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Programmable designed for electro-pneumatic systems
John F.Wakerly
This project deals with the study of electro-pneumatic systems and the programmable controller that provides an effective and easy way to control the sequence of the pneumatic actuators movement and the states of pneumatic system. The project of a specific controller for pneumatic applications join the study of automation design and the control processing of pneumatic systems with the electronic design based on microcontrollers to implement the resources of the controller.
1. Introduction
The automation systems that use electro-pneumatic technology are formed mainly by three kinds of elements: actuators or motors, sensors or buttons and control elements like valves. Nowadays, most of the control elements used to execute the logic of the system were substituted by the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Sensors and switches are plugged as inputs and the direct control valves for the actuators are plugged as outputs. An internal program executes all the logic necessary to the sequence of the movements, simulates other components like counter, timer and control the status of the system.
With the use of the PLC, the project wins agility, because it is possible to create and simulate the system as many times as needed. Therefore, time can be saved, risk of mistakes reduced and complexity can be increased using the same elements.
A conventional PLC, that is possible to find on the market from many companies, offers many resources to control not only pneumatic systems, but all kinds of system that uses electrical components. The PLC can be very versatile and robust to be applied in many kinds of application in the industry or even security system and automation of buildings.
Because of those characteristics, in some applications the PLC offers to much
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resources that are not even used to control the system, electro-pneumatic system is one of this kind of application. The use of PLC, especially for small size systems, can be very expensive for the automation project.
An alternative in this case is to create a specific controller that can offer the exactly size and resources that the project needs [3, 4]. This can be made using microcontrollers as the base of this controller.
The controller, based on microcontroller, can be very specific and adapted to only one kind of machine or it can work as a generic controller that can be programmed as a usual PLC and work with logic that can be changed. All these characteristics depend on what is needed and how much experience the designer has with developing an electronic circuit and firmware for microcontroller. But the main advantage of design the controller with the microcontroller is that the designer has the total knowledge of his controller, which makes it possible to control the size of the controller, change the complexity and the application of it. It means that the project gets more independence from other companies, but at the same time the responsibility of the control of the system stays at the designer hands
2. Electro-pneumatic system
On automation system one can find three basic components mentioned before, plus a logic circuit that controls the system. An adequate technique is needed to project the logic circuit and integrate all the necessary components to execute the sequence of movements properly.
For a simple direct sequence of movement an intuitive method can be used [1, 5], but for indirect or more complex sequences the intuition can generate a very complicated circuit and signal mistakes. It is necessary to use another method that can save time of the project, make a clean circuit, can eliminate occasional signal overlapping and redundant circuits. The presented method is called step-by-step or algorithmic [1, 5], it is valid for pneumatic and electro-pneumatic systems and it was used as a base in this work.
The method consists of designing the systems based on standard circuits made
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for each change on the state of the actuators, these changes are called steps.
The first part is to design those kinds of standard circuits for each step, the next task is to link the standard circuits and the last part is to connect the control elements
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that receive signals from sensors, switches and the previous movements, and give the air or electricity to the supply lines of each step. In Figs. 1 and 2 the standard circuits are drawn for pneumatic and electro-pneumatic system [8]. It is possible to see the relations with the previous and the next steps.
3. The method applied inside the controller
The result of the method presented before is a sequence of movements of the actuator that is well defined by steps. It means that each change on the position of the actuators is a new state of the system and the transition between states is called step. The standard circuit described before helps the designer to define the states of the systems and to define the condition to each change between the states. In the end of the design, the system is defined by a sequence that never chances and states that have the inputs and the outputs well defined. The inputs are the condition for the transition and the outputs are the result of the transition.
All the configuration of those steps stays inside of the microcontroller and is executed the same way it was designed. The sequences of strings are programmed inside the controller with 5 bytes; each string has the configuration of one step of the process. There are two bytes for the inputs, one byte for the outputs and two more for the other configurations and auxiliary functions of the step. After programming, this sequence of strings is saved inside of a non-volatile memory of the microcontroller, so they can be read and executed.
The controller task is not to work in the same way as a conventional PLC, but the purpose of it is to be an example of a versatile controller that is design for an specific area. A conventional PLC process the control of the system using a cycle where it makes an image of the inputs, execute all the conditions defined by the configuration programmed inside, and then update the state of the outputs. This controller works in a different way, where it read the configuration of the step, wait the condition of inputs to be satisfied, then update the state or the outputs and after that jump to the next step and start the process again.
It can generate some limitations, as the fact that this controller cannot execute,
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