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(全国用)2018年高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 考前特训 题型组合练(十四)

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When the expedition was announced,I was only twenty and I had always dreamed of adventure.So it was with great 1 one morning in July 1914 that I read this advertisement:

Men wanted for a 2 journey:small wages,bitter cold,months of complete darkness,and safe return uncertain.Honor and reward will 3 if it is successful.

Sir Ernest Shackleton

An expedition with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton to the South Pole—I was hooked!I was an amateur but I was young,fit and 4 .I secretly 5 aboard the ship,Endurance,in a small cupboard.Nobody found me 6 the ship had sailed and I was 7 badly from seasickness. 8 ,Shackleton seemed interested in my silly behavior and 9 the situation.He made me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day.

On January 18,1915,the Endurance became 10 in pack ice as we approached Antarctica.The ice froze around us and we were well and truly stuck!The ship was 11 crushed in front of our eyes.I believed Shackleton must have mourned this 12 end to his expedition,but he did not waste time on 13 .Calling us calmly together,he made an urgent 14 that we must save only essential 15 before the ship sank,particularly the small boats,food,cooking equipment,candles,bedding and clothes.To show his 16 ,Shackleton threw some gold coins and his gold watch onto the ice.To my 17 ,he encouraged Hussey to bring his banjo,describing it as vital for keeping us cheerful.

His perseverance 18 our complete faith in him.He was always honest with us and never gave 19 to disappointment.Our team-spirit 20 the morale of the crew and saved our lives.

语篇解读 作者回忆了自己跟随沙克尔顿船长到南极探险的故事。 1.A.excitement C.disappointment 答案 A

B.panic D.anxiety

解析 根据文章首句中的“I had always dreamed of adventure”可推断,作者一直梦想去探险,现在机遇来临,满心激动(excitement)。故选A项。panic惶恐,惊恐;disappointment失望,沮丧;anxiety焦虑,不安。 2.A.fruitful C.dangerous 答案 C

解析 根据空后对此次出行的描述“small wages,bitter cold,months of complete

B.respectable D.comfortable

darkness,and safe return uncertain”可知,本次旅行是一次危险的(dangerous)探险之

旅。故选C项。fruitful富有成效的,多产的;respectable受人尊敬的,体面的;comfortable舒适的。 3.A.pay off C.set up 答案 D

解析 根据语境,此处是说如果探险成功,荣誉和报酬会随之而来(follow)。pay off付清债务,取得成功;rise上升,(数量)增加;set up建立,安排。 4.A.green-handed C.sick 答案 B

解析 作者虽是业余爱好者,但觉得自己年轻、健康、精力充沛(energetic)。but之后的内容突出作者的优势,故B项符合语境。green-handed新手的;sick生病的;absent-minded心不在焉的。

5.A.hid B.lived C.laid D.jumped 答案 A

解析 根据空前的secretly及下文中的“Nobody found me”可知,作者藏在船上的一个橱柜里。hide意为“把……藏起来,隐藏,藏身”,符合语境。故选A项。 6.A.unless C.when 答案 B

解析 根据下文“Shackleton seemed interested in my silly behavior”可知,直到(until)船起航后才有人发现了作者。故选B项。 7.A.recovering C.hearing 答案 D

解析 此处suffer from与seasickness搭配,意为“受到晕船的折磨”,符合语境。故选


B.rise D.follow

B.energetic D.absent-minded

B.until D.in case

B.dating D.suffering

D项。recover from从……恢复;date from始于;hear from收到……的来信,从……处听到。

8.A.Besides C.Otherwise 答案 D

解析 根据后文可知,船长让作者留了下来,因此,此处指不管怎样(anyhow),沙克尔顿船长似乎对作者愚蠢的行为感兴趣。故选D项。besides此外,而且;furthermore此外,更有甚者;otherwise否则。 9.A.changed C.accepted 答案 C

解析 根据下文他安排作者做一名服务员可知,沙克尔顿船长接受了(accept)这种状况。故选C项。change改变;make use of利用;talk about谈论。 10.A.stuck C.sunk 答案 A

解析 根据下句“The ice froze around us and we were well and truly stuck!”可知,在靠近南极的时候,船被困在(be stuck in)浮冰里。故选A项。bury埋葬;sink沉没;abandon抛弃。

11.A.frequently C.unwillingly 答案 B

解析 结合下句作者以为船长会对此感到痛心可知,船被困在浮冰里后,在他们眼前逐渐(gradually)被压碎。故选B项。frequently频繁地;unwillingly不情愿地;strangely奇怪地。

12.A.unreliable C.unexpected 答案 C

解析 船被困在浮冰里,逐渐被压碎是意外的(unexpected)结局。故选C项。unreliable不可靠的;unaccustomed不习惯的,不寻常的;unsuitable不合适的。 13.A.regrets C.solutions 答案 A

解析 根据后文可知,船长呼吁大家行动起来,并没有放弃,且根据mourned也可知A项符


B.Furthermore D.Anyhow

B.made use of D.talked about

B.buried D.abandoned

B.gradually D.strangely

B.unaccustomed D.unsuitable

B.preparations D.passions

(全国用)2018年高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 考前特训 题型组合练(十四)


