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参赛队教练员 (签名):

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第八届“认证杯”数学中国 数学建模网络挑战赛 编 号 专 用 页

参赛队伍的参赛队号:(请各个参赛队提前填写好): 4723

竞赛统一编号(由竞赛组委会送至评委团前编号): 竞赛评阅编号(由竞赛评委团评阅前进行编号): 2015年第八届“认证杯”数学中国 数学建模网络挑战赛第一阶段论文 题目:荒漠区动植物关系的研究

关键词:荒漠区、啮齿动物、植物体积、关系 摘 要

环境与发展是当今世界所普遍关注的重大问题, 随着全球与区域经济的迅猛发展, 人类也正以前所未有的规模和强度影响着环境、改变着环境, 使全球的生命支持系统受到了严重创伤, 出现了全球变暖、生物多样性消失、环境污染等全球性的环境问题, 并已经严重影响到了全球人类社会的发展。在探讨环境与发展问题的过程中, 人们越来越认识到了现代社会发展过程中自然——社会——经济复合生态系统的复杂性, 以及生态学理论在解决这些问题中的重要性。

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干旱区是全球生态系统中的重要类型之一, 也是目前全球开发较晚的区域之一, 积极开展干旱区的生态学理论与实践研究, 对于干旱区当前面临的重大环境问题的解决, 以及未来防患于未然的科学决策均具有极其重要的现实意义。积极开展和深化干旱区的生态学研究, 对于该区域的经济发展与生态环境保护具有深远的理论意义与实践价值。生态研究与资源利用是分不开的, 荒漠区是我国典型的温带荒漠和干旱脆弱生态系统, 生态环境条件十分严酷, 动物的可利用资源在数量和质量上与湿润区、半干旱区存在差异, 啮齿动物的分布具有明显的区域性特征。由于近年来人为干扰不断加重, 使得该地区的荒漠化日益严重。依赖于植物生存的动物种群和群落格局随之受到了明显影响。

啮齿动物群落是荒漠生态系统食物链上必不可少的消费者, 对荒漠的利用与保护有至关重要作用。许多物种群体与人的干扰具有密切关系, 干扰的一个突出作用是导致生态系统中各类资源的改变和生态系统结构的重组, 导致异质性环境的形成。有关不同干扰方式下, 栖息地破碎化过程中研究群落的变化特征是当前景观生态学和群落生态学研究的前沿。

本科研小组根据采集到的数据,建立了植物模拟体积计算的数学模型,分析荒漠区两个区块植物地上生物量、啮齿动物生物量的变化趋势, 并揭示了植物生物量与啮齿动物生物量之间的变化关系。 通过进行啮齿动物群落稳定性的研究, 揭示干扰对于啮齿动物群落的影响机制,小组提出了研究后的统一的观点和主张,即干旱区

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植物需要着力保护而动物尚能适应环境。 参赛队号:4723 所选题目: c题 Abstract

Environment and development are major issues of common concern in today's world, with the rapid development of the global and regional economy, humans are at an unprecedented scale and intensity affect the environment, changing the environment in which the global life-support system has been severely trauma the emergence of global warming, loss of biodiversity, pollution and other global environmental issues, and has seriously affected the development of the global human society. Explore the environment and development issues in the process, it is increasingly recognized that the natural process of development of modern society - society - the complexity of the economic complex of ecosystems and the importance of ecological theory in solving these problems.

Arid region is one of the important types of global ecosystems, is currently one of the regions of the world to develop later, and actively carry out the theory and practice of ecology in arid areas, for the major environmental issues facing arid areas to solve, and the future scientific

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decision-making preventive measures are of great practical significance. Actively develop and deepen the study of ecology in arid areas, for economic development and ecological protection of the region has profound theoretical and practical value.

Ecological research and resource utilization are

inseparable, desert region is a typical temperate desert and arid fragile ecosystems, ecological conditions are very harsh, animal resources available in quantity and quality and humid areas, there is a difference semiarid area rodent distribution has obvious regional characteristics. Due to human interference has been increasing in recent years, making desertification in the region is getting worse. Patterns of animal populations and communities dependent on the survival of plants followed by a significant effect.

On a desert rodent communities is essential ecosystem food chain consumers to use and has a crucial role in the protection of the desert. Populations of many species closely related to human disturbance, a prominent role is to lead to disturbances and changes in ecosystem structure reorganization of the various resources of the ecosystem, resulting in the formation of heterogeneous under different disturbances.

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