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摘 要

营运能力是用于评估企业的经营活动能力和利用其所拥有资源的程度。企业的营运能力越高,那就说明该企业的盈利能力就会越强。深圳市行健自动化股份有限公司是软件和信息技术服务行业,受到国家政策的大力扶持,并且发展迅速。当前,我国软件和信息技术服务业的生存时间大多数都较短,对预防风险的能力普遍较低。深圳行健公司要想增强自身的竞争力,想要有较大的发展空间,就必须提高企业的经营能力,合理的对企业资源进行配置,科学高效地进行管理。对企业营运能力分析是一项非常重要的财务工作,它可以发现企业运营过程中存在的问题,并可以基于这些问题进行改进,以帮助企业在当今竞争激烈的社会中长期发展。本文运用了理论和实践相结合的方法对深圳市行健自动化股份有限公司的营运能力相关指标进行了分析。首先,介绍了深圳行健公司的基本情况,并从它近五年的财务报告中提取相关数据,以计算出各种资产的周转率。接着根据周转率的高低研究分析了深圳行健公司的存在问题和影响因素。最后做出了解决问题的决策。我希望通过这篇文章能够帮助企业提高自身,提高企业的经营能力和竞争力,实现企业的市场价值,在企业持续的业务扩展过程中发挥自己更好的优势,并在当今这么激烈的竞争环境中稳定、健康、长久的发展。 关键词:营运能力 深圳行健 资产周转率


Operational capacity is used to assess a company's ability to operate and use its resources. The higher the company's operating capacity, the stronger the profitability. Shenzhen Xingjian Automation Co., Ltd. is a software and information technology services industry, which is strongly supported by national politics and has evolved rapidly. At presernt most of the software and technology services industries in China have a short survival time, and their ability to prevent risk is generally low. If the Shenzhen Xingjian Company wants to strengthen its own competitiveness and has a large scope for development, it must improve the company's operating capacity, rationally allocate resources and manage it scientifically and efficiently. It is a very important to analysis of the company's operational capabilitiesIt of financial task. It can discover question in the operation of the company and can improve based on

these problems to help the company develop in the medium and long term in today's highly competitive society. This paper uses the combination of theory and practice to analyze the related indicators of Shenzhen Xingjian Automation Co., Ltd.'s operating capabilities. First, the basic situation of the Shenzhen Xingjian Company was introduced and relevant data was extracted from the financial reports over the past five years to calculate the turnover rate for various assets. Then analyzed the existing problems and influencing factors of the Shenzhen Xingjian Company based on the examination of the turnover rate. Finally, a decision was made to solve the problem. I hope the article can help company improve themselves, improve operations and competitiveness, realizing market value, and exerting its own advantages in the continuous business expansion process for today's fiercely competitive business. China's stable, healthy and long-term development.

Keywords: Operating activities Shenzhen Xingjian Asset turnover

目 录

一、引言 .......................................................... 3 二、 企业营运能力分析的概述 .................................... 3

(一) 营运能力分析的内容及重要性 ............................... 3 (二) 营运能力分析的主要方法 ................................... 4

三、深圳市行健自动化公司营运能力的现状分析 ................... 4

(一)公司概况 .................................................. 4 (二)营运指标分析 .............................................. 4

四、深圳市行健自动化公司营运能力存在的问题 .................. 11

(一) 资金周转速度慢,盈利能力需进一步加强 .................... 11 (二) 企业流动资产管理效率低 .................................. 12 (三) 存货周转能力低 .......................................... 13 (四) 营运资金过多呆滞在应收账款 .............................. 14 (五) 固定资产利用效率低,管理水平较差 ........................ 15

五、提高深圳市行健自动化公司营运能力的措施 .................. 15

(一) 提高总资产周转率,调整资产结构和优化销售环节 ............ 15

(二) 加速流动资金的周转,防止不良资产的产生 .................. 16 (三) 加强存货管理,减少存货对资金占用 ........................ 17 (四) 加强应收账款管理,提高收款速度 .......................... 18 (五) 加强固定资产的管理,合理利用配置固定资产 ................ 19

六、 结论 ........................................................ 20 参考文献 ......................................................... 21 致 谢............................................. 错误!未定义书签。










