1.本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共 10 页,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 2.考生答题前,须将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题卡上。 3.选择题的答案必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如要改动,须将原填涂处用橡皮擦净。
第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话, 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the man say about the TV drama?
A. It’ too long. B. It’s not interesting. ads.
2. When will Bob get to Amy’s house?
A. At 11:20. B. At 10:20. C. At 10:00. 3. What kind of music does the man like?
A Jazz. B. Rock. C. Opera (歌剧). 4. Where will the speakers go?
A. To the seaside. B. To a playground. C. To a swimming pool. 5. How old is the woman now?
A. Sixteen years old. B. Fifteen years old. C. Eleven years old. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the man want to do?
A. Work hard. B. Go to Ireland. C. Pay for the woman’s vacation. 7. What does the woman think of her trip last year?
A. It cost a lot. B. It wasn’t fun enough. C. It made her tired.
C. There are lots of
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听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Where did Sara paint the pictures?
A. In her bedroom. B. In the kitchen. C. In her classroom. 9. What is in the sky in Sara’s pictures? A. A house.
B. A plane. C. Her father.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。 10. Who is the second book about?
A. A famous scientist. B. A Chinese writer. C. A national hero. 11. What is the woman’s daughter interested in?
A. Sports. B. Science. C. History. 12. Where are the speakers? A. In a library.
B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.
听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What is in the kitchen drawer?
A. A ruler. B. An eraser. C. Some pens. 14. What grade is the girl in?
A. The fifth grade. B. The sixth grade. C. The eighth grade. 15. What will the man buy for the girl?
A. An MP3 player. B. A computer. C. A calculator(计算器). 16. How much of his own money will the man pay?
A. $99. B. $89. C. $10. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What does the boy look like?
A. He has red hair. B. He has blue eyes. C. He is wearing a white T-shirt. 18. What information can the boy give?
A. His name. B. His address. C. His mother’s name. 19.Where was the boy found?
A. In the toy section. B. In the book section. C. In the clothing section. 20.What does the speaker want the boy’s mother to do?
A. Come back to the store. B. Finish her shopping. C. Pick up the boy.
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第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节。第一节10小题,每小题2.5分,第二节5小题,每小题2分;满分35分)
Two brothers, Herbert and James, lived with their mother and a cat named Edgar. James were concerned about the cat, and when he had to leave town for several days, he left Herbert careful requirements about the pet’s care. At the end of his first day away, James telephoned his brother, “How is Edgar?”
“Edgar is dead.” Herbert answered. There was a pause. Then James said, “Herbert, you’re insensitive (漠然的). You know how close I was to Edgar. You should have broken the news to me slowly. When I asked about Edgar tonight, you should have said, ‘Edgar’s on the roof , but I have called the fire department to get him down.’ And tomorrow when I called, you could have said the firemen were having trouble getting Edgar down, but you were hopeful they would succeed. Then when I called the third time, you could have told me that the firemen have done their best, but unfortunately Edgar had fallen off the roof and was at the veterinarian’s (兽医站). Then when I called the last time, you could have said that although everything possible had been done for Edgar, he had died. That’s the way a kind man would have told me about Edgar. And, oh, before I forget,” James added, “how is mother?”
“Oh,” Herbert said, pausing for a moment, “She’s on the roof.”
21. James telephoned his brother at the end of his first day away because he wanted to know _____.
A. what he was doing B. whether he was good C. whether the cat was good D. where his mother was 22. Why did James say his brother was insensitive?
A. Because he told him the news directly. B. Because he killed their pet. C. Because his mother was on the roof. D. Because he missed the truth about the cat.
23. From the last paragraph of the passage, we can know that the mother was probably _____.
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A. on the roof B. ill or even dead
C. repairing the house D. playing games
Nowadays they are giving homework even during the holidays and I hate that very much. But I think there is a reason for it. Homework is given so that we can remember whatever we have learnt. But teachers have started to give too much homework. Anything in excess (过度) is bad. So homework should be given with the idea of giving students a practice and not to overwork them. Jane
What’s the use of just homework without allowing children to get an insight (洞察) into the subject? It just makes them bookworms(书呆子) but nothing else. Homework such as writing some things 5 times at home will just make them memorize things but not put them into use. I find that most of the so-called high scorers are unable to answer simple things in an interview. Sally
It is OK to give homework. But it should be given less. We are spending most of our time in school and at least we must be free in our home. If you give homework, we will be very tired, which in turn may affect our health both physically and mentally. So please give less homework to us. Johnson
It is part of our work to give students homework. There will be some punishments if we won’t do our work. So I have to do that even if I know such a teacher is not liked by students.
24. Who thinks that too much homework may do harm to students’ physical and mental health? A. Sunny.
B. Jane. C. Sally.
D. Johnson.
25. Who thinks homework should help students put them into use? A. Sunny.
B. Jane.
C. Sally. D. Johnson.
26. According to the last paragraph, why do teachers give students homework?
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A. Because they care more about students’ metal health. B. Because they find it easy to control students in this way. C. Because they have to follow the required rules as a teacher. D. Because they want students to get interested in their studies.
Can we help those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.
1. Protect wildlife habitat(栖息地).
Perhaps many species suffer from the widespread destruction(破坏) of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all lead to loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can do damage to them. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together. Parks and reserves are now the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.
2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species.
The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources (资源) and habitat. To feed themselves, they can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction(灭绝).
3. Place decals (窗花) on windows.
It is reported that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.
4. Slow down when driving.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障碍) to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and animals are in danger crossing from one side to the other. So when you’re driving, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife. 27. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. How animals go to extinction B. The importance of protecting wildlife
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