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正确答案: B 45.

Yan Fu's _______ on the translation circle is immeasurable. A) influence B) affect

C) consequence D) result

正确答案: A 46.

Literature and art have a great _______ people's ideology. A) impact on B) influence on C) effect on

D) impression on

正确答案: B 47.

Since there was no place to take shelter, we got _______ in the sudden downpour.

A) sprayed B) soaked C) stained D) sticky

正确答案: B 48.

Trying to _______ wildlife is a job that concerns all of us. A) preserve B) advance C) provide D) reserve

正确答案: A 49.

It was a time of trouble: money was short, and friends _________ away. A) drenched B) drifted C) drilled

D) pull

正确答案: B 50.

I don't think Johnson will succeed in his new job, for he is not ________ to do that type of work. A) compatible B) convenient C) consistent D) competent

正确答案: D 51.

The price of the beer ________ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.

A) altered B) ranged C) separated D) differed

正确答案: B 52.

The police chief, who fears that the case could become a national incident, is opposed ___________ it any publicity. A) to give B) to giving C) to be giving D) to have given

正确答案: B 53.

________ I admire him as a doctor, I don't like him as a man. A) Much as B) So much C) As much D) Much so

正确答案: A 54.

John ____________ his father in all the ways. A) reflects B) resembles C) reminds D) replaces

正确答案: B 55.

We must encourage the planting of new trees and ____________ our existing woodlands.

A) conserve B) converse C) preserve D) reserve

正确答案: C 56.

The ____________ from all walks of life have gathered together in this grand contest.

A) capacity B) appliance C) elite

D) reputation

正确答案: C 57.

New towns are ____________ to house the increasing population. A) springing in B) springing on C) springing back D) springing up

正确答案: D 58.

The ____________ of Japan brought World War II to a close. A) resistance B) surrender C) disadvantage D) opponent

正确答案: B 59.

His ____________ over the company comes from the shares of the company he holds.

A) influence B) charm

C) determination D) prejudice

正确答案: A 60.

The structure of human brain is ____________ in the animal kingdom. A) only B) sole C) unique D) single

正确答案: C

Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English (with the given words or phrases).

61. 要想把一战的故事压缩到几页纸是不可能的。


正确答案: It is impossible to compress the story of the First World War into a few pages.

62. 我们必须学会在辩论和理论中战胜错误思想。


正确答案: We must learn to conquer erroneous ideas through debate and reasoning.

63. 他说话的时候手一直比划着,这一点和他妈妈很像。


正确答案: He resembles his mother very much in the way he moves his hand when speaking.

64. 我们假定五月八号开会,那么我们应该讨论什么呢?


正确答案: Let's assume that we can hold the meeting on May 8th, what shall we discuss?

65. 我们应该把理论运用到实践当中去。


正确答案: We should put theories into practice.




