【期刊名称】《山东青年政治学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)005
【摘要】During the construction of ruling by law in China,legal rhetoric is an active judicial method throughout the rule of law theory and judicial practice. It is not only the reapperarce of legal thinking process,but also comply with the system rules and thinking rules in the construction of the rule of law. The rhetorical method is both embodied with the micro persuasion skills and debate activities in the field of macro. In the process of sen-tence,we could realize the persuasion among subjects in specific contexts through the selection of \and \type building,and by using the method of reasonable claim to make up the mechanical passiveness or the absence of value in the form of judicial interpretation and reasoning. In this way,the judge may strengthen the acceptability of judicial judgment,establish the credibility and authority of justice and realize the hu-manistic value of care in the process of the unity of legal effect and social effect.%在法治中国的建设中,法律修辞作为一门贯穿于法治理论和司法实践之间的能动司法方法,是法律思维的过程再现,也是对法治建设中制度性规则和思维性规则的遵守。修辞方法不仅体现为微观领域的说服技巧,而且也是宏观领域中的论辩活动。在裁判过程中,通过“可接受”的前提选择
和“可废止”的形式构建从而实现特定语境中的主体间说服,以“讲法说理”的方式弥补着法官裁判中解释和推理等司法方法的机械被动或价值缺位,从而增强司法裁判的可接受性,树立起司法的公信力和权威性,在法律效果与社会效果的统一过程中实现司法裁判的人文价值关怀。 【总页数】8页(102-109)
【关键词】法律修辞;修辞论辩;可接受性;听众共识 【作者】宋保振
【作者单位】华东政法大学,中国 上海200042 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】D920.5 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-shandong-youth-university-political-science_thesis/0201256133039.html 【相关文献】
1.增强裁判的可接受性:用法律修辞方法讲法说理 [J], 宋保振 2.法律修辞说服理论研究——用法律修辞方法讲法说理 [C], 宋保振 3.把理说得更信服——法律修辞在裁判说理中的运用 [J], 陈宝军 4.掌握裁判文书适用法律说理的重点从一份判决书谈起 [J], 杜万华
5.增强裁判文书说理性——以法律形式逻辑与司法三段论为切入点 [J], 罗洋洋