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【原文+解析】My parents did throw her asurprise party that year.那年我父母给她举办了一个惊喜派对。
10.答案:B.The trip her husband has planned.
【问题】What is the woman eager to find out about?
【原文+解析】I’m dying to know what kind of trip he has planned or way we are going.我很想知道他计划了什么样的旅行,或者我们打算去哪。
11.答案:C.He is eager to learn how thecouple’s holiday turns out.
【问题】What does the man say at the end of theconversation?
【原文+解析】I can’t wait to hear all aboutit when you get back.我等不及要听到你回来的消息了。
M:I bet you're looking forward to the end of this month.Are you?
W:Yes,I am.How did you know?
M:David told me you had a special birthday coming up.
W:Oh…yeah that's right.This year will be my golden birthday.
M:What does that mean?I've never heard of a golden birthday.
W:I've actually just learnt this concept myself.Fortunately,just in time tocelebrate.A golden or lucky birthday is when one turns the age of their birthdate.So,for example,my sister's birthday is December 9th and her goldenbirthday would have been the year she turned nine years old.Come to think ofit,my parents did throw her a surprise party that year.
M:Interesting.Too bad I missed mine.My golden birthday would've been four yearsago.I assume you got big plans then.
W:Actually yes.My husband is planning a surprise holiday for the two of us nextweek.I have no idea what he's got in mind,but I'm excited to find out.Has hementioned anything to you?
M:He might have.
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W:Anything you'd like to share?I'm dying to know what kind of trip he has plannedon where we're going.
M:You know nothing at all?
W:Not a clue.Hard to imagine,isn’t it?Though I must say I think he's beenhaving even more fun keeping the secret from me in the past few weeks.
M:I'm sure both of you will have a fantastic time.Happy golden birthday!I can'twait to hear all about it when you get back.
Conversation 2
12.答案:A.They are sensitive to thedynamics of a negotiation.
【问题】What does the man say about good negotiators?
【原文+解析】They are sensitive to thedynamics of a negotiation.他们对谈判的动态很敏感。
13.答案:B.They know when to stop.
【问题】What does the man say maybe the most important thingto a successful negotiator?
【原文+解析】And perhaps most importantly,they know when to stop.也许最重要的是,他们知道什么时候该停下来。
14.答案:C.They learn quickly.
【问题】How is a good negotiator different from a poor one?
【原文+解析】Good negotiators learn fast.好的谈判者学得快。
15.答案:D.Get to know the other side.
【问题】What is the first stage of a negotiation accordingto a man?
【原文+解析】There are about six stages of anegotiation:get to know the other side谈判大致有六个阶段:了解对方。
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W:Mr.Green,what do you think makes asuccessful negotiator?
M:Well,that’s hard to define.But I thinksuccessful negotiators have several things in common.They are always politeand rational people.They are firm but flexible.They can recognize power andknow how to use it.They are sensitive to the dynamics of the negotiation.Theway of rises and falls and how it may change direction.They project the imageof confidence,and perhaps most importantly,they know when to stop.
W:And,what about an unsuccessfulnegotiator?
M:Well,this is probably all of us when westart out.We are probably immature and over-trusting.Too emotional oraggressive.We are unsure of ourselves and we want to be liked by everyone.Good negotiators learn fast.Poor negotiators remain like that and go on losingnegotiations.
W:In your opinion,can the skills ofnegotiation be taught?
M:Well,you can teach someone how to preparefor a negotiation.There are perhaps six stages in every negotiation.Get toknow the other side.State your goals.Start the process.Clarify areas ofdisagreement or conflict.Reassess your position.Making acceptablecompromises.And finally,reach some agreement in principle.These stages canbe studied.And strategies to be used in each can be planned beforehand.But Ithink,the really successful negotiator is probably born with six sense aboutresponding appropriately to the situation at hand.
W:The artistic sense you’ve just described?
M:Yes.That’s right.
Section C
Passage 1
【答案】D)How spaceresearch benefits people on Earth.
【问题】What do some peoplewant to know about space exploration?
【原文+解析】Some people wonder why countries spend millions of dollars onspace projects.They want to know how space research helps people on Earth.有些人想知道为什么国家在太空项目上花费了数百万美元。他们想知道太空研究是如何帮助地球上的人们的。该句为段首句,运用题文同序和视听一致确定答案为“D太空研究如何造福地球上的人
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【答案】B)Theydeveloped objects for astronauts to use in outer space.
【问题】What didscientists do for the space shuttle missions?
【原文+解析】And in the space shuttle missions today,scientists developedobjects for the astronauts to use on the moon,and in space.在今天的航天飞行任务中,科学家们开发了宇航员在月球和太空中使用的物体。该句与答案“B他们开发了宇航员在外层空间使用的物体。”一致,所以答案选B。
【答案】A)They areextremely accurate.
【问题】what does thespeaker say about quartz crystal clocks and watches?
【原文+解析】For example,we have quartz crystal clocks and watches accurateto within one minute a year.例如,我们有石英晶体钟和手表可以精确到在一年中只有一分钟之内的误差。
Somepeople wonder why countries spend millions of dollars on space projects.Theywant to know how space research helps people on Earth.Actually spacetechnology helps people on Earth every day.This is called\
Spin-offtechnology is space technology that is now used on Earth.
Inearly space programs,such as the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s,andin the Space Shuttle missions today,scientists developed objects for theastronauts to use on the moon and in space.We now use some of these objects every day.
Forexample,we have Quartz crystal clocks and watches accurate to within one minutea year.We purify the water we drink with awater filter designed for the astronauts'use in space.
Thecordless,hand-held tools we use in our homes,such as vacuum cleaners,flashlights,drills and saws came from the technology of these early spaceprograms.
Oncold winter days we can stay warm with battery-operated gloves and
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socks,andspecially made coats and jackets.All of these clothes are similar to thespacesuit designs that kept astronauts comfortable in the temperatures of themoon,and are spin-offs from space technology.
These products are only a few examplesof the many ways space technology helps us in our everyday lives.No one knowshow new spin-off technology from the International Space Station will help usin the future.
Passage 2
【答案】C)It markedthe beginning of something new.
【问题】Why does thespeaker say she would like to go back and live in the 18th century America?
【原文+解析】Well,if I could go back in history and live,I’d like to goback to the 18th century,perhaps in colonial America in Yankee New Englandwhere one of my ancestors lived,because it was the beginning of something.好吧,如果我能回到历史中去生活,我想回到十八世纪,也许是在殖民地美国的新英格兰,我的一个祖先住在那里,因为它是某事的开端。该句位于段首句,题文同序定位答案于此句,并且该句与选项“C它标志着新事物的开始。”意思一致,所以答案选C。
【答案】A)They believed in working for goals.
【问题】What does thespeaker say about the Puritans?
【原文+解析】I’m deeplyattached to the Puritan tradition,not in a religious sense,but they believein working for something,working for goals and I like that.我深深地爱上了清教徒的传统,不是宗教意义上的,而是他们相信工作的事,工作的目标,我很喜欢这一点。与选项A一致。
【答案】D)Doing needlework by the fire.
【问题】What would thespeaker like doing if she could go back to the past?
【原文+解析】I love thecolonial fabrics,or the silver work,the furnishings,the combination ofelegance and simplicity,I love it.The printing,the books and very attachedto all that kind of thing.That may not all be very entertaining in the
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