【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)039
【摘要】The minimal y invasive thoracoscope technology is widely used in chest surgery has a history of more than 20 years. Developing very rapidly in recent 10 years in our country. Because of minimal y invasive, shorter operation time, pain smal , less postoperative complications, hospitalization time shortened obviously, has been accepted by more and more patients. With the continuous improvement of surgical technique, and its operation indicatio expanding, in many diseases in the treatment of thoracic surgery, thoracoscope technology is gradual y replace the traditional open heart surgery, and is known as one of the breakthrough of thoracic surgery in the 20th century.%微创胸腔镜技术在胸部外科的广泛应用已有20多年的历史。在我国近10年来发展十分迅速。由于微创,手术时间短,患者痛苦小,术后并发症少,住院时间明显缩短,已被越来越多的患者接受。随着手术技巧的不断提高,其手术适应征不断扩展,在许多病种的胸外科治疗中,胸腔镜技术正在逐渐取代传统的开胸手术,并被称之为20世纪胸外科的突破性进展之一。 【总页数】2页(288-289)
【关键词】单孔胸腔镜;肺手术;早期经验 【作者】朱文煜;王瑞华;梁伟;王颜