1、“中级英语写作”课程的主要写作训练是什么? A. 句子写作 B. 段落写作 C. 篇章写作 答案 : 篇章写作
2、 本课程不以应试为目的, 但通过系统的写作训练可以达到应对英语专业四级和相应水平写 作考试的要求。 A. 对 B. 错 答案 : 对
3、 本课程除了线上视频学习,没有其他直播互动环节。 A. 对 B. 错 答案 : 错
4、我们的课程特色是什么? A. 专业教师团队 B. 国家精品课程之一 C?紧密结合教学实践
答案 : 专业教师团队 , 国家精品课程之一 , 紧密结合教学实践 5、本课程采取“过程写作教学法”,主要包括哪些过程? A. 预写 B. 谋篇
C. 文本修改
答案:预写,谋篇,文本修改 第一章
1、 As a writer, you should be clear about your writing purpose and write for your purpose. A. 对 B. 错 答案:对
2、If a writer can express his or her ideas clearly, he or she doesn con sider too t have to
much about the audie nee. A. 对 B. 错 答案:错
What is the second
thing to do in the stage of prewriting ?
A. assess the writing situation B. ge nerate ideas C. orga nize ideas 答案:gen erate ideas
4、 What could be the methods when you are generating ideas? A. freewriti ng B. clusteri ng C. brai nstormi ng
答案:freewrit ing ,clusteri ng ,bra in storm ing 5、 Revising is also a part of writing process.
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A. 对 B. 错 答案:对
6、Thesis statement contains the main idea and outline of an essay. A. 对 B. 错 答案:对
7、 A thesis statement should be restricted and unified, but it doesn' A. 对 B. 错 答案:错
8、What may a good introduction look like? A. It is in teresti ng.
B. It quotes a famous say ing.
C. It may raise a con troversial questio n. D. All of the above. 答案:All of the above.
9、What should you include in the body part of an essay? A. sub-po ints (or topic senten ces)
欢迎下载 t have to be specific. 3
B. support ing details C. con clusi on D. title
答案:sub-points (or topic sentences) ‘supporting details 10、What should be included in a conclusion paragraph? A. summary of the main points B. restateme nst of the main poi nts C. emphasis of the main points D. new ideas about the main points
答案:summary of the main points,restatemenst of the main points,emphasis of the mai n poi nts 第二章
1、 Narrative writings only include stories. A. 对 B. 错 答案:错
2、 What kinds of huma n con flict are in volved in n arrative writ in gs? A. i nternal con flict B. exter nal con flict C. formal con flict
答案:internal conflict,external conflict
3、 A writer can write a story in his or her own way without a definite focus. A. 对
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B. 错 答案:错
4、 Should the thesis statement of a narrative essay always be in the introduction? A. Yes B. No 答案:No
5、 Is the background information necessary in the introduction of narration? A. Yes B. No 答案:Yes
6、 Which part should a writer put the focus on in narrative writings? A. i ntroducti on B. con clusi on C. climax 答案:climax
7、 A writer can change the point of view from time to time in the narration. A. 对 B. 错 答案:错
8、 A writer should select details and eve nts for the writ ing purpose in stead of in cludi ng everyth ing of the story. A. 对 B. 错
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