总经理助理个人简历范文 总经理助理个人简历范文 简历编号: 姓 名: 大学生个人简历网 目前所在地: 天河区 户口所在地: 湖南 婚姻状况: 未婚 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类普通求职 型: 销售总监/经理、贸易、总裁助理/总经理助理: 位: 8 限: 全职 型: 5000--8000 求: 更新日期: 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 身材: 170 cm 58 kg 年龄: 29 人才测评: 应聘职工作年职称: 无职称 求职类可到职日期: 随时 希望工作地区: 广州 月薪要公司名起止年月:2009-11 ~ 2012-04OMTA INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED 称: 公司性外商独资所属行业:贸易/进出口 质: 担任职OFFICE MANAGER 务: In here,responsible the merchandiser following the customer information ,and then deal with problem in customer , staff and 个人工suppliers, so good communication should be have , also you must have 作经stronger competence to used, merchandiser procession , customer order 历: procession ,the office intricacy administration things and finacial 工作描record in office ,I confidence myself have enough power to control , need 述: to talent , and I'm lucky, because I have this talent. 外贸公司驻广州的办事处,以专业采购为主,涉及很多行业的采购,现在这间公司一直担任办公室经理的职务. 外贸公司可以联系我,帮你找到更加优质的货源; 供应商可以联系我,使之产品能够更加快速的销往海外市场,我有过参展的经验,也有很丰富的工作经验和团队管理经验. 离职原因: 公司名称: 公司性质: 担任职务:
起止年月:2005-08 ~ 2009-10HongKong Enterprise Register Service Center香港企业登记服务注册中心
VIP Service Department Sales Manager 贵宾服务部经理
this job have strong responsible heart, major help small and medium enterprise to hongkong achieve best development. eg. to do business in HK, Open internatioanl account in HK and so on .
四年的團隊管理經驗,讓我對人生目標有了一個新的認識,我更能夠對有條不紊這個詞做一個完成的簡敘,從尋找目標客戶,到確定目標客戶再到跟進目標客戶, 可能時間會很長,也可能會很短, 但能從用公司的平臺跟進客戶,使
得客戶滿意你公司的專業及服務,完成業績目標額度, 再使得你的團隊的凝聚
MY CELLPHONE NUMBER:13544506189, this position both have service and sales, i like the position that is use english fluently and sales both , because it's suitable for my character and interest like this, and if u interest me , pls contact me. thanks ! best regards for everybody. sicerely blessing.
因: 公司名
起止年月:2005-05 ~ 2005-07BSK chemical company
称: 公司性
质: 担任职
GM department assistant 总裁助理/秘书
just only do it two month , yes , i admit it is a good job , i work in factory, manager not so much person , responsible to daily business thing , during do this career , you must think more than everyone , if not , you haven't strong obligation in you heart , and diligent in you
spirit !
公司名称: 公司性质: 担任职务: 起止年月:2003-11 ~ 2005-04tanzhou, panyu district,championwell garment LTD. 外商独资所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业 production department merchandiser 外貿跟单 At here,we'll receipt the data of buyer at once, then translate for it and sent these refer to department, e.g.pattern room , sample room and so on,until delivery date of costumer's prescription. As a merchandiser in factory office must have contact with manager in every department, in once time I responsible for a large good programs, about 500,000 pieces of goods in garment, although it was much 工作描difficulty, but I did finish it alone. 述: through nearly one years, I'll carry experience to creat a new worthy to you ! thank you for your kindly cooperation ! 在番禺做服裝的外貿跟單, 從香港接單到資料的整理,翻譯,輸入電腦資料系統,再到分發給各個部門負責人,比如:辦房,紙樣房,物料倉,印花間,布倉等等,從辦樣做到大貨OK辦再到大貨,最后出廠清單,都是自己獨立完成!在這邊我學到了很多的專業性的知識,讓我有所啟發, 同時也學到了獨立并漂亮完成一件事的成就感和使命感! 离职原 因: 志愿者 经历: 教育背景 毕业院校: 西安翻译学院 最高学历: 本科 所学专业一: 英语 毕业日期: 2004-07-01 所学专业二: 起始年终止年学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号 月 月 受教育培训经历: 2000-07 2004-07 西安翻译学院 English 本科学位证 461042200410325704 语言能力 外语: 英语 优秀 国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 一般 工作能力及其他专长 多年的全职及管理经验,使我懂得运用团队合作精神的重要性,也明白了善于沟通交流的首要性,不管在甚麽地方,这两种精神是我们最先要掌握及应用的,只有不断将它做到更好,才能使企业的信誉发挥到最好!我期望能发挥所长,为企业创造出它最大的价值! many years management working experience , enough operation freely your enterprise daily business and clients requires ,If u company need the excellent
new staff like my strong capability , pls can contact me :13544506189 . I have talent for foreign trade and sales ,also have good communication, good ability for independent work. once you're interested my CV,pls do not hesitate, contact with me in immediately. at the same time ,expect the special interprise appreciate and reply me . warmly regards for every glance at my CV person .blessing you everthing is well.
2005/08 -- 2009/05:贵宾服务项目
平易近人,做事認真, 善于交流溝通,學習性和應用性都超強,個人能力工作就是證明,帶點理性和感性, 這就是我!
2005/08 -- 2008/07:VIP service project
Responsibilities(your responsibilities and achievements):i'm manargment in VIP service depatment , not only achieve our program that is firm
description,and stronger than other department, do our best,finally my department best outstanding achievement.it's greatest program in my this career , really to my happy and pround !
Do sales for five years and managerment,have many experience and learning more social konwledge, so i'm honor to cooperation with u company,i believe i can do my best employee in u firm, because i have this character in my life!
In here , enhanced my personal working ability , and drawing excellent element from correct events . each every job, administration department , merchandiser department , each job , have enough experience for handle it by myself .
all in all , thanks for cooperation with me, not only have responsiblity and
English Resume: heavy victory heart,vividly,communication
coordination other person in my ability, I will be good at
this, to be dazzling , acceptable my genune blessing ! Objective : this is ny best like sentence, if you touch it,you will shake it! Hold fast to dreams, for it dreams die, life is a broken winged bird,that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams,for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow.