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KB3 Unit6 剑桥国际少儿英语.doc

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2. Listen and check.

Mr. Star: Look at this map of the countryside. Let’s go there for a picnic

on Sunday. We can take a big blanket and have our lunch on the ground.

Grandpa: That’s good idea! I like picnics. Ooh, there’s a river here. I’d

like to go fishing,

Simon: And I’d like to go swimming. There’s a lake near the river. Mr. Star: Ok, so you need to take a towel.

Stella: Oh, look! There’s a big forest. I want to look at some plants and

draw their leaves.

Suzy: Is there any grass to play on, Dad?

Mr. Star: Yes, Suzy. Look at the map. There’s green parts are fields.

There’s a lot of grass.

Grandpa: Hmm, lots of grass and a blanket … That’s great … for a nice sleep after lunch. Hmm.

3. Listen and say the letter.

a forest, a lake, a picnic, a field, grass, a leaf, a river, a plant. (e, d, a, h, g ,f ,c, b)

7. Listen and check. 1

Mr. Star: Ok, now, where shall I put the picnic table? Mrs. Star: Put it over there under that tree, please. Simon: I can’t do this!

Stella: Shall I help you put the blanket on the grass, Simon? Simon: Yes, please! 2 Later.

Narrator: Simon’s cold and hungry. He wants to eat. Suzy’s hot and thirsty. She want a drink.

Grandpa Star is catching a big fat fish. He’s very strong.

Grandma Star’s near the cows in the field. She’s very quiet. She’s drawing a baby cow. It’s got thin legs and it’s very wek. Stella isn’t happy because her drawing’s bad.

Mr. Star’s listening to the radio. His music is very loud. Oh, yes! And finally, Mrs. Star. She’s sleeping because she’s very tired.

8. Play the memory game. Close your books. Listen and answer. 1. Is Stella’s drawing good or bad? 2. Is Simon cold or hot? 3. Is the music quiet or loud? 4. Is Suzy hungry or thirsty?

5. Is Grandpa strong or weak? 6. Is Mrs. Star tired or hungry? 7. Is the fish fat or thin? 8. Is Grandma tired or quiet?

11. Listen and write. Match the words and the pictures. 1. a-n-g-r-y e 2. t-h-i-r-s-t-y d 3. c-l-e-v-e-r h 4. w-e-a-k a 5. l-o-u-d g 6. h-u-n-g-r-y c 7. s-t-r-o-n-g b 8. t-i-r-e-d f

13. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound. 1. catch 2. face 3. are 4. name 5.part 6.bank 7.straight 8. bad 9. fat 10.cake 11. stand 12. park 13. art 14. day 15. paint 16. arm

KB3 Unit6 剑桥国际少儿英语.doc


