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摘要:随着我国经济不断发展,以及互联网在我国的普及,网上购物这一种消费方式因为其为人们带来的便利性和网上商品的普遍较低的价格而越来越受到人们的接受和追捧。近年来我国电子商务迅猛发展,网上交易总额不断上涨,也已经形成了几个较为有知名度的电商品牌,其中具有代表性之一的就是京东商城。然而在电商不断迅速发展的同时,一些不利的发展情况也浮现了出来,那就是商品从电商到消费者手中的这一过程——物流,电子商务这一方兴未艾的行业对于物流的依靠可以说是其生命线,电子商务究竟是应该选择自建物流还是选择与第三方物流公司合作呢? 以京东商城为例,主要通过文献法来分析京东商城自建物流与使用第三方物流的利与弊,能够使得在电子商务行业竞争日益激烈的情况下,京东商城能够更好的清楚自己的优势,把握机会,能够取得更好的发展机会。 关键词:京东商城;自建物流;第三方物流;


Analysis of the current situation of Jingdong Logistics

Undergraduate:Lai Kai Supervisor: Zhao Ruquan

Abstract: With the development of China's economy, and the popularity of the Internet in China, this kind of consumption style online shopping because it brings people convenience and goods on the Internet generally lower prices and more and more accepted and popular. In recent years China's rapid development of e-commerce, online trading volume continued to rise, also has formed several well-known business brand, the most representative one is Jingdong mall. However, in the business rapid development at the same time, some unfavorable situation has emerged, it is commodity from electric to consumers this process -- logistics, e-commerce this be just unfolding industry for logistics depend on can be said to be the lifeline, electronic commerce is should choose the self built logistics or choose to cooperate with the third party logistics company? In this paper, Jingdong Mall as example, mainly through literature method to analyze the Jingdong Mall self built logistics and third party logistics advantages and disadvantages. Through analysis of Jingdong Logistics and third party logistics can make the competition in the electronic commerce industry increasingly fierce, Jingdong Mall can better understand their own advantages, seize the opportunity, can obtain better opportunities for development.

Key words:Jingdong Mall; logistics; third party logistics;


目 录

绪论................................................................ 1 1.京东商城的物流现状................................................ 2

1.1京东商城简介................................................. 2 1.2京东商城自建物流情况......................................... 2 2京东物流存在的问题 ................................................ 4

2.1京东自建物流的原因........................................... 4

2.1.1第三方物流发展滞后 ..................................... 4

2.1.2自建物流的优势 ......................................... 5 2.2京东自建物流的不足........................................... 6 2.2.1前期资金投入大 ......................................... 6 2.2.2覆盖范围较小 ........................................... 6 2.2.3管理问题 ............................................... 6

3. 对京东自建物流的建议............................................. 7 结束语.............................................................. 8 参考文献............................................................ 9 致 谢............................................. 错误!未定义书签。




