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( )4.A. for B. to

C. at

D. a

D. He D.

( )5.A. She’s ( )6.A. grade Class

( )7.A. She ( )8.A. She

B. He’s B. class

C. She C. row

B. He B. He

C. her C. Her

D. Her

D. His


( )9.A. China B. Japanese Chinese

( )10.A. Chinese China


Passage 1

B. Japanese

C. japan

C. Japan D.

1. B Excuse为动词“原谅”,后面的成分为“宾语”,宾语是代词时要用宾格代词,而“me”是“I”的宾格,Excuse me意为“打扰了”、“劳驾”、“请问”等,常用于想要打扰别人的时候或向别人提出请求、询问时。选项A、C为主格,选项D为物主代词,后面须加名词。

2. C 这一句是由be引起的一般疑问句。Be是am, is, are 的原形。具体使用时取决于主语。“我用am, 你用are, is 用于他她它”。一般疑问句的句子结构是“be +主+其他?”回答时总是用Yes或No开头。

3. B 根据答语I’m five。Five是数字,因此这句话应译为“我五岁了。”确定前句应是问“你多大了?”,How old are you?而How are you是“你好吗?”答语是I’m fine.

4. A 从短文的最后一句话It’s four看出,3与1的关系应是“加”,英语中“加法”可用plus和and表示。如3+4=?可以说 What’s three plus four?也可说What’s three and four?它们的答语用It’s seven或Seven. 7+8=15, 可以说Seven plus eight is fifteen,也可以说成Seven and eight fifteen.

5. D. 因为3+1=4 Three plus one is four.

Passage 2

1. C 前面an推测此空要填一个发元音音素开头的单词。又从第二句“他自伦敦”可知这是一个英国男孩。

2. C 承接上句应是“他是十三岁。”

3. C “No.2 Middle School”表示“第二中学”middle要大写。 4. C “in class Four, Grade One”表示“在二年级四班。”

5. D 根据后面一句“She is from New York.”可知,Alice是一位美国女孩。

6. B “be from……”表示“自……”

7. B 由于school用了单数,所以“She and Jack”应该在上同一所学校。 8. C 由于后面 class用了复数形式,可知他们在不同的班级。 9. B “an English teacher”表示“一位英语老师。”

10.C 动词like后面要用宾格him作宾语。A项为主格作主语,B项为形容词性物主代词作定语。D项为女性不合题意。

Passage 3

1. C 名词name前用形容词性物主代词作宾语。A项为主格作主语。B项为宾格作宾语。D项mine为名词性物主代词作主语、宾语、表语不能作宾语。

2. C 表示在哪一个班用介词in.

3. B “Mr Gao”意为“高先生”在英语中表示称呼的词如M r(先生),Mrs( 夫人),Miss (小姐)要放在姓氏前面。

4. B 根据前两句此处要用第三人称表示,作主语要用主格they。 5. D 根据句意“我有一位好朋友。”用have表示“有”。 6. C 主语his name为单数要用be 的单数is 形式与之搭配。

7. A “an American boy”“一位美国男孩。” American发元音开头。 8. C “He is thirteen.” 他十三岁。A项为三岁不合题意。B项拼写不对。D项表示“第三”

9. A 与前一句“I am in Class 4”相呼应。C项中的 one没有大写。 10.B 主语是Jack,单数第三人称,谓语动词应用动词的单数第三人称的形式。

Passage 4

1. A 一个日本女孩,其中Japanese是以辅音开头的单词,前面的冠词用a.

2. D name前需用一个物主代词。女孩的名字用her name,前文用的是“.”。因此her要大写。选项A、C是人称代词不合B题意。

3. B 介绍年龄用代词+be动词。而句中已给出is,因此要选代表“她”的代词she,且句首要大写。

4. C 学生在××学校学习(上学)用介词at, I go to school at Yu Ying Middle School我在育英中学上学。

5. A She’s 是She is 的缩写。

6. D 四个选项中只有D是大写的。名词与数字连用为专有名词,开头要大写。

7. C 四个选项都是代词,而根据文章内容此处须填的是物主代词,又因在句中,此题要选C。

8. B 由上句Mr Hu看,Mr意为先生,因此,此处用代表“他”的人称代词he,句首要大写,因为选B。

9. D a good Chinese teacher.意为一个好的汉语老师或一个好的中国老师。根据四个选项,选项A、C是国家名称,不能修饰teacher,而B项Japanese应大写,只有选D。

10.A 日本人到中国,通过老师的教授,会用汉语数数,是合乎情理的,in English是“用英语”之意。“用汉语”是in Chinese,“用日语”是in Japanese.


Passage 1

My name 1 Lily. I am eleven. I’m a new student in Class Six, 2 ,No.2 Middle School . My teacher is Miss Gao. She is 3 .But I’m 4 American girl. I have a sister. 5 name is Lucy. We are twins.

I am 6 duty this morning. I can’t look 7 my sister. At school I help my teacher put books, maps and pictures on her 8 .I tell my teacher, “Everyone is here.” But I am 9 . Jim is not at school. I don’t 10 where he is. I think he is at home.

( )1.A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be


( )2.A. Grade one B. grade One Grade One

( )3.A. English D. American

( )4.A. a D.×

( )5.A. Her

D. She’s ( )6.A. on

B. at

B. She

B. an

B. Japanese

C. grade one

C. Chinese

C. the

C. Her’s

C. in

D. of

( )7.A. here

D. after

( )8.A. desk D. book

( )9.A. O

D. wrong

( )10.A. think thank

B. there C. at

B. chair C. bed

B. all right C. fine

B. know C. do D.

Passage 2

My name is Bill. I’m 1 American boy. I’m twelve. I’m a student 2 a middle school. I’m in Class 4, Grade 1. Li Lei my friend . We’re in the 3 class. He is eleven. Here is a picture of 4 family! 5 look at it .His father, the one behind the tree, is a policeman. His mother, the one in the red hat, is a teacher of Chinese. He has 6 sisters. They are twins. Their names 7 Fang Fang and Fang Ling. They have a cat. 8 name is Mimi. Look! It’s 9 the floor under the table. 10 twins are middle school students, too. They are in different 11 . They look after 12 at school. We are good friends.

( )1.A. the /

( )2.A. to

B. of

C. behind

D. under


B. a

C. an


( )3.A. same some

( )4.A. him

B. different C. one

B. her

C. he D. his

( )5.A. Let us ( )6.A. five four

( )7.A. be ( )8.A. It Its

( )9.A. on

B. It’s B. two

C. Let D. It


C. three

B. is C. are

D. am


B. It’s C. Its’

B. in

C. to

D. behind

D. And

( )10.A. The B. / C. A

( )11.A. team B. grade ( )12.A. I

B. my

C. classes

C. mine

D. school

D. me

Passage 3

I’m Susan White. I am 1 American. I’m a new student 2 Hong



