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七年级下复习资料M1---M12 Module 1 1. whose 疑问代词

Whose bag is it? 此时的whose是形容词性物主代词。 Whose is this bag? 此时的whose是名词性物主代词。 2. 人称代词归纳(必背

主格宾格形物代名物代反身代词 我I me my mine myself 你you you your yours yourself 他he him his his himself 她she her her hers herself 它it it its its itself

我们we us our ours ourselves 你们you you your yours yourselves 他们they them their theirs themselves 3. welcome back to +地点欢迎回到某地 Welcome to +地点欢迎到某地来 Welcome sb to+地点欢迎某人到某地来 4. everyone 每个人(指人后面不能接of

every one 每个人或物(根据上下文,可指人也可指物后面可以接of every one of us 我们中每个人

5. first of all = at first = firstly 首先 6. lost and found box失物招领箱

7. here’s、here’re句型,其后be动词的形式由后面的名词决定 Here is a book. Here are some books. 8. be careful with sth. 仔细保管某物 9. from now on从现在开始 from then on 从那时开始 10. watch 手表(名词;观看(动词

Watch 观看(电视,电影,比赛等Look 看(表示动作,后接at See 看见(强调结果Read 看(看书、报纸,杂志等 11. lost and found office失物招领办公室(前面用介词at 12. look for寻找(强调动作find找到(强调结果

13. get on上(公交车,飞机,轮船,火车等get off下(公交车,飞机,轮船,火车等 Get in上(小轿车get out of 下(小轿车

14. lose 动词,丢失,失败lost(lose的过去式,同时lost也作为形容词,意为丢失的 I lost my way。我迷路了。(动词I am lost。我迷路了(形容词 15. travel 旅行注意ing形式:travelling

16. leave 离开leave+地点离开某地leave for+地点动身去某地leave sp for sp 来开某地去某地


17. hundreds of 数以百计的thousands of数以千计的millions of数以百万计的 注意:有s必须有of,没有of,后面不能加s 18. every day每一天everyday 形容词,日常的 19. many other things 许多其他的东西

20. at the moment = at this moment此时此刻at that moment在那时 21. fifteen kilos of sausages 15公斤的香肠 22. in a hurry匆忙的hurry to do sth匆忙做某事

23. talk about sth 谈论某事talk to/with sb 与某人谈话talk to/with sb about sth 与某人谈论某事

Speak+语言say+说话内容tell 告诉tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 24. that’s why + 从句那就是为什么….

25. help sb (todo sth 帮助某人做某事help sb with sth在…方面帮助某人 26. think about 考虑think of想起,想出think over仔细考虑 Module 2

1. the new clubs for this term这个学期的俱乐部,注意此处用for,而不是of 2. on the board 在布告板上

3. would like+名词想要某物I would like a cup of coffee。我想要一杯咖啡 Would like to+动词原形想要做某事I would like to play basketball。我想打篮球。Would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事I would like you to come to my school。我想要你到我学校来。

4. join 参加(组织团体join in=take part in 参加(活动,比赛等 5. well 好,表示做某事做的好,一定要用well,不能用good 6. worry about sb/sth 担心某人或某事

7. teach 教teach sb sth 教某人某事(sb要用宾格错误; teach our English. 正确:teach us English

Teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 8. what about = how about

9. I think…我认为…(后接肯定句如果后面是否定句,要否定前置,变为I don’t think,如:

I think he isn’t a good student. 应改为I don’t think he is a good student. 10. the start of…。。。的开始

11. get on with sb与某人相处get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 12. do well in+名词或动词ing be good at+名词或动词ing 意为“擅长” 注意:用了do well in句子中就不能再出现be动词 13. promise to do sth 承诺做某事make a promise 许下承诺 14. enjoy+doing 喜爱做某事

15. be sure of sth对某事有把握be sure to do sth 务必做某事be sure+that+ 从句对…有信心

16. make sb/sth + adj 使某人或某物具有…状态make me angry使我生气 Make sth for sb为某人制作某物

make sb do sth 使某人做某事(注意:make与let后面都不能有to

17. 询问职业:1. what does your father do? 2. What is your father? 3. what is your father’s job?

18. a kind of 一种…all kinds of各种各样的kind of有点 19. be ready to do sth乐于做某事

20. other其他的(修饰名词the other另一个(两者中another另一个(三者或三折以上

The others其他的人或物(剩下的全部others其他的人或物(剩下的一部分 21. want to do sth想要做某事want sb to do sth想要某人做某事 Module 3

1. be going to+动词原形表示将来,意为打算做某事

注意:当be going to后接go to sp时,、go to通常省略,直接用be going to+地点,如:

I am going to go to the zoo.应该写为:I am going to the zoo.

2. else 其他的,修饰代词,放在代词之后;other其他的,修饰名词,放在名词之前。 3. have a picnic吃野餐



