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355 nm皮秒激光辐照下熔石英的损伤特性

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355 nm皮秒激光辐照下熔石英的损伤特性


【期刊名称】《强激光与粒子束》 【年(卷),期】2013(025)009

【摘要】This paper studies the initiated damage threshold,the damage morphology and the subsequent damage growth on fused silica's input-surface and exit-surface under picosecond laser irradiation at 355 nm.Defects induced fluorescence on surface of the optical component is observed.The results demonstrate a significant dependence of the initiated damage on pulse duration and surface defects,and that of the damage growth on self-focusing,sub-surface defects.The damage-threshold is 3.98 J/cm2 of input surface and 2.91 J/cm2 of exit surface.The damage morphologies are quite different between input surface and exit surface.Slow growth behavior appears for the diameter of exit-surface and linear growth one for the depth of exit-surface in the lateral side of damage site with the increase of shot number.Defects have changed obviously compared with nanosecond laser damage in the damage area.Several main reasons such as electric intensification and self-focusing for the observed initiated damage and damage growth behavior are discussed.%利用光学元件激光损伤测试平台,测试了355 nm皮秒激光辐照下熔石英光学元件的初始损伤及损伤增长情况,并通过荧光检测分析了损伤区缺陷.研究结果表明:皮秒激光较高的峰值功率导致熔石英损

伤阈值较低,前表面损伤阈值为3.98 J/cm2,后表面损伤阈值为2.91 J/cm2;前后表面损伤形貌存在较大差异,后表面比前表面损伤程度轻且伴随体内丝状损伤;随脉冲数的增加后表面损伤直径增长缓慢,损伤深度呈线性增长;皮秒激光的动态自聚焦和自散焦导致熔石英体内损伤存在细丝和炸裂点重复的现象;与纳秒激光损伤相比,损伤区缺陷发生明显改变. 【总页数】5页(2247-2251)



【作者单位】西华师范大学理论物理研究所,四川南充637009;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;西华师范大学理论物理研究所,四川南充637009;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳621900 【正文语种】中文

【中图分类】TN204;O531;O437 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_high-power-laser-particle-beams_thesis/0201236542088.html 【相关文献】

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355 nm皮秒激光辐照下熔石英的损伤特性


