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数学软件试试,体会数学软件的优势。什么情况下数学软件是可以信任的, 什么情况下会出问题.

评估(自由结成小组来做)如图所示碗状容器. 若体积一定,表面积最小的尺寸是多少? (能否猜测一定是圆柱体?)


等周问题(Isoperimetric Problem)

经典等周问题 两曲线在它们的周长相等时称为等周。在给定长为L的Jordan曲线J中,求所围面积为最大的曲线,这就是经典等周问题,也称为特殊等周问题(Special Isoperimetric Problem)或Dido问题(Dido’s Problem)等。这个问题的解答是圆周。对应于三维空间,问题的解答是球面。也就是说,在具有给定的表面积的闭曲面中,球有最大的体积。把它推广为变分法问题:在积分值

?CG(x,y,y?)dx?常数 的条件下,求使得泛函(函数的函数)

CI(y(x))??F(x,y,y?)dx 为最大的曲线y = y(x). 这一变

分问题,有时也称为广义等周问题(Generalized Isoperimetric




而等号则仅限于圆的情形。这就是经典的等周不等式(Isoperimetric Inequality).

—《数学百科辞典》,日本数学会编,科学出版社,1984,p. 767 - 768.

(等周问题的)可以追溯到希腊以前的时代。有一个故事说:古代腓尼基的提尔城(也称为推罗国)的公主狄多(Dido)被迫离开自己的家园定居在北非的地中海沿岸。在那里她指望得到一块土地,并同意付给一笔固定的金额来换取用一张公牛皮能围起来的土地。精明的狄多把公牛皮切成非常细的条,把条与条的端点结起来,再去围出一个面积(一片土地),起周长正好等于这些细牛皮条的总长。而且她选的土地都是靠海的,所以沿海岸不用牛皮条。根据传奇所说,狄多决定牛皮条的总长应围成一个半圆 — 围出最大面积的正确形状。

—《古今数学思想》,[美] M·克莱因 著,上海科学技术出版社,1979(2002),第2册,

p. 325.

思考题:你能不能给出上述问题的确切的数学描述? The Legend of Princess Dido.

According to the epic Aeneid, Dido (pronounced “Dee Dough”) was a Phoenician princess from the city of Tyre (now part of Lebanon). Her treacherous brother, the king, murdered her husband, so she fled the city and sailed with some of her loyal subjects to Carthage, a city on the northern coast of Africa. She wished to purchases some land from the local ruler in order to begin a new life. However, he didn’t like the idea of selling land to foreigner. In an attempt to be gracious and yet still spoil Princess Dido’s request, the ruler said, “You may purchase as much land as you can enclose with the skin of an ox.” Undaunted, Princess Dido and her subjects set about the task by slicing the ox skin into thin strips and then tying them together to form a long band of ox hide, and foiling the ruler’s malicious plan. (See, Hildebrand, Stefan and Thrombi, Anthony,

Mathematics And Optimal Form, Scientific American Books,


The Classical Isoperimetric Problem.

Two curves are called isoperimetric if their perimeters are equal. The term curve is used here to mean a Jordan curve. The classical isoperimetric problem is to find, among all curves J with a given parameter L, the curve enclosed the

maximum area. This problem is also called the special isoperimetric problem or Dido problem. Its solution is a circle. The analogous problem in 3-dimensional space has a sphere as its solution; that is, among all closed surfaces with a given surface area, the sphere has the maximum volume. The following variational problem can be regarded as a generalization of the classical isoperimetric problem: To find the curve C: y = f (x) that gives the maximum value of the functional condition

?CF(x,y,y?) dx under the subsidiary

?CG(x,y,y?) dx?Constant. This is sometimes

called the generalized isoperimetric problem. The classical isoperimetric problem can be solved by variational methods.



亚历山大里亚希腊数学(从公元前约323年起):Euclid 和Apollonius当然是亚历山大里亚人。

亚历山大里亚的其他几位大数学家,如Archimedes, Eratisthenes, Hipparchus, Nicomedes, Heron, Menelaus, Ptolemy, Diophantus 和Pappus。

亚历山大里亚的Theon(公元4世纪末)和Pappus都提到生活在公元前200年到100年之间的Zenodorus的工作。 据说他写过一本关于等周形(具有相等周边的一些图形)的书,其中证明了以下定理: 1. 2. 3. 4.


周长相等的正多边形中,边数愈多的正多边形面积愈大。 圆的面积比同样周长的正多边形的面积大。 表面积相等的所有立体中,以球的体积为最大。

—《古今数学思想》,[美] M·克莱因 著,上海科学技术出版社,1979(2002),第1册,

pp. 114 - 141.

腓尼基Phoenicia 今黎巴嫩及其与今叙利亚和以色列毗邻地区的古名。主要城市有(殖民地除外)有: 杰巴尔、西顿、乔尔(希腊名提罗斯,阿拉伯名苏尔,今提尔)和贝尔罗特。

腓尼基人大概是在公元前3000年左右到达这个地区的。腓尼基人的22个字母表音文字早在公元前15世纪就已经在比布罗斯通用,后为希腊人采取,成为现代西方文字的祖先。 —《简明不列颠百科全书》,卷3,p. 76.

提尔 Tyre 今名苏尔,黎巴嫩南部省沿海城镇。地处一岛屿及相邻的大陆部分。最初可能是其北面的西顿城殖民点。… 后取代西顿成为贸易中心,与地中海各地普遍发展贸易关系,并于公元前9世纪在



