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2 I believe you have ____ your purse in the living-room.(05.11.31)

A. left alone B. left behind C. left off D. left out 【答案】B 本题考查leave 的有关短语。leave alone不管;leave behind,留下, 遗留;leave off停止, 不再穿;leave out遗漏, 不考虑。结合题意,你把钱包留在起居室里了,所以选B。

3. If you would leave____ smoking, your bronchitis would much improve. A. off B. over C. behind D. out

【答案】A leave off 停止,中断。Leave over剩下。leave behind忘了带,留下。leave out sth. 漏掉。如果你停止吸烟,你的支气管炎会好很多。

4. We leave ____ Madrid by the next plane.

A. off B. for C. out D. alone

【答案】B。leave for 动身前往。leave off 停止,中断。leave out sth. 漏掉。leave alone听其自然,别管.


5. She's asked to be ____ but the press keeps pestering her. A. left alone B. left behind C. left off D. left out

【答案】A leave alone听其自然,别管。leave behind忘了带,留下。leave off 停止,中断。leave out sth. 漏掉。她要求让她自己安静一下,但是媒体还是不断的纠缠着她。


1. One day I _____ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state

college. A) came across B) came about C) came after D) came at 【答案】A come across 偶然碰到。come about 发生。come after跟在……的后面。 一天,我偶然看见一篇关于邻州国立大学的一位英文教授退休的新闻报道。

2. While I was looking through a drawer I came _____ a photograph of you as a child. A) over B) around C) across D) to

【答案】C come over过来。Come around 醒转过来。come across 偶然碰到。come to苏醒,总计为。我翻抽屉的时候,偶然看到一张你小时候的照片。

3. Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come _____? A) up with B) off C) on D) up to

【答案】B come off 发生,举行,脱。come up with 提出。come on到来,快点儿,进步。 come up to比得上,符合。你提议的罗马

4. He's _____ a great idea.

A) come up with B) come into effect C) come in D) come round

【答案】A come up with 提出。come into effect开始生效。come in进来。come around/round醒转过


5. The idea _____ him in his lunch. A) came on B) came up to C) came to D) came through

【答案】C come to达到, 苏醒,总计为。come on到来,快点儿,进步。come up to比得上,符合。come through活下来,成功。



1. His parents _____ his money, so he is in trouble now.(08.4.18)

A. cut off B. cut through C. gave up D. brought down 【答案】A同样是近似词组辨析。cut off意思是切断, 断绝;cut through意思是抄近路走过, 刺穿;give up意思是放弃;bring down意思是打倒, 击落, 打死, 降低。

2. William has cut his smoking ___ to five cigarettes a day.(02.38) A. down B. in C. off D. out

【答案】 A cut down :削减, 减少。We must cut our expenses down somehow. 我们得设法减少开支。A最符合题意。cut in:插嘴,打断。Don’t cut in when other people are talking.别人讲话时不要插嘴。cut off:使分离,使隔离。He was cut off from all his friends when he studied abroad. 他在出国留学期间跟所有的朋友中断了联系。 cut out:切去,割去。The doctor cut out his tonsils.医生割除了他的扁桃体。

3. I cut ____ the paragraph in this article. A. down B. across C. over D. out

【答案】D cut out割去,删去。cut down削减,减少。cut across抄近路穿过。 我把文章的这个段落剪掉了。

4. In order not to be late, she cut ____ the fields. A. down B. across C. over D. out

【答案】B cut down削减,减少。cut across抄近路穿过。cut out割去,删去。 为了不迟到,她从地里抄近路过去的。

5. During the debate my opponent kept cutting ____. A. down B. across C. over D. in

【答案】D cut in插嘴,打断,超车。cut down削减,减少。cut across抄近路穿过。 在辩论时,我的对手总是插嘴。


1. Frank’s lessons were too hard for him, and he soon fell ____ the rest of the class. A. behind B. down C. off D. away from

【答案】A。本题考查的是fall有关短语。Fall behind:落后于其他人。Fall down 跌倒,fall off 从…掉下;fall away from 背弃,背叛。

2. What may happen to you, if you ____ in your school work?030450 A. fall down B. fall apart C. fall off D. fall behind 【答案】D fall down:倒下,跪拜;fall apart:崩溃,土崩瓦解;fall off:下降,跌落,减少;fall behind:落后……的后面,拖欠。

3. If the first plan fails, we can ____ the second.

A. fall back on B. fall in with C. fall through D. fall out with

【答案】A。fall back on 求助于,转而依靠。fall in with 与…一致,符合,支持。fall through失败,落空。fall out with 与…反目。


4. The measure fell ____ popular demand. A. behind B. in with C. off D. away from

【答案】B。fall in with 与…一致,符合,支持。fall behind 落后。Fall off下降跌落。 Fall away from背离背叛。这一措施很符合大众需求。

5. Their views ____ ours.

A. fall back on B. fall in with C. fall through D. fall out with

【答案】B。fall in with 与…一致,符合,支持。fall back on 求助于,转而依靠。fall through失败,落空。fall out with 与…反目。


1. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _____ the exit as quickly as possible. A) made off B) made for C) made out D) made up

【答案】B。make for 走向,导致,促成。Make off离开逃走。make out 分辨出。make up (for)补偿,弥补。当他意识到警察已经发现他了的时候,这个男的以最快的速度冲向了出口。

2. Good use must be the computer which is now sitting idle. A. made of B. made up of C. made from D. made out of 【答案】A 这句考察的短语是 make good use of “物尽其用,充分利用”。句子中应用了其被动式:Good use must be made…; sit idle: 坐在那里闲着,此处为拟人用法。

3. After saying that, he ___ the door quickly.

A. made up B. made for C. made out D. made

【答案】B。make for 走向,导致,促成。make up (for)补偿,弥补。make out 分辨出。 说完之后,他快速走向房间门。

4. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ___ what he said.

