Article 8.Form of payment
Stage 1: Concept Design, budget fees:10%, sum is RMB Stage 2: Amendments to concept, budget fees:5%, sum Is RMB
Stage 3: Basic design of barge power vessel, budget fees:50%, sum is RMB Stage 4: Supplementary fee for tendering to shipyards and co coordination builds + installation, budget fees:35%, sum is RMB 第九条 双方责任
9.1 发包人责任
9.1.1 发包人按协议第五条规定的内容,在规定的时间内向设计人提交基础资料及文件,并对其完整性、正确性及时限负责。发包人不得要求设计人违反国家有关标准进行设计。
9.1.2 发包人变更委托设计项目、规模、条件或因提交的资料错误,或所提交资料作较大修改,以致造成设计人设计返工时,发包人应按设计人所耗工作量向设计人支付返工费。
9.1.3 在协议履行期间,发包人要求终止或解除协议,设计人未开始设计工作的,不退还发包人已付的定金;已开始设计工作的。发包人应根据设计人已进行的实际工作量,不足一半时,按该阶段设计费的一半支付;超过一半时,按该阶段设计费的全部支付。
9.1.4 发包人要求设计人派驻现场服务时,派驻现场的工作人员的差旅费由发包人负担,并按每人每天120美元的标准提供服务津贴,并提供工作、生活及交通等方面的便利条件及必要的劳动保护装备。
Article 9 Responsibility of Two Parties 9.1 Responsibility of the Employer
9.1.1 The Employer shall be deliver basic materials and documents to the designer within the specified time in accordance requirements stipulated in Article 5, and shall be responsible for their completeness, correctness and time limit. The employer shall not request the designer to design by violating the concerned national standards. If it exceeds the prescribed time limit within fifteen days when the employer delivers above materials and documents, the designer can postpone accordingly the time of delivering the design documents in accordance with Article 6 in the contract; if it exceeds the prescribed time limit over fifteen days when the employer delivers above materials and documents, the design is entitled to decide again the time of delivery of design documents.
9.1.2 When the employer alters entrusted design items, scale, and conditions, or delivers the wrong materials, or delivers mostly revised materials so that the designer rework for the design, the employer shall pay for rework cost for the designer based on the amount of the work performed by the designer except the supplemental agreement (or contract) signed separately, and the relevant articles specified again by both parties through the consultation.
9.1.3 During implementation of the Contract, when the employer requests to terminate and cancel the contract, the down payment paid by the employer shall not be returned if the designer doesn’t begin the design work; if the designer starts the design, the employer shall pay half of design charge in the phase if it is less than half of the actual amount of work performed by the designer; if it exceeds the half, the full design charge in the phase shall be paid in all.
9.1.4 The Employer should offer conveniences in aspects of working, living and traffic and necessary labor-protection equipments. The onsite worker should be provided service allowance of $120 each person per day, while employer requests
long term onsite service from design company.
9.2 设计人责任
9.2.1 设计人应按国家规定和协议约定的技术规范、标准进行设计,按本协议第五条规定的内容、时间及份数向发包人交付设计文件。并对提交的设计文件的质量负责。
9.2.2 设计合理使用年限为 20 年。
9.2.3 负责对外商的设计资料进行审查,负责该协议项目的设计联络工作。 9.2.4 协助发包人向厂家订货,指导发包人安排项目进度计划。
9.2.5 对所有设备及辅机提供详细的规格参数、技术要求和供货范围,以作为发包方向厂家订货的协议附件。 9.2 Responsibilities of the Designer
9.2.1 The designer shall perform the design in accordance with provisions of the State and the technical codes and standards stipulated in the Contract, deliver the design documents in the accordance with contents, time and number of copies to the employer specified in Article 6, and be responsible for quality of the delivered design documents.
9.2.2 The design life of the engineering construction shall be 20 years.
9.2.3 Responsible for examining for design materials of foreign businessman, and responsible for design liaison of Contract project.
9.2.4 Assist employer to order from vendor and to make the progress plan on this project.
9.2.5 Provide detail information for all equipments and their accessories including specifications, technical requirement and scope of supply, that is treated as ordering
contract appendix from employer side. 第十条 保密
双方均应保护对方的知识产权、未经对方同意,任何一方均不得对对方的资料及文件擅自修改、复制或向第三人转让或用于本协议项目外的项目。 Article 10 Confidentiality
Both Parties shall protect each other’s intellectual property rights. Without prior consent, neither party shall revise, copy or transfer to a third party or use for the project other than the project of this Contract any materials and documents of the other party, Under such circumstances, the disclosing party shall be responsible for all any consequence it resulted and shall bear the relevant compensation.
第十一条 本协议在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,协商不成的按下列两种方式解决: (一)提交仲裁委员会仲裁; (二)依法向人民法院起诉。 Article 11 : Arbitration
If any dispute arises in connection with this Engineering Service Contract, it shall be settled by friendly consultation of the Parties, or be submitted to the competent local construction administration department for mediation. Where the dispute can not be settled by mediation, it shall be submitted to the Arbitration Committee for settlement. Where the Parties have not agreed on the arbitration organization in the Contract nor conclude arbitration agreement in written form, the dispute will be brought the People’s Court.
第十二条 协议生效及其他
12.1 本工程项目中,设计人不得指定建筑材料、设备的生产厂或供货商。发包人需要设计人配合建筑材料、设备的加工订货时,所需费用由发包人承担。
12.2 发包人委托设计人承担本协议内容以外的工作服务,另行签订协议并支付费用。
12.3 由于不可抗力因素致使协议无法履行时,双方应及时协商 12.4 本协议双方签字盖章后即生效,一式 份,发包人 份,设计人 份。
Article 12 : Contract effective and miscellaneous
12.1 In the projects of the Contract, Designer shall not appoint manufacturers or Designers of construction materials and equipments. Where there is a necessity that Designer shall cooperate with Employer in ordering the process of construction materials and equipments, the relevant charge shall be paid by Employer.
12.2 Additional agreement for any other service, which Employer entrusts Designer to provide, however, out of the scope of the Contract, shall be signed and the payment shall be paid correspondingly.
12.3 For any failure to perform any term or condition of this Contract due to the force majeure, both parties shall, in good faith, attempt to settle amicably and by mutual agreement.
12.4 The Contract is effective once after both parties stamped and signed. There are totally 6 copies of the Contract, Employer retains 3 copies, and Designer retains 3