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happened .当那个可怜的人对正在发生的一切有所觉察的时候,阴谋已经开展了。in the way 妨碍。例如:Jack is always in the way when the two corporations want to cooperate on some projects. 每当两个公司想要在某些项目上合作时,杰克总是从中作梗。on the way在路上,在旅行中。例如:When I called Tom to blame his late for the meeting, he told me he was on the way。当我打电话给汤姆责备他在会议中迟到时,他告诉我他已经在路上了。by the way.1.在路旁,在路上。2.『插入语』顺便说,附带说说。例如:By the way, when will you give me the train tickets? 顺便问一问,火车票你什么时候给我?


1. We don’t like it , but we have to ____ up with it . 92 40 A. stand B. put C. take D. pick

【答案】B put up with意为“忍受,忍耐”。属于固定搭

2. The novel ended happily, and the young couple was married____. 93 28

A. in the final B. in the end C. to the last D. in conclusion 【答案】B in the end 意为:“最后”;in conclusion 意为:“结论为”,,意思不符;不存在A和C的用法。句意:小说有个快乐的结尾,年轻的一对爱人最后结了婚。

3. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ____ harm them. 03 59 A. fewer than B. other than C. rather than D. better than 【答案】59. C rather than 可译为“而不是”,表示前后使一种选择关系;other than:除了,例如:You can’t get there other than by swimming.(你只能靠游泳到那边去)句意为:发展核科学是给人们造福,而不是危害人们。

4.When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of ___. 0311 26 A. hand B. hold C. place D. reach 【答案】D out of reach:固定搭配,意思是:“够不着”本句的意思是:“周围有孩子的时候,定要把要瓶子放到够不着的地方。”out of hand“无法控制;无纪律”;out of hold“失去控制,失去联系”;out of place“不适合的,不适当的”

5. Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I’ll be back ____. 95 42 A. in time B. in no time C. at one time D. at a time 【答案】B in no time“利己,一会儿”;in time “及时”;at one time曾经,同时; at a time 一次,每次。题目中的这句话是在拜托别人keep an eye on my luggage“照看一下我的行李”, and I will be back in no time.“我一会儿就回来”。只有B答案使语义通顺恰当。

6. He spoke English so well that I took it ___ that he was an American. 97 25 A. for granted B. as true C. for certain D. as such

【答案】A 本题考查的是固定搭配。Take sth. for granted,认为……是理所当然的。他英语说的如此好,以至于我想当然地认为他是个美国人。

7. ___, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. 02 35

A. As a whole B. As a rule C. On the average D. By all means

【答案】B。as a (general ) rule :通常,一般来说。B最符合题意。又如:As a rule, he doesn’t go to the office on Saturdays.星期六他通常不去办公室。as a whole:作为一个整体,整体来看:The temperature for

the country as a whole is relatively high.这个国家的气温总的来说是较高的。on (an 或the) average: 按平均值,通常 On (the 或an ) average I work ten hours a day.我平均每天工作10小时。 by all means:尽一切办法,务必。By all means, I must visit my sick friend.我一定得去探望我那生病的朋友。

8. His few personal belongings made it possible for him to move from place to place ___. 02 41

A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness

【答案】C。with ease: 容易,不费力。These tiny bananas could be consumed six at a time with ease.这些小小的香蕉一次能吃下六只容易得很。C为正确答案。at ease:自在,不拘束。The examiner soon put the candidates at ease.考官很快就使考生们的情绪放松了。

9. The boy has performed excellently ___ he was a bit nervous. 02 51

A. in that B. except that C. for that D. except for

【答案】B。except that :后面接宾语从句。that 在从句中只起连接作用。如:She knew nothing about his journey except that he was likely to be away for three months. 关于他的旅行她不清楚,只知道他大概要离开三个月。(that 在宾语从句中只起连接作用) 因此B为正确答案。except for : (介词短语)除了…,We had a very pleasant time, except for the weather.除了天公不作美,我们过的很愉快。in that:(书)既然,因为。Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes. 批评与自我批评是必要的,因为能帮助我们改正错误。for that :相当于for,并列连词,表示理由,很少用。

10. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of ___. 0311 26

A. hand B. hold C. place D. reach

【答案】D out of reach:固定搭配,意思是:“够不着”本句的意思是:“周围有孩子的时候,定要把要瓶子放到够不着的地方。”out of hand“无法控制;无纪律”;out of hold“失去控制,失去联系”;out of place“不适合的,不适当的”


1. She always felt inferior ____ her older sister. 94 27

A. with B. from C. to D. on 【答案】C A be inferior to B,意为“A劣与B”。

2. He said there was nothing to be __ 94 50

A. ashamed B. ashamed in C. ashamed of D. ashamed at 【答案】C be ashamed of sth.“为某事感到羞耻”,是固定搭配。

3. This is a mistake which is typical____ beginners. 93 47

A. for B. of C. to D. with 【答案】B be typical of… “有代表性的,典型的”,是固定搭配。

4. You should be content ___ what you have. 99 44

A. to B. about C. with D. for 【答案】C be content with:对……满意。

5. Constant showers are characteristic ___ the summer here. 92 29 A. for B. to C. of D. with

【答案】C be characterstic of 意为\…… 所独有的特征,有…… 的特色”,属于固定搭配。

6. It is impossible to live in society and be independent ____ society. 95 44 A. on B. from C. in D. of

【答案】D be independent of 是固定短语,独立于。

7. When he was set free after twenty years in prison, he was amazed ____ the changed world he found. 0304 31

A. at B. of C. on D. to 【答案】A be amazed at…… 惊讶于……

8. Life is often compared ___ a stage by many writers. 99 24

A. like B. as C. with D. to

【答案】D compare 后面通常可接两个介词。Compare A with B:对比A和B。compare A to B:把A比成B,可见D项正确。句意为:生活经常被许多作家比作舞台。

9. Children are always curious ___ everything they see. 97 27 A. to B. for C. on D. about

【答案】D 本题考查的是固定搭配。Be curious about 对……感兴趣。孩子们总是对他们看到的一切事情。

10. He said he was quite satisfied ____ my progress. 95 58 A. with B. to C. on D. at

【答案】A be satisfied with 是固定搭配,意思是:对 感到满意。


1. Such a skilled tennis player knows how to take ____ of his opponent’s (对手) chief weakness. 95 43 A. use B. advantage C. utility D. chance 【答案】B take advantage of 是固定搭配,利用。

2. His car broke down when he was only ____ home. 95 47

A. a half way B. half way C. half a way D. half way to

【答案】B home在这里是副此,不能放在 to的后面; half way表示我们通常所说的‘半路’,不用加冠词。

3. The machine can’t be made perfect overnight;in fact,it should be improved_____. 96 50

A one after another B. by turn

C. right away D. step by step

【答案】D本题考察词组辨析. A接连地,一个接一个地; B轮流地; C马上; D逐步地.根据句意应该选D. 句意是“这个机器不能一夜之间被弄的完美,事实上,他应该被逐步地改进.”

4. It is reported that a (n) _____ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads. 97 21

A. series B. lot C. number D. amount

【答案】A 本题考查固定搭配。A serious of 是固定搭配,一系列的,比其它选项更符合题意。而且从句的谓语动词是has。据报道,在那个路口发生了一系列的事故。

5. The new law, it is said, will be ___. 99 23 A. put into effect B. taken into account C. kept in sight D. brought to mind

【答案】A A项含义:生效,常指法律;B项含义:考虑;C项含义:看守……;D项含义:想起。另外take effect也是(法律)生效的意思。本句中it is said是插入语。

6. Are you ___ spending more money on the space program? 00 38

A. in favor of B. by favor of C. in favor to D. out of favor

【答案】A。in favor of赞同,支持。He refused a job in government in favor of a university appointment. 他拒绝了政府部门的工作而选择了大学的职位。只有A 最符合题意。by(the) favor of(信封上用语)烦请…面交,out of favor(with sb):失宠于(某人),不受某人的欢迎。没有in favor to的搭配。

7. Selfish people often take ___ of other people’s kindness. 00 41

A. advantage B. care C. use D. profit

【答案】A。take advantage of:利用。本句的意思是“自私的人都利用他的善良”,所以A最符合题意。take care of:照顾。其余两个词都没有这样的搭配。