A. make for B. make sure C. make over D. make out

【答案】D。make out 分辨出。make sure确信。Make over(以法律形式)转让,(所有权)移交,改造。 他说得太快了,我都分辨不出来他说的是什么。

5. This sentence doesn't ___.

A. make sense B. make way for C. make over D. make out

【答案】A。make sense讲得通,有意义。make way for 开路,让路。Make over(以法律形式)转让,(所有权)移交,改造。make out 分辨出。 这个句子读不通。


1. The car _____ halfway for no reason. A) broke off B) broke down C) broke up D) broke out

【答案】B。broke down 垮掉,崩溃,停顿。break off断绝关系,结束。break up 打碎,散会,终止。break out爆发。


2. He was living in France when the war________.96-54

A broke off B broke into C broke out D broke through 【答案】C 本题考察的是短语辨析A 停止,中断 B 强行进入 C爆发 D 突破 根据句意选C. 句意是“当战争爆发的


3. When she heard the bad news, she ___ completely. 00-33

A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out 【答案】C。break down: 禁不住痛哭,(身体、精神)垮了。When she heard the news she broke down and cried. 当她听到这个消息是,她失声痛哭。本句的意思是“当听到她儿子死亡的消息时她放声痛哭。”因此只有C最符合题意。break out:爆发,突然发生。The economic crisis broke out first in the United States.经济危机首先爆发在美国。break away断绝关系。He broke away from all his old friends. 他与所有的老朋友断绝了来往。break up:打破,打碎。I broke up the chocolate bar and gave each child a small piece.我把长条形巧克力弄碎,给每个孩子一小块。

4. The old lady ___ on hearing his son’s death.

A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away 【答案】B。break down: 禁不住痛哭,(身体、精神)垮了。When she heard the news she broke down and cried. 当她听到这个消息时,她失声痛哭。本句的意思是“当听到她儿子死亡的消息是她放声痛哭。”因此只有B最符合题意。break in:非法闯入。The alarm was ringing when the thieves broke in last night.昨晚窃贼闯入的时候,报警器响了。break out:爆发,突然发生。The economic crisis broke out first in the United States.经济危机首先爆发在美国。break away断绝关系。He broke away from all his old friends.他与所有的老朋友断绝了来往。

5. Scientists say they are beginning to ________ in the fight against cancer. A. break through B. break away with C. break out D. break up

【答案】A。break through 突破。break away with 脱离,逃跑。break out爆发。break up 打碎,




1. It is not easy to learn English well, but if you _____, you will succeed in the end.

A) hang up B) hang about C) hang on D) hang onto

【答案】C hang on 等待片刻,抓紧不放。hang up挂起来,挂断电话。hang about/around闲荡,逗留。


2. In order to look at sea life closely, people have ____ some kinds of special equipment. 92-51 A. to work in B. to work over C. to work out D. to work off 【答案】C句意为:“人们需要专门的设计制造一些设备以近距离观察海洋生命。”

work in 插入。 work over 仔细检查;彻底改变。例如:They worked over the old furniture,他们把旧的家具彻底整修了一遍。work out 算出(总数);解,解决(问题)等。例如:She finally worked out the math problem.他终于解出了那数学题。work off 发泄。例如:You should not work off your anger on your child.你不应把怒气发泄在你的孩子身上。

3. Water, when boiled, always_____ steam. 94-43

A. gives out B. gives up C. gives off D. gives away 【答案】C 句意为“水被加热时,总是散发出蒸汽。”

give out公布,发表,放出。例如 1. give out the news 公布消息 2.give out a good heat


give up 断绝;放弃;投降,自首。例如1.give up smoking 戒烟;2. I have given him up for

lost我对他已不报任何希望了。3.The criminal gave himself up.罪犯自首了。 give off放出,发散(水蒸气等)。例如 The sun gives off light.太阳发出光芒。 give away 赠送,分发;放弃,牺牲。例如 1.Tom gave away thousands of books when he graduated

from college.汤姆大学毕业时送出去几千本书。2.It is unwise to give away a good chance of success like you did.像你那样错过成功的良机是不明智的行为。

4. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen to ___.

A. go by B. go on C. go over D. go after

【答案】A。go by时间过去,遵守。Go on继续。go after追求,设法得到。go over仔细查看,检查。奥林匹克委员会已经起草了运动员需遵守的严格规定。

5. The young man promised to his parents, “I would never ___ again.” A. let you down B. let you out C. let you in D. let you by

【答案】A。let down 让…失望。let out 放走,释放,发出,泄露。let in 容许进入,漏水把衣服弄窄。Let by让人过去,给……让路。 年轻人向他的父母保证:“我决不会让你们失望。”

6.I promised to look ___ the matter as soon as I got there. (2002--23)

A. for B. in C. into D. after



