Ethics 部分
Objective of codes and standard:永远是为了maintain public trust in
1. Financial market
2. Investment profession 6个code of ethics
1. Code 1—ethics and pertinent d persons
2. Code 2---primacy of client’s interest
a. Integrity with investment profession b. 客户利益高于自身利益
3. Code 3---reasonable and independent
a. 必须注意reasonable care
b. 必须exercise independent professional judgment---必须独立判断!
4. Code 4---ethical culture in the profession
a. 不但自己要practice, 而且要鼓励别人practice—不仅仅是自己一个人去做,
5. Code 5---ethnical culture in the capital market!
a. 促进整个capital market的integrity,推广其相关法规---增强公众对资本市
b. Capital market是基于
i. Fairly pricing of risky assets; ii. Investors‘ confidence
6. 有关competence—能力---competence
7个standard of professional conduct
1. Standard 1---professionalism---knowledge of law
a. 不需要成为法律专家, 但是必须understand和comply with applicable law; b. 当两个law发生conflict,则要遵守更加严格的法律! c. Knowingly---know or should know
d. 必须attempt to stop the violation, 如果不能stop, then must dissociate
from the violation!必须从其中分离出去!
i. Remove name from the written report; ii. Ask for a different assignment 2.
3. 4. 5.
e. 并不要求向有关部门report!(do not require) f. 向CFA 进行书面报告report--encouraged to so Standard 1 ---professionalism---integrity of capital market
a. Bias from client or other groups—listed company,controlling shareholder! b. Bias from sell side analyst c. Buyer side client—
d. Issuer paid report---只能接受flat fee for their work e.
Standard 1 ---professionalism---misinterpretation—不能误导客户, 不能剽窃其他人的研究成果
Standard 1 ---professionalism---misconduct--- Standard 2---integrity of capital market
a. 不能使用非公开信息!---material nonpublic information---
b. mosaic theory---conclusion from analysis of public and non-material nonpublic
standard 3—duties to clients a. Loyalty, prudence and care---
i. 如何定义客户? ---考虑最终受益人!---雇佣我们的人未必就是我们的客户, 要考虑最终受益人!
ii. Soft dollar---when a manager uses client brokerage to purchase
research report to benefit the investment manager---比如, 作为基金公司,使用证券公司的席位进行交易, 肯定会支付一定的费用, 这些费用来自客户, 所以基金公司只能用这些soft dollar为客户服务!
b. Fair dealing---
i. 对所有客户要公平客观
ii. 个别的客户要求, 可以征收premium的费用之后, 是可以做的!
条件是, 其他的分析都已经公布给其他客户了 iii. More critical when changes recommendation
iv. Investment action---taking investment action based on research
v. Prorated the allocation
c. Suitability
i. 了解客户的经验, 风险和回报目标 ii. 要有书面目标—至少一年进行更新! iii. 是否和客户的书面目标相符合?
iv. 是否符合客户的整个total portfolio的投资目标?
v. 必须理解其投资组合的constraints,只能进行符合其书面目标的投
1. Investment policy statement—IPS---risk tolerance, return
requirement, investment
2. Constraint---time horizon, liquidity needs, tax concerns, legal
and regulatory factors, unique circumstances
d. Performance presentation
i. 这里有performance presentation的规定, 同时在GIPS里面也有类似规定! 其区别是
1. 一个是自愿的---GIPS, 一个是必需的;
2. 一个是针对公司—firm wide, 一个是针对个人member和
3. GIPS要求公司to use accurate input data and approved
calculation method, to prevent the performance record in accordance with a prescribed format
e. Preservation of confidentiality---必须保密---可以不保密的情况
i. 违法行为
ii. 法律要求进行披露
iii. Client或者prospective client同意披露 iv. 以现行法律为准 v. CFA进行investigate
固定收益债券,金融衍生品和alternative investment 部分 Nonrefundable bond是指不能通过发行新的债券还旧债
Sinking fund provisions---偿债基金条款---为了保护投资者,规定经过一段时间后, 每年偿还一定金额的本金。有两种方式进行:
1. Cash payment---通过抽签形式进行
2. Delivery of securities---购回债券---当债券价格下跌时候, 回购债券的方式比较便宜! 有利于发行者的条款:
1. The right to Call
2. Accelerated sinking fund provision---加速偿债条款—有利于发行者, 发行者可以选
择是否多还一些本金 3. Prepayment option
4. A cap on floating coupon rate 有利于持有者的条款
1. Conversion provision 2. Floor
3. Put option