8. A great celebration is going to be held ___ the distinguished writer. 00 48

A. in spite of B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in the name of

【答案】B。in honor of:为了纪念…。本句的意思是“为了纪念这位杰出的作家,准备举行一个庆祝会。”因此只有B最符合题意。in spite of …尽管…in favor of:赞成…。in the name of用…名义,代表…

9. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all ___. 00 51

A. accounts B. conditions C. payments D. costs 【答案】D。at all costs:不惜任何代价,无论如何。account 一般常用:on all accounts:无论如何;conditions 和payments都不和at搭配。

10. I gave John a present but he gave me nothing ___. 01 34 A. in return B. in turn C. in advance D. in vain 【答案】A。in return(for):作为(对…的)报答(或回报);作为(对…的)交换:What can I do in return for your kindness? 我怎么才能报答你的好意呢?所以只有A最符合题意。in turn:依次,轮流。We’ll cross the bridge in turn.我们将挨个过桥。in advance :预先,事先。You ought to have told me in advance.你本该事先告诉我的。in vain:徒然,白费力。All our work was in vain.我们白干了一场。


1. We use plastics ___ wood and metal now.(01.44)

A. to take place B. to take of C. take the place of D. in place of

【答案】D。take the place of 和in place of都是代替的意思,但只有in place of在语法上是正确 2. The chemical factory was demolished ___ protecting the environment.(02.29)

A. in spite of B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in the name of

【答案】D。in the name of :用…的名义,代表…。本句的意思是“以保护环境的名义,这个化学厂被拆除了。”又如:open an account in the name of John Smith 用约翰史密斯的名字开户。in spite of :不顾,不管。In spite of what you say, I still believe he is honest. 不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。in honor of :为了向…表示敬意,为庆祝…为纪念…They gave a banquet in honor of the delegation .他们设宴招待代表团。in favour of:赞同,支持。He refused a job in government in favour of a university appointment.他拒绝了政府部门的工作而选择了大学的职业。D最符合题意。

3. Last year ___ of new books were published on environmental protection.(02.32)

A. the hundred B. hundreds C. a hundred D. one hundred

【答案】B。hundreds of new books :成百上千的新书 hundred, thousand, million前面若有具体的数字要用单数形式。如:five hundred, (500)。six thousand,(6000)。但如果它们后面有of,则要用复数形式,而且后面的名词也要用复数形式。同时,前面不能加具体的数目。又如:thousands of students:成千上万的学生millions of people:上百万的人。

4. They have ____ many horrible crimes against the people.(03.4.52) A. done B. made C. committed D. had 【答案】C commit crime:犯罪,固定搭配。

5. I’d like to take ____ of this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation.(2003年04..57) A. advantage B. occasion C. benefit D. profit 【答案】A take advantage of : 利用,固定搭配。

6. Since you won’t take advice, there is no ___ in asking for it.(2003年11.43)

A. place B. point C. reason D. way

【答案】B there is no point in doing sth…it is no point in doing sth..,做……事情毫无意义。There is no point in doing so.这样做毫无意义。There is not much point in repairing the old car.那辆旧汽车修理也没有多大用处了。本句的意思是:“既然你不打算听我的建议,要它有什么意义呢?” 7. She has wanted to become a nurse ___ since she was a young girl.(97.56)

A. long B. often C. always D. ever 【答案】 D 本题考察的是固定搭配. ever since “自….以来”. 句意是“从她是个小女还的时候,它就想成为一名护士.”

8. This question is too hard, it is ____ my comprehension.(2005年04.19) A. below B. beyond C. over D. without




1. The girl is not happy at the new school. She has ___ friends there. (2003年11月.20)

A. few B. a few C. little D. quite a few 【答案】A 本句的意思是:“这个女孩在新的学校不高兴,因为在那里她几乎没有朋友。”修饰可数名词用few,a few表示“有一些”,few表示“几乎没有”。修饰不可数名词little,a little表示“有一些”,little表示“几乎没有”。friends为可数名词,因此只有A符合题意。



