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【答案】(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)F (5)T (6)F 【解析】略

判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符,相符的写\,不相符的写“F\。 Mary: What are you doing in the garden, John?

John: I’m watering the flowers. My mother says we must water the flowers every day, or they will die (死).

Mary: But it's raining now.

John: Oh, it doesn’t matter. Mary, I have an umbrella. 30.There are flowers in the garden. 31.It’s sunny today. 32.John is wet with rain.

33.John waters the flowers every day. 34.John is a clever boy. 【答案】 30.T 31.F 32.F 33.T 34.F 【解析】

思路分析:本题应该先整体的通读文段,然后再通读试题问句,根据具体问句从文章中得出答案。 名师解析:

30.由第二句 I’m watering the flowers.“我正在浇花”可推断花园里有花,由此可知答案是T。 31.由句子But it's raining now.“但是现在正在下雨”可推断今天是雨天。由此可知答案是F。 32.还是由句子 I have an umbrella.“我有雨伞”可推断John没有淋湿。由此得知本题答案是F。 33.友句子My mother says we must water the flowers every day. “妈妈说我们必须每天浇花”,及雨天John 都在浇花可得知John 是坚持天天浇花的。由此得知本题答案是T。

34.根据全文翻译,及John 在雨天依然浇花,按常理下雨天花儿吸收雨水不需要浇花,可判断John 并不聪明。由此可知答案是F。 35.阅读短文,判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。

Last Saturday, it was sunny. In the morning, I got up at six o’clock, then I brushed my teeth, washed my face. I was too hungry, I looked for my breakfast. To my surprised, I didn’t find anything to eat. I had to cook by myself. At about 8 o’clock, I went to Jim’s home. Many students were there. We played soccer. Some of us watched TV. But It was boring. At last, we went to the park. We rode our bikes and flew kites. We had a lot of fun. ( ) 1.I got up at 7:00 in the morning last Sunday. ( ) 2. I cooked by myself last Sunday. ( ) 3. I didn’t eat breakfast last Sunday. ( ) 4. I didn’t go to Jim’s home. ( ) 5. We flew kites last Sunday. 【答案】1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

1. 根据In the morning, I got up at six o’clock,可知,答案是F。 2. 根据I had to cook by myself.可知,答案是T。 3. 根据I had to cook by myself.可知我吃早饭了,答案是F 4. 根据I went to Jim’s home.可知,答案是T。

5. 根据We rode our bikes and flew kites。可知,答案是T。 【解析】略


Mary: Hi, Ken. Do you know that will have more robots in the future? Ken: Sure. I think they will help us do everything. Mary: Do you think this will come true?

Ken: I believe it will come true in the future, but I think it will make us become lazy. Mary: Ok, what will you be in the future? Ken: I may be a doctor. What about you? Mary: I will be a teacher. Ken: That sounds good.

( ) 1. Ken believe that there be more robots in the future. ( ) 2. Ken think the robots will make us be lazy. ( ) 3. Mary will be a doctor .

( ) 4. Ken feels teachers are a good job.

( ) 5. Mary think tbe robots will help us do everything.

【答案】1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.F 【解析】

1. 从文中“Ken: I believe it will come true in the future.”可知正确。 2. 从文中“Ken: But I think it will make us become lazy.”可知正确。 3. 从文中“Mary: I will be a teacher.”可知错误。 4. 从文中“Mary: I will be a teacher. –Ken: That sounds good.”可知正确。

5. 从文中“Ken: Sure. I think they will help us do everything.”可知错误。 37.阅读并判断,用T/F表示。

It is eight thirty on Saturday evening. Wang Hong and her parents are in their sitting-room. They are talking about their plans for tomorrow’s picnic. They will go to Blue Hill Park. Wang Hong is very excited. Her mother bought a lot of delicious food and fruit. Wang Hong’s friend Ding Yuan will go with them. He will fly his kite there. They will meet at seven thirty at the school gate. ( ) 1.It’s half past eight on Sunday evening. ( ) 2.They’re planning for Sunday’s picnic.

( ) 3.Wang Hong’s mother is going to buy food and fruit. ( ) 4.Wang Hong and Ding Yuan are classmates.

( ) 5.They will meet at the school gate tomorrow afternoon. 【答案】T T F F F

【解析】1. 由短文中的关键句“It is eight thirty on Saturday evening.”可知在周六晚上八点三十分,八点三十分即half past eight,故为T.

2. 由短文中的关键句“They are talking about their plans for tomorrow’s picnic.”可知他们正在讨论明天的野餐计划,今天是周六,明天即周日,故为T.

3. 由短文中的关键句“Wang Hong is very excited. Her mother bought a lot of delicious food and fruit.”可知王红的妈妈已经买了食物和水果,而不是将要去买食物和水果,故为F. 4. 由短文中的关键句“Wang Hong’s friend Ding Yuan will go with them.”可知王红和丁原是朋友而不是同班同学,帮为F.

5. 由短文中的关键句“They will meet at seven thirty at the school gate.”可知他们将在七点半在学校门口见,这个七点半是早上七点半,而不是下午,故为F. 评卷人 得 分 九、连线题


1.the UN building 2. 世界各地,全世界 3. all the flags 4. 联合国大厦 5. the flag of China 6. 所有的旗 7. all around the world 8. 进到里面去 9. go inside 10. 中国的国旗。 11. show sb sth 12. 想要做某事 13. want to do sth 14 . 给某人看某物 【答案】

【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 十、排序题


【答案】F D C B E A 【解析】略



