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一、写出下列单词的复数形式 13. tomato 14. child 15. potato 17. radio 二、汉译英

的手表 ______________ 2.教师节____________________ 3.同学们的教室_______________ 4.弟弟的球___________________ 三、用适当的人称代词填空

1. This is _______ (I) book, that is ___________ (she). 2. These are ___________ (they) flowers.

3. ________ (she) brother is six, but ______ (I) is seven. 4. There are many apples in __________ (you) bag. 四、用a, an填空

1. _________ orange pencil 2. ________ old woman 3. ________baseball 4. ________ hour 五、写出下列动词的单三及现在分词形式

________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ 4. listen ________ ________

5. draw ________ ________ 6. close ________ ________ 六、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 七、用适当介词填空

1. There are many pears _________ the tree. 2. He often plays football ________ school. 3. He goes _______ school ________ Sundays. 4. The birds are ________ the tree.

5. There are two pictures _______ the wall. 八、用动词的适当形式填空

1. My sister often _______ her homework at home. ( do)

2. You must _______ to bed now. (go ) 3. He is _________ in the room. (sing)

4. Is she ________ the window now (clean) 5. May I ________ the door (open)

6. She is ________ in Room Two. (dance)

7. He often _________ up late on Sundays. (get) 8. My father usually ________ TV at night. (watch) 9. Mary can __________ books by herself. (read) 10. Sam _________ in the pool. (swim) 九、按要求改写句子

1. This is a basketball. (改为复数句)

2. She is my mother. (就划线部分提问)

3. There is an orange and four rulers on the table. (同义句)

4. Tom plays soccer every day. (否定句)

5. Can you swim (否定句) ___________________________

6. He is reading a book. He is in the classroom. (改写成一句话)


1. He writing a letter in the room. _____________________ 2. She can swims in the river. ________________________ 3. He and I am good friends. _________________________ 4. Her father is plays the piano. ______________________

5. There are three windows on the wall. ________________ 6. The book is mine sister’s. _________________________


一、用am, is ,are填空

1. This ________ an interesting book. ________ a clever boy.

3. You _______ a good teacher. _______ a policeman. 5. These ________ their books. and I ________ good friends. 二、用have, there be 的适当形式填空

1. I ________ a computer, and my brother ________ a TV.

2. ________ ________ an apple and two books on the desk. 3. ________ ________ any milk in the glass 4. ________ ________ any sheep on the farm 5. She doesn’t _______ a sister.

________ a red bag, but his brother doesn’t ________ one. 三、根据要求转换句型

is a red car. (变复数句子)

__________________________________________________________ likes reading English books. (变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 3. Mike has lunch at school. (变一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 4. The dress is very beautiful. (变感叹句)

___________________________________________________________________ 5. There are fifteen books on the desk. (划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________________________ 6. You can’t make faces in class. (变祈使句)

___________________________________________________________________ 7. Put the book on the floor. (变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 8. He has a beautiful bike. (变一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 9. She is a good girl. (变感叹句)

___________________________________________________________________ 10. 他正在屋里唱歌。 (汉译英)

___________________________________________________________________ 11. He wrote a letter yesterday. (变一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 12. She often watches TV after school. (变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 13. 他的钢笔比她的漂亮。(汉译英)

语法综合练习题 (三)

一、写出下列单词的复数形式 (9分) 4. key 7. mouse 5. English 8. sheep 6. brush 9. knife 二、写出下列单词的单数形式 (9分) 2. leaves 5. potatoes 三、写出下列动词的单数第三人称、过去式和现在分词形式 (10分) 动词 单数第三人称 现在分词 1. go 2. write 四、写出下列短语 (10分) 1.回家 6.在家 2.进来 7.去上学 3.做作业 8.放风筝 4.步行 9.准时 5.起床 10.及时 五、用适当的介词填空(10分) 1. What’s wrong __________ your father

2. Look! There are many birds ________ the tree. 3. Which is the best sport ___________ summer you know where she comes __________________ 5. How many people are there ________ your family 6. Don’t read ________ the sun. 7. It’s time ________ lunch.

8. It’s time _________ go to school.

9. I often get up ________ six ________ the morning . 七、选择填空 (10分)

( ) 1. ________ book on the desk is ________ useful one. A. The , an B. A , a C. The, a ( ) 2. “Where is Mike ” “I think he is in __________.”

A. Second room B. Room Two C. room second ( ) 3. Who runs __________ in your class

A. fast B. faster C. fastest ( ) he speak English __________ his brother

A. as good as B. as well as C. best than ( ) 5. He _________ at 6:30 every morning. Or LU A. often get up B. often gets up C. gets up often ( ) 6. Who is running ______,Lily or Lucy

A. very slowly B. more slowly C. most slowly ( ) 7. _______ exciting the TV play is !

A. How B. What C. How an D. What an ( ) 8. “Oh, dear! ________ expensive it is!”

A. How B. What C. How a D. What a ( ) 9. There _______ a film next week.

A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be ( ) 10. ________ he playing football now A. am B. Is C. Dose D. Are

八、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. He is ________ (read) a book now.

2. My sister often _________ (go ) to school at 7: 00. 3. Mary can _________ (ride) a bike.

4. Did you _________ (swim) in a pool yesterday 5. She _________ (sing) now.

6. What _______ you _______ (do) next Saturday

7. Tom ___________ (not do ) his homework yesterday. 8. Look. She _______________ (dance) over there. 9. In China, spring___________ (begin) in February. 10. May I __________ (ride ) the bike 九、改错 (5分)

1. There are some monkeies in the zoo. ____________________ 2. The book is my. __________________

3. This is hers ruler. That is mine. __________________ 4. She don’t like reading English. _______________ 5. Mary have a blue skirt. _________________________ 十、句型转换 (15分)

1. Mary often watches TV after school. (否定句)

2. He wrote a letter yesterday evening. ( 一般疑问句)

3. “What is he doing”

“ He ______________ (fly ) a kite.” 4. Tom has four bikes. (划线部分提问)

5. My father is very well. (划线部分提问)

6. There are some apples in the bag. (否定句)


原型 过去形式 原型 过去形式 1. am, is was 2. keep kept 3. are were 4. let let 5. become became 6. make made 7. begin began 8. meet met 9. bite bit 10. put put 11. blow blew 12. read read 13. buy bought 14. ride rode 15. catch caught 16. run ran 17. come came 18. say said 19. cost cost 20. see saw 21. cut cut 22. sing sang dug 24. sit sat



