Construction Project Design Technical Agreement
(Profession Construction Project Technical Agreement)
工程名称:尼日利亚 BPP 发电工程
Project Name: Nigeria BPP Generation Engineering
Project Location: Nigeria
Contract No.:
Employer (Party A):
Design Firm (Party B):
Signed on: 5
Supervise and Manufactured by Ministry of Construction of People’s Republic of
China and the State Administration of industry and Commerce
发包人: Employer (Party A): 设计人:
Design Firm (Party B):
发包人委托设计人承担尼日利亚BPP发电工程设计任务,工程地点为尼日利亚 ,经双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同执行。
Client (Party A) entrusts Xi’an Datang Electric Power Design Research Institute Najing to undertake the design for Nigeria BPP Generation Engineering ,Project Location is Nigeria.This Contract is made by the two parties after their mutual agreement.
第一条 本合同签订依据
Article 1. This Contract is signed in accordance with:
1.1 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《建设工程勘察设计市场管理规定》。
1.1 《The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China》《,The building regulations of the People’s Republic of China》and《The developmental Law of the People’s Republic of China》.
1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。
1.2 Laws and regulations of the related state and local construction survey and design management.
1.3 建设工程批准文件。
1.3 Documents of Approval for Construction
第二条 设计依据 Article 2. Design Basis
2.1 发包人给设计人的委托书
2.1 The Trust Deed of the tender accepted provided to the designer by the employer. 2.2 发包人提交的基础资料
2.2 Fundamental materials submitted by the employer.
设计人采用的主要技术标准是:中华人民共和国设计规范、规定和规程. The major technical standards adopted by the designer are: Laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. 第三条 合同文件的优先次序 Article 3. Priority of Contract Document
The documents consisting of this Contract may be deemed as demonstrating mutually; if there is any ambiguity or discordance in the contract document , the following priority shall be followed to judgment.
3.1 合同书 3.1 The Contract
3.2 发包人要求及委托书
3.2 Requirement of the employer and Letter of Authority
第四条 本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段及设计内容(根据行业待点填写):
Article 4. Name, Scale, Phase, Investment and design Content for the Contract Item (fill in based on industry characteristics)
规模:3台 MS9001E燃气轮发电机组+3台余热锅炉+3台60Mw汽轮发电机组联合循环发电系统
Scale:3x126MW MS9001E gas turbine generating unit + 3x60MW HRSG + 3x60MW turbo-generation unit combined cycle power system 阶段:概念设计、初步设计及施工图设计
Phase: concept design, preliminary design and detailed design 设计内容:design content 1、热力系统:
电站内主蒸汽系统、主给水系统、抽、排汽系统、补给水系统及工业冷却水系统。 1, Thermodynamic system
Main steam system, Main FW system, Extraction steam, Dump steam system, Make-up water system, Industry cooling water system. 2、海水淡化处理系统和化学水处理系统
淡化海水经化学水处理系统处理后提供除盐水送至电厂余热锅炉和生活用水。 2, Sea water desalination system and chemical water treatment system
Desalination of seawater shall be treated by the chemical water treatment system for the HRSG and living water. 3、海水循环冷却水系统
3, Seawater Circulation cooling water system 4、天然气燃料输送系统:
天然气燃料经输送系统至MS9001E燃气轮机入口。 4, Gas fuel conveying system
Gas fuel shall be transported by Gas fuel conveying system to the entrance of MS9001E gas turbine. 5、电气系统
电气主接线系统及330Kv升压站系统,出线开关柜出线端以内的全部电气部分,接入系统由甲方负责。 5, Electrical system
Design Content : The main electrical system and Booster station, Electrical part within the outlet side of outlet switch cabinet. Responsibilities of Client : switch in system 6、控制系统
上述范围内的所有DCS控制系统。 6. Control system
DCS Control system above the range. 7、建筑结构部分