文中倒数第3行。这句话是说appointed as a director under Insolvency Act,而不是individual bankruptcy.至于individual bankruptcy是不是也under Insolvency Act,文中未提及,所以CAN'T SAY.
文中最后一句话,只涉及到最少,没有说到上限,所以CAN’T SAY.
中文未提及goals and
expectations. 所以CAN’T SAY (一般UNLIKELY,这种词出现,都是C)—一般如果出了没见过的名词基本上都是C
17. The purchasing behavior of consumers is 主语,宾语很重要
文中为明确提及unpredictable或是Predictable。所以CAN’T SAY
T 最后一句话,意思相同。
CAN’T SAY 文中没有这个比较,有比较级一般都是C
文中第三行。意思相反。F (一般有not subject to,都是F)
这道题很tricky. 问题并没有说是什么move over to a marketing approach,会normally doubled.所以CAN'T
22 The boundaries of a corporate entity can only be assessed in the context of wider environment trends.
F 意思相反,并不是ONLY,而且缺少了that influence the business(但也有答案是C),不过我个人倾向于F
23. A corporate mission statement enables top management to define the future direction of a business.
T 文中第一句。同义
24 Marketing planning does not often take account of the corporate mission statement.
T 原文倒数第二行“This stage is often overlooked in marketing planning”,意思相同。被动换成主动叙述。
CAN't SAY。未提及。(are likely to通常是C)
T 最后一句,意思相同
CAN't SAY 未提及。
F 文中倒数第二局,一个是require,一个是create.
CAN't SAY 未提及
CAN'tSAY. 未提及
T 文中倒数第三句。
F 文中倒数第二句中可得出“Sufficient allowance"可以prevent bad
debts,而不是"Prudence rule"
F Must 错,文中倒数第二句中说到,如果没有的话,可以依据Partnership ACT
F postive 不对,文中最后一句说了,是unfortunately
F 文中是assume,但是问题中是in practice
F necessary,太武断性,与文中表达不符。这只是文中提及的一种方法,下面还有onhe other hand,第二种方法。