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Removed - 新编大学英语听说2答案(第三版) 

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Answers to listening and speaking BookII

Unit 1Part AExercise 11. 398-40712. 278-95363. 1390-1910-4664. 415-566-12685. 5-078-24896. 6102-9517-28807.210-699-49828. 6-592-7649Exercises 2

Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returnshome.

Part B conversation 1Exercise 11 father&daughter

2. they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him3. Riding a motorcycle

4. He thinks John looks a little strange because John

wears a pony tail.

5. she says he is old-fashioned.Exercise 2

1. in a restaurant/ Dining/

2. on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle3. in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friendConversatin 2Exercise 1

1. who dialed the wrong number? (a)

2. what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman? (b)Exercise 21. First State Bank2. her leg3. 848-3952

4. Mrs Tailor/ his bank

5. having dialed the wrong numberPart D

1. what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a)2. who made a mistake?(d)3. what is true about the woman?(a)

3. what cn you learn from the conversation?( c)Unit 2Part AExercise 11. Tom

2. she has dialed the wrong number3. 321-96454. Monica5. Mrs Jones’ sisterExercise 2

1. message: 1. Nancy Davis2. 914-65203. Call Nancy back2. message: 1. peter2. 614-5533

3. Meet Peter at 12 at the Foreign Language BookstorePart B conversation 1Exercise 1

1. why is Pat calling Anna?(c)

2. what is the reason why Jack does not accept Pat’s invitation to tea?(c)

3. What bis true about Pat?(d)

Exercise 21. be out2. Jack/ Tom

3. leave Anna a message4. 164,Rose AvenueConversatin 2Exercise 11. c 2. b 3. cExercise 21. advice

2. find Brown somewhere suitable to live/ an estate agent3. meet and talk to each other at her office4. ten-minute walkPart D

1. what’s the relationship between the two speak?(d)2. Why couldn’t Vicki see Randy last night?( c)3. Which of the following is true of Vicki?(d)Unit 3part AExercise 1

1.N 2 N 3.P 4.N 5.P 6.P 7 N 8 NExercise 2

1. It might be a good idea to travel by air.2. Why don’t you go to professor Stone for advice?3. You’d better take his advice and eat an apple a day.4. Have you thought about looking for a better job?5. If I were you I’d go through the paper again.6. Shouldn’t you spend more time in listening and speaking?

Part B conversation 1Exercise 11.b 2. a 3. aExercise 2

1. Traveling a lot. / working very hard; unsafe nowadays;2. an interpreter/ able for her to use her language ability; traveling to international meetings/

3. an international business person/ not mentioned/ having a lot to do with money, which shedoesn’t like to think about.conversation 2Exercise 1

1. she has been tired of doing the same old things day after day at home since she moved fromChicago.

Removed - 新编大学英语听说2答案(第三版) 


