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一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解

If you're a fan of smart technology, you may have had some sleepless nights lately. That's because Alexa, the artificial intelligence (AI) behind US company Amazon's Echo smart speakers, has been \自发的),creepy (令人毛骨悚然的)cackle for no apparent reason, according to BBC News.

Many social media users shared their stories of Alexa scaring them with the seemingly unprompted laugh.


On March 7, Amazon released an update that fixed the problem, saying that the laugh was caused by Echo devices mistakenly thinking that users had said the command \ However, what should have been a funny story raised the ongoing topic of man versus machine. With the rise of artificial and robotic technology, \machines started to demonstrate broad abilities in pattern recognition, complex communication, and other area that used to be particularly human,\wrote Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee in their book The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. They believe that AI will \

However, ever since the earliest days of AI there have been concerns that some day, software will take over the world, leaving the fate of humans unknown.

\artificial intelligence we are order the demon (魔鬼)Musk told students during a meeting at MIT in 2014. \that. So we need to be very careful

Many scientists have shared the same concern. The late British physicist Stephen Hawking said at a technology conference in Portugal in November that \can. in theory, imitate human intelligence, and exceed it ??? AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization.\

If creators are to safely control AL however, Hawking suggested that they \and effective management\

I am an optimist and I believe that we can create AI for the good of the world,\conference. \practice and management, and prepare for its consequences well in advance.\ (1)What does the underlined word \ A.movement B.laughter C.scream D.story

(2)The story of Alexa is intended to . A.lead into the discussion about humans and AI B.prove artificial intelligence has its weaknesses

C.inform readers of the development of AI D.show how Alexa's problem was fixed

(3)According to Brynjolfsson and McAfee, which statement below is probably TRUE? A.The development of AI could threaten our survival one day.

B.Digital machines have complete ability to recognize something without mistakes. C.Robots will never match humans in complex communication. D.Humans lives will be greatly improved with the help of robots. (4)What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Man VS. Machine B.Time to Control Rise of AI C.Creepy AI

D.AI: The Biggest Threat 【答案】 (1)B (2)A (3)D (4)B


(1)考查猜测词义。根据第二段中的\social media users shared their stories of Alexa scaring them with the seemingly unprompted laugh.\可知很多社交媒体也分享了亚马逊公司的智能机器Alexa会发出令人毛骨悚然的笑声的事情。此句中的\与文章第一段中的划线词\意义一样,故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。前四段中介绍了亚马逊公司的智能机器Alexa会发出令人毛骨悚然的笑声的事情,再根据第五段中的\what should have been a funny story raised the ongoing topic of man versus machine.\这个故事引起了人与机器对抗的话题。故选A。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的\lives will get better\可知Brynjolfsson和McAfee认为现在的人工智能机器展示出了多种能力,这些能力会让我们的生活变得更好。故选D。




A science teacher from rural Kenya who gives away most of his salary to help poorer students has been awarded the world's best teacher and $ 1 million, beating 10,000 nominations from 179 countries. Peter Tabichi, 36, a maths and physics teacher at Keriko secondary school in Pwani Village, has won the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2019.

Tabichi gives away 80% of his income to help the poorest students at the poorly-equipped and overcrowded school who could not otherwise afford uniforms and books. More than 90% of his students are from poor families and almost a third are orphans or have only one parent. Drug abuse, teenage pregnancies, leaving off their studies, young marriages and suicide are common. Students have to walk 7 km along roads that can become impassable in the rainy season to reach the school and the area can be affected by drought and starvation.

Despite only having one computer, a poor Internet connection and a student-teacher ratio of 58:1, Tabichi started a \nurturing club\and expanded the school's science club, helping students design research projects of such quality that many now qualify for national competitions. His students have taken part in international science competitions and won an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry after using local plant life to generate electricity. Tabichi and four colleagues also give struggling students one-to-one tuition in maths and science, visiting students' homes and meeting their families to identify the challenges they face.

Accepting the prize, Tabichi said Africa's young people would no longer be held back by low expectations.\one day famous in every corner of the world.\ (1)What made Peter Tabichi win the prize in 2019?

A. Giving away $ 1 million to education. B. Teaching in secondary schools for 36 years. C. Fighting drought and starvation in Africa. D. Helping the poorer students in rural Kenya. (2)Why did Tabichi start the \ A. To contribute most of his income. B. To expand national competitions.

C. To guide students to design research projects. D. To encourage students to grasp opportunities.

(3)Which of the following best describes Peter Tabichi as a teacher?

A. Independent. B. Caring. C. Humorous. D. Interesting. (4)What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. African education cost is expected to get lower. B. Africa is in desperate need of young scientists. C. Tabichi is not pleased until he is known worldwide. D. Tabichi has high expectations for young Africans. 【答案】 (1)D (2)C (3)B (4)D


(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“A science teacher from rural Kenya who gives away most of his salary to help poorer students has been awarded the world's best teacher and $ 1 million, beating 10,000 nominations from 179 countries.”一名来自肯尼亚农村的科学教师获得了世界最佳教师奖,并获得了100万美元的奖金,他将自己的大部分工资捐给了贫困学



