【期刊名称】《中国病案》 【年(卷),期】2012(013)002
【摘要】缩微数字一体化技术是目前在病案存储中较为先进的技术.其主要原理是在缩微拍摄装置的机头上增加一个数码机头和快门同步拍摄器等设备,一次拍摄加工可以生成病案的缩微与数字影像化两种产品,两种影像完全相同,互相印证.缩微影像永久存储且具有法律效力,数码影像记录在存储介质上,用于查阅和网上传输.缩微数字一体化技术将传统缩微拍摄技术和现代数码影像技术和二为一,可以满足病案多套异地异质安全备份存储的要求,在病案管理中具有高效、节约、安全的特点,是实现历史病案科学管理的有效手段.%Microfilm digital integration technobgy is a advanced technobgy in m edical records storage at present. T he m ain principle is adding a digital head and shutter sin ultaneous video device on m iniature shooting device head . 0 ne film ing can produce 1w o kinds of products w hich are m icro- film and digital in age. Two in ages are 1he same, corroborate each other. Persistent storage of m icroin age has 1he force of law . Digital images were recorded in storage m edium s and w ere used for looking up and internet ttansm issbn . M fcrofilm digital integration technobgy can com bine traditional microfilm technobgy and modem digital in aging technobgy togeiher, can m eet the need of safety backup storage of differentpkce and m aterials. It has features of efficiency, save and safety,