fun time 我尝试 略 我交流 略

我运用 1. (1)A (2)B

2. (1)put on, shoe, Because, shoe, small (2)fit, fits 3. (1)A (2)B 脱口秀 略

Sound time & Culture time 我尝试 略 我交流 略 我运用

1. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)T 2. (1)Andrew is having a drink. (2)Andrea is drawing a dress. (3)It’s cold and blue. (4)Sue is Andrea’s friend. 脱口秀 略

Cartoon time 我尝试


略 我交流

1. (1)B (2)B (3)A (4)B 2. No, I don’t.

No, Bobby! We can’t eat them. Because these mushrooms are bad for us.

3. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F 我运用 1. 略

2. forest, hungry, mushrooms, late, eat, says, mushrooms 3. (1)We can’t eat (2)They look so nice.

(3)Because these mushrooms are bad for us. 脱口秀 略

Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试 略 我交流

1. goes, comes, helps, has, puts, visits, tries, fits 2. (1)she is ill (2)it is his birthday (3)she is hot (4)he is cold 我运用

1. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)F 2. (1)B (2)A (3)C (4)A (5)B 3. (1)All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot.

(2)The fairy helps her.

(3)The prince loves her very much. (4)Cinderella finally tries it on. (5)Bobby does not understand. 脱口秀 略

Unit 1单元测试 口语部分 略 听力部分

一、1~5 B A C A B 6~10 C A B A C


二、1~5 B C A B A

三、Why, put on, clothes,(绿色圃中小学教育网 http://WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址

http://www.lspjy.com/thread-551301-1-1.html) Because, have to, Take off, Let 笔试部分

一、1~4 T F T T

二、1. put on clothes 2. have to 3. take off shoes 4. try on 5. 在王子的家里

6. 如此难过 7. 有漂亮衣服和鞋子 8. 在十二点之前 9. 玩得愉快 10. 拜访了每一家

三、1. comes 2. puts 3. has 4. visits 5. tries 6. fits 7. goes 8. does 9. helps

四、1~5 A A C C B 6~10 C B A C B 五、1. Why can’t you go to the party? 2. Because I don’t have any nice clothes or shoes.

3. Because these sweets are bad for us.

4. Finally, Cinderella tries it on. 5. Bobby picks a big red mushroom. 六、have to, before, shoe, try on, doesn’t, fits

七、1~5 F F F T T 6. Yes, she does. 7. Sandy is Tina’s doll.

Unit 2 How do you come to school Story time 我尝试 略 我交流 1. 略

2. × × √ √ × × √

3. (1)on foot (2)by bus (3)by metro (4)by taxi

4. (1)Yes (2)near (3)I live near school. (4)He live on Park Street. 5. 略 我运用 1. 略

2. lives on, come, by taxi, near her, by


bus, in, by metro

3. do, come, go, metro, about, by bike 脱口秀 略

Grammar time 我尝试

1. bike, plane, taxi, metro 2. 略 我交流 略 我运用

1. (1)Where, live, in, How, come, By (2)do, come, come, metro, about, by 2. (1)come, school, metro (2)Su Hai, Su Yang, far, school 脱口秀 略 Fun time 我尝试 略 我交流 略


1. Where, live, far from, How, come, come, school, ship 2. (1)C (2)A (3)B 脱口秀 略

Sound time & Song time 我尝试 略 我交流 1. 3 2 1 4 2. 略 3. 略

4. trip, true, try 我运用 1. 略

2. (1)Because he can’t go to school by bike.

(2)She goes to school by metro. (3)I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi.

(4)Yes! It is very big. I like it very


much. (3) (2) (4) (1) 脱口秀 略

Cartoon time 我尝试 略 我交流 1. (1)A (2)A 2. 略 3. 略 我运用 1. 略

2. has, riding, cool, wants, show, by bike, young, happy, always sits 3. (1) riding, the (2) dad does not, so

(3) He always sits in the basket. 脱口秀 略

Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试



