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著者姓名 动提取机制,意识性提取机制对加工水平更加敏感。

与引言部分所归纳的先前一些相关实验的结论相比较,本实验的结论既反映出了不同之处,又具有相似点。与以前的研究不同之处突出表现在,本实验发现自动提取成绩在短延时内变化较小,而不是迅速下降。与以前的结论较一致的地方,我们发现7天之后,自动提取成绩仍旧高于随机水平。如何对这些现象进行解释呢?实际上对再认的两种加工机制的遗忘特点进行研究,本文尚属首次,虽然在假定两种加工机制的存在及其特点时,笔者是以外显记忆以及内隐记忆作为参照,但是再认加工机制的特点与外显记忆、内隐记忆的特点存有差异是可以理解的,因为迄今为止有关外显记忆、内隐记忆的特点仍主要是通过记忆任务来比较衡量的,而再认加工机制所涉及的是记忆任务的内在构成。再认本身就是传统意义上的直接测验。近年来一些研究,如Gruppuso, Lindsay和Kelley [10]等表明,再认的自动提取机制与间接测验所表现出的启动效应之间存在特征上的差异。McBride和Dosher [7]对内隐和外显记忆遗忘特点的比较研究,亦是通过直接测验:线索回忆获得外显记忆、间接测验:词干补笔获得内隐记忆,进行的分离比较,因此,研究范式的差异可能是导致彼此结果出现分歧的原因。当然关于内隐记忆的遗忘特点本身至今尚没有较明确的结论,不少已经公开发表的实验结果之间也存在背离的现象。进一步的解释有待继续探索和检验。


点号 文题 参 考 文 献

1 Rubin D C, Wenzel A E. One hundred years of forgetting: A quantitatve description of retention. Psychological Review, 1996, 103: 734~760 逗号 2 Rubin D C, Hinton S, Wenzel A E. The precise time course of retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 1999, 25(5): 1161~1176 3 Jacoby L L, Dallas M. On the relationship between autobiographical memory and perceptual learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1981, 110: 306~340

刊名,年,卷(期):页码 4 Tulving E, Schacter D L, Stark H A. Priming effects in word fragment completion are independent of recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 1982, 8: 336~342

5 Sloman S A, Hayman C A G, Ohta N, et al. Forgetting in primed fragment completion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 1988, 14: 223~239

6 Roediger H L, McDermott K B. Implicit memory in normal subjects. In: Boller F, Grafman J eds. Handbook of Neuropsychology. Vol. 8. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1993. 63~131

7 McBride D M, Dosher B A. A comparison of forgetting in an implicit and explicit memory task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1997, 126(4): 371~392 8 Jacoby L L. A process dissociation frame work: separating automatic from intentional

序号 出版地:77

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9杨治良,郭力平,王沛等. 记忆心理学. 第2版. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社, 1999. 197~441

10 Gruppuso V, Lindsay D S, Kelley C M. The process-dissociation procedure and similarity: Defining and estimating recollection and familiarity in recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1997, 23 (2): 259~278

11 Buchner A, Erdfelder E, Vaterrodt-Plunnecke B. Toward unbiased measurement of conscious and unconscious memory processes within the process dissociation framework. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1995, 124: 137~160 12 Buchner A, Wippich W. On the reliability of implicit and explicit memory measures. Cognitive Psychology, 2000, 40: 227~259




Guo Liping

(Department of Early Childhood Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062)

作者英文姓名 英文摘要 单位英文名 According to the experimental dissociation paradigm and employing the process dissociation procedure, an experiment was designed to investigate the forgetting characteristics of implicit and explicit memory through the comparison of the delayed performance in two processing recognition mechanisms. Ss were 28 undergraduates at East China Normal University. Results showed that automaticity and recollection functionally differed from each other during the delays of 0, 6 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hours and 7 days. Especially during the first 15 minutes, recollection declined significantly, whereas automaticity did not show any significant decline. This implied that implicit memory and explicit memory have different forgetting characteristics. The results also showed that the effects of processing level on automaticity and recollection performance are different.

Key words implicit memory, explicit memory, forgetting.


英文关键词 (资料来源:郭力平.内隐和外显记忆的遗忘特点.心理学报,2002,34(1):29~35,有改动)


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