活着的,作表语或补语(adj):alive 短语:生物:living things
例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive 例句:我们活着:we are alive 生活,生命(n-pl):life-lives
短语:拯救某人生命:save one's life 短语:丧生:lose one's life 日常生活:daily life
短语:深呼吸:take a deep breath
短语:喜欢呼吸纯净的空气:enjoy breathing pure air
3:危险(n):danger 危险(adj):dangerous
短语:在很大的危险中:in great danger
短语:一个危险的仆人:a dangerous servant
短语:空气/水/噪音污染:air/water/noise pollution 短语:污染空气/水:pollute the air/water
5:科学(n):science 科学家(n):scientist
6:打架,战斗(v):fight 战士,斗士:fighter
短语:和污染战斗:fight against pollution 短语:为自由而战:fight for freedom 短语:污染斗士:pollution fighters
短语:自然与环境:nature and environment 短语:自然的空调:natural air conditioners
8:物理(n):physics 物理的(adj):physical
短语:物理老师:physics teacher 短语:教我们物理:teach us physics 短语:一个物理变化:a physical change 化学(n):chenistry 化学(adj):chemical
短语:化学老师:chemistry teacher
产生一个化学物质:produce a chemical 一个化学变化:a chemical change
9:噪音(n-adj):noise-noisy 短语:制造噪音:make noise 短语:更少吵闹:less noisy
10:危害(n-adj-adj反义):harm-harmful-harmless 对某人有害(三种):do harm to sb = be harmful to sb = be bad for sb 对...有好处(两种):do good to = be good for
11:叶子(n-pl):leaf-leaves 围巾(n-pl):scarf-scarves 生命(n-pl):life-lives 气体(n-pl):gas-gases
1:让/使某人做某事:make sb/sth do sth 让/使某人怎样:make sb/sth + adj
例句:使街道更加漂亮:make streets more beautiful 例句:使树叶变得难吃:make leaves taste nasty
2:保持某人/物怎样:keep sb/sth + adj
例句:保持我们教室干净:keep our classroom clean 例句:保持安静/健康:keep quiet/healthy 例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive
保持门/窗开/关着:keep the door/window open/closed
3:来自(城市国家)(两种):come from = be from
4:感谢某人做某事:thank sb for doing sth 例句:谢谢你帮助我(两种):thank you for your help = thank you for helping me
5:与某人交谈:communicate with sb
6:互相(两种):one another = each other
7:砍伐树木:cut down trees
8:也,还(三种):as well as = and = and...as well
//as well as放在句中,and放在句中,and...as well放在句末 例句:树不仅清洁空气也使空气凉爽:(三种)trees cool the air as well as clean it = trees cool the air and clean it = trees cool the air and clean it as well
损坏(v):damage 摧毁(v):destroy
10:替代,替换(v):replace 释放(v):release 减少(v):reduce 生产(v):produce
11:一个半年(两种):one and a half years = one year and a half 两个半小时(两种):two and a half hours = two hours and a half
12:参军:join the army 入党:join the party
加入俱乐部:join the club 加入某人:join sb
例句:你能不能加入我们:would you like join us? 参加(两种) +:join in = take part in + 群众性活动 短语:根连在一起:join roots together
13:把某物递还给某人:pass sth to sb
14:经营,运作公司/工厂:manage/run a company/factory 保持机器工作,运转(两种):keep the machine runnning/working
15:尝起来怎么样:taste + adj 美味(三种):delicious/nice/good 味道差(三种):terrible/awaful/bad
16:采访某人/面试某人:interview sb 一个面试:an interview
17:警告某人不要做某事:warn sb not to do sth
19:通过做某事保护某人:protect sb by doing sth
例句:树通过产生一种化学物质保护自己:trees protect themselves by producing a chemical 保护某人免于某事:protect sb from sth
例句:保护我们免于火灾/危险:protect us from fire/danger 保护某人免于做某事:protect sb from doing sth
例句:警察保护我们免于受到坏人的伤害:The police protect us from getting hurt by bad people
20:生产,产生(v):produce 产品(n):product
21:几乎不,否定副词:hardly 几乎没有(两种):hardly any = almost none/no 几乎从来(两种):hardly ever = almost never