求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。。 Top tips for covering letters and CVs 关于求职信和简历的几点实用小建议
A CV should be word-processed and never handwritten. The emphasis and order
will depend on what you are applying for, so if you are applying for more than
one type of work, tailor a different CV to each career area. Each CV would
highlight different aspects of your skills and experience. For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal
profile at the start of the CV.
As they both tend to cover the same ground, so try to write any similar content in your profile and covering letter using different words and from a
different perspective.
因为这两者都是基于同一背景制作的,所以在写相同内容的个人简介和求职信时,请从不同角度使用不同的文字和形式来表达。 A profile is only part of a CV; have look at the Skills Based CV in the topic: “Which CV format to use?” for an example
What is a personal profile? 什么是个人简介?
Other names for a Personal Profile are: Career Objective/Career Aim/Career
Aspiration/Career Goal; these focus on the kind work you want to get into 其他个人简介的名称:职业目标/职位定位/职业期望/职业目标;主要涉及应聘者要进入哪种行业。
A simple alternative title is: Profile. It is short and to the point and should contain a few lines about the type of work you are aiming for and a few
more about the attributes which make you suitable可
以选择的标题:简介。简短,直击主题,需要包括你申请职位类型的几点描述,以及你胜任这份工作的几点原因。 Names
Attributes/About Me;
focus on your skills and achievements and tell an employer who you are and what you can do for them
It isn’t necessary to have a profile but if you do, make sure it is lively and succinct. An alternative to a profile is to include the information as part
of your covering letter. However there are some basic differences between a
personal statement and a covering letter
A profile is a short introduction to your CV 个人简介是简历的一段简短介绍
A covering letter is a one page letter going into much more detail about why you are suitable for a specific job