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Unit 1 The Pursuit of Happiness


Background Information 背景信息

What is happiness? 什么是幸福?

Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudemonia, and is still used in virtue ethics. There has been a transition over time from emphasis on the happiness of virtue to the virtue of happiness.

A widely discussed political value expressed in the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, written by Thomas Jefferson, is the universal right to “the pursuit of happiness.”

Happiness is a fuzzy concept and can mean many different things to many people. Part of the challenge of a science of happiness is to identify different concepts of happiness, and where applicable, split them into their components. Related concepts are well-being, quality of life and flourishing. At least one author defines happiness as contentment. Some commentators focus on the difference between the hedonistic tradition of seeking pleasant and avoiding unpleasant experiences, and the eudemonic tradition of living life in a full and deeply satisfying way.

The 2012 World Happiness Report stated that in subjective well-being measures, the primary distinction is between cognitive life evaluations and emotional reports. Happiness is used in both life evaluation, as in “How happy are you with your life as a whole?”, and in emotional reports, as in “How happy are you now?”, and people seem able to use happiness as appropriate in these verbal contexts. Using these measures, the World Happiness Report identifies the countries with the highest levels of happiness.

How to achieve happiness?

If you’re happy it makes life better and you have better relationships with people; it changes your outlook on life. Here are some tips for you:

Be optimistic. Be hopeful, cheerful and positive about something each day. Push aside

negative thoughts or feelings and focus on something that makes you smile. Always look on the bright side and never give up hope in what you believe in.

Smile. Smiling will make you feel better and look better, instantly. Notice how much easier it is to breathe when you smile. Studies have shown that simply smiling boosts your immune system. Smiling creates unity and a glance of a smile automatically softens the heart.

Listen to your favorite music. Music can cheer you up, help you relax and relieve stress. It can also inspire and motivate you when you’re feeling low, or frustrated.

Stay close to uplifting friends and family. Spending time with positive, uplifting people will make you feel happy and remind you how much you are loved and adored.

Be happy with yourself. Never change who you are for anybody; discover what you like and dislike, what you believe in and what issues are of little importance to you to discover who you really are, then be proud to be you and let it show. If people don’t like you the way you are, brush it off and embrace yourself. You are unique and special, enjoy the wonderful things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Active Listening & Speaking I


What Is Happiness?

In the last 6 months, more than 1,000 books have been published about it. Universities around the world are teaching on it. For 30 years, scientists have been studying it. Governments are appointing cabinet positions to oversee it. The United Nations named an official day after it. Google analytics prove people are searching for it. In fact, it’s one of humanity’s oldest pursuits. HAPPINESS.

We’re wealthier, more educated and live longer than any previous generation. And as a nation, the US is one of the wealthiest, most powerful and technologically advanced. And in the most recent World Happiness Report, the United States ranked 17th. And during the Great Depression, when there was little to be happy about, we were actually 18% less depressed than we are now.

We have been taught that hard work equals success which equals happiness. Right? Ha, wrong! Research proves happiness is actually a precursor to success, not the other way around. Did you know? Neuroscience proves that we are hard-wired to perform in our best when we are happy. Study show that happy, positive, optimistic people earn higher incomes; set and achieve more aggressive goals; experience less stress; remain calm in high-pressure situations; are more energetic; recover from illness faster and live longer. Happiness is serious business. When we engage in positive real-life relationships, our bodies release chemicals that actually help reduce anxiety and increase concentration and focus. How you feel and your attitude toward life all stem from your thoughts, actions and where you focus your time and energy.

Yet we are constantly surrounded by negativity. If we want things to change, we have to

create the change and we start by choosing positivity and happiness. Just imagine the possibilities if there were more happy and positive people in this world. A world with more peace, optimism and compassion is possible like a pebble thrown into a pond. It only takes one to create the ripple of happiness. Happiness is so contagious and infectious that one positive person can spread happiness to more than 1,000 people. That means all it takes to create change on a local, regional, state, country, global scale, is one person. And research shows that just by spreading happiness, you actually become happier. You can choose happiness and choose to share it. You can be the catalyst to spread it directly and indirectly.

Are you that one? It starts with you, yet it’s bigger than you. Happiness is bold. It is courageous, audacious and challenging. You have the power to choose happiness and to spread it. Join the movement, share the movement. Be the one who makes the difference and live happy.

Active Listening & Speaking II


Gross National Happiness

This is the fourth Dragon King of Bhutan, a beautiful country at the eastern end of the Himalayas. He became king at the age of 17 in 1972. It was then when he had to decide what should be the philosophy behind his reign.

He looked at other countries and noticed in most of them, the government and the people strive for economical wealth. And those few who achieve this goal usually live a comfortable life. But on the downside, many other people live in misery, poverty or social isolation. Also in the ruthless hunt for money, huge parts of the environment are often destroyed. This couldn’t be the right path for Bhutan.

The concept of Gross National Happiness was born. The primary idea of GNH is that every human being aspires for happiness and the country’s development should also be measured in its citizens’ happiness. The fourth Dragon King’s challenge therefore was figuring out how to balance economic development with the emotional and spiritual well-being of his people. Although economic growth can’t be the only goal, a flourishing economy gives the government the funds needed to provide a working, health and educational system, as well as certain living standards. Because being healthy, having opportunities for the future and knowing that security, a steady income, housing or well-balanced time use are guaranteed is crucial for people to be happy. But furthermore, people get a lot of positive energy from being with others and sharing interests. Participating in cultural life and to hold up local traditions and cultural heritage lead to a stronger



