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外研版(三年级起点) 四年级英语上册期中检测题

一、英汉互译:看一看,将左右两边意思相同的内容配对,并将右边的字母序号填入相应题前括号内.(20分) ( )1.street A.听

( )2.listen B.饥饿的 ( )3.hungry C.大街 ( )4.tomato D.恐怕 ( )5.afraid E.西红柿

( )6.跑得快 F.in the sky ( )7.跳得远 G. run fast

( )8在空中 H.jump far ( )9.快餐 I. make noodles ( )10.做面条 J.fast food 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)

( )1. A.sing B.food C.talk ( )2. A.draw B.some C.jump ( )3. A.train B.bus C.down ( )4. A.men B.child C.women ( )5. A.football B. basketball C.dance 三、根据要求写单词。(10分) 1.winner(动词) _______

2.short(反义词) _______ 3.four(同音词) _______ 4.man(复数) _______ 5.run(现在分词) _______

四、单项选择:从下面每小题的三个选项中选择最佳答案,完成句子,并将所选部分前面的字母序号填入题前括号内。 (30分) ( )1. She is __________star. A.we B. our C. they ( )2.Thank you ________ much. A.so B. to C.too

( )3. I like __________sweets and oranges. A.eating B.eat C. eats

( )4. Do you_________some noodles? A.want B.wants C.want to ( )5.---_________much is this book? ---It's eight yuan..

A. What B.When C.How

( )6. Go straight_________. The school is next_________ the hospital. A.on;at B.to ;in C.on; to ( )7.---_________you run fast? ---Yes,I can..

A.Can B.Are C.Do

( )8.你与你同学赛跑,对方赢了,你可以说: A.Thank you. B.You' re the winner. C. You' re welcome.

( )9.你想知道玲玲会不会打篮球,你可以问: A.Can Lingling play basketball? B. Lingling can play basketball. C. Can Lingling play football?

( )10.你把旁边的弟弟小明介绍给朋友,你可以说: A.That is my brotherXiaoming. B.This is my brotherXiaoming C.Hello,Xiaoming!

五、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。( 10分 ) 1.Let's________ (go)to school. 2.I________(be) afraid I can't. 3.The horse is ________(run). 4.Jim is ________(I )English teacher. 5.Can Sam________( play)the piano?

六、选择合适的单词,把句子补充完整。(写序号)(10分) A.near B.next C.with D.down E.at

( )1.This is my little brother.He's playing_________ a toy car. ( )2.The park is_________ to a supermarket.

( )3.The bus is _________the hill.. ( )4.Look _________the people in the park. ( )5.My house is __________my school. 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)

Hello! I am Lily. I'm eleven. I like drawing pictures. I like English food.And I like Chinese food, too. Now I am playing with my friends in the park. This is my friend Daming. He's a clever(聪明的)boy. He can play football.He' s strong.

Now he is playing football. Look. That is Lingling. She is taking pictures. She is

short(矮). She likes running. She can run fast. A girl is talking to Lingling.She is my sister,Lucy.She's tall.She likes taking pictures. We are all good friends. ( )1. Lily is_________.

A. twelve B.ten C.eleven ( )2. Lily likes_________.

A. Chinese food B. English food C. Both A and B ( )3. Daming is playing_________.

A.football B. basketball C. table tennis ( )4._________likes running.

A. Lily B. Lingling C.Lucy ( )5. Lily's sister likes_________.

A.drawing B. taking pictures C. dumplings

四年级英语上册期中检测题 一 1----5 CABED 6 ---10GHFJI

二 1B 2B3C4 B 5C

三 1win 2tall 3 for 4men 5running 四 1—5 BAAAC 6—10 CABAB

五 1go 2am 3running 4my 5play 六 1C2B 3D 4E5A 七 1C 2C3A 4B5B



