【期刊名称】《中国骨与关节外科》 【年(卷),期】2012(005)002
【摘要】Background: An Akin osteotomy may also allow additional correction but carries its own complications, to summarize surgical techniques and outcomes of Akin oslcolmy in the surgical management of hallux valgus.rnMethods: From October 2006 to October 2010, 48 feet with halluv valgus were treated by the operation. Modified Mcbride procedure with Akin osteotomy 6 feet, chevon osteotomy with Akin osteotomy 8 feet, first matatarsal basiler osteotomy with Akin osteotomy 8 feet, Lipadus with Akin osteotomy 5 feet.rnResults: All cases were followed up for 6 to 60 months, mean 30. 3 months. No recurrence of hallux valgus occurred. The hallux valgus angles decreased from 37.2° ±8.9°to 13° *6. 8°. IMA decreased from 16.5° ±6.7°to 8.9° ±4.5°. The AOFAS hallux valgus scores were signifcantly improved from 43 ± 10.5 preoperatively to 84 ±7. 8 at the last follow up.rnConclusions; Akin osteotomy which can denpends on the phalanx deformity can decreased the recurrence rate after surgery for hallux valgus. The good result can be achieved as long as the indication for the combined procedures is strictly applied.%背景:Akin截骨术能够纠正拇外翻手术中残留拇趾畸形但也存在并发症,总结探讨在拇外翻手术时联合应用Akin截骨治疗拇
外翻的临床疗效并探讨使用指征.方法:总结分析2006年10月至2010年10月,在拇外翻手术时联合应用Akin截骨术48足,软组织手术加Akin截骨术6足,chevon截骨术加Akin截骨术29足,跖骨基底截骨加Akin截骨术8足,第一跖楔关节融合加Akin截骨术5足.结果:所有病例均获得随访,随访时间6个月至5年,平均30.3个月,未见拇外翻复发病例.术前拇外翻角为37.2°±8.9°,IMA为16.5°±6.7°;术后拇外翻角为13°±6.8°,IMA为8.9°±4.5°.术前AOFAS评分为(43±10.5)分,术后为(84±7.8)分,具有统计学意义.结论:在拇外翻手术时,根据趾骨畸形情况联合应用Akin截骨术可以降低拇外翻手术复发率,临床效果确切,但需要严格掌握手术适应证. 【总页数】4页(150-153)
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R687 【文献来源】
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