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2020-2021学年牛津译林版六年级英语上学期unit1-2 检测卷

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一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词或词组,读一遍(10%) 1. A. man B. men C. woman D. women 2.A.rain B. rainy C. raining D. rains 3.A.went B. want C. goes D. were 4. A.ant B. bees C. ants D. aren’t 5. A where B.wear C.were D. when 6. A. windy B.sunny C. cloudy D. rainy 7.A. cooked B. look C. took D.book 8.A. say B. tell C. told D. said 9. A. point at B. pointed at C. laughed at D. laugh at 10. A fly away B. go away C. went away D. flew away

二、听录音,根据所听对话内容判断正误,用T或F表示,读两通。(5%) 1. It's five thirty now. 2. Lily is in her classroom.

3. Lily is in the teachers' office.

4. Lily was in the playground a moment ago. 5. Lily is in the playground now.


1. A. Yes, there was. B. There was a box. C. Yes. there was a box. 2. A. Yes, please B. How nice! C. Thank you.

3. A. She was ill at home. B. She does her homework. C. He goes to the park 4. A. I am ill. B. No, but I am here. C. That’s all right 5. A. It was windy. B. I flew my kite. C. I lost my bag. 四、听录音,补全句子,读两遍。(10%) 1.We_______many __________parrots.

2. There _______some ants on the bread and ________. 3. Mr Green walked _________ the __________just now. 4. They _________at the king and _________.

5.A_________girl pointed at him and________,”How lovely!”


1. /a:/ This morning, I got a ______from my good friend Tim. Tim said, \______ at half past four in the park.

2. /i?/ The New ________is__________here, Let's _______ together, my dear! 六、从方框内选择各适的词,并用共正而形式填空。(10%) can bring bring fly meet see have is arefind I. It rained this morning, so I ________ to school by bus. 2. The little girl was very happy, because she _______ her old friend in the shop. 3. There ______ only one music room in our schoolfive years ago! But now there____three.

4. Last Friday I _______ a film with my friend.

5. It waswindy in the park and we______ kites high in the sky.

6.In the morning,he usually______some milk and an egg for breakfast.

7. My brother ________read and write when he wasfive. 8. At last, she ______ the puppy near the hill. 9. Please ______your books here now. 七、单项选择。(10%)

1. A little girllooked at the box and_______at it A.called B. pointedC.picked D. listened

2. Look!The tiger________after the mouse. He also______after it yesterday. A. running: ranB. is running: runsC. runs: ranD. is running; ran

3. Miss Williams and her students__________in the classroom two minutes ago. A.wasB. areC. isD. were

4. My mother______us an English story yesterday. A. toldB. tellC. is tellingD. tells

5. There_______a lot of people______the street three hours ago. A. is: on B. are; onC. were: inD. were: on

6. In the park, there is a________show. We can see many beautiful________there. A.flower,flowers B, flower, flower C .flowers, flower D. flowers, flowers 7. It's often_______in summer in our hometown. A.rainsB. rainyC. rainD. rained

8.My cat______in my grandma's home just now,but now it______in my study. A. was, is B.were,isn’t C wasn’t, is D. was. isn't 9. Thisis an_______cowboy and that is a_______man.

A. America, ScottishB. American: ScottishC. the USA, Scottish D.Australia, Scottish

10. Itwas Monday.I ______abad cough and a headache. A.have B. havingC. hadD.am having 八、按要求完成句子,每空一词。(10%)

1.It was Sept23rd yesterday.(根据答句写出问句) ___________ _________ __________it____________? 2.There were some bees in the flowers.

There________ _________ _______in the flowers.

3.There were some apples here just now.(改为单数句) There_________ ___________ _________here just now.

4.The little boy is looking at the king and laughing now.(用last year代替now) The little boy________ _______at the king and________last year. 5.It was rainy and windy.(对划线部分提问) _________ ________the____________?

6.Bobby often picks a big red mushroom.(用last week代替often) Bobby________ __________ _______red mushroom last week. 九、根据提示,完成句子。(9.5%) 1.上星期六我们骑车去动物园。

Last Saturday,we________ to the zoo_________ ________. 2.去年我不会游泳,但是现在我学会了。 Last year,I________ __________,but now I can. 3.--发生什么事了?--我的新语文书丢了。

--___________ ______________?--I ________my_________ ________ book. 4.昨天风很大,我们没有去公园野餐。

It_______ _________yesterday,we didn’t_______ ______ ________in the park. 5.have,we,to,the,start,story,again(.)

_________________________________________________________________ 6.king,try,you,these,my,on,clothes,magic,can(,?)

____________________________________________________________________ 十、根据所给提示,完成句子。(6%)

1.Don’t____________________(对...吼叫)others.It’s not polite.

2.It was time for lunch.She_______________________(带来一些饮料)for us. 3.My grandma_____________________________(和...一起住)us three days ago. 4.My brother______________________(爬上山)last Wednesday. 5.____________(聪明的人)can see it,________________(愚蠢的人)can’t see it. 十一、仔细阅读句子,圈出句子中错误的地方,并在横线上改正。(4%) 1.Tina didn’t wore a new skirt last week. ____________ 2.There was some pies on the table. _____________ 3.The birds sang songs and then flied away. _____________ 4.Yu Gong was moved the mountain away. _____________



Beethoven was a world famous musician(音乐家). He was never afraid to show his feelings.Once when he was playing at a rich man’s home,one of the listeners,a man from a rich family was talking to a beautiful girl.He liked girls more than music.The man’s rude(粗鲁的)behavior(行为)made Beethoven angry.He stopped playing and stood up,”I can’t play for animals of this kind!”Then he walked out. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(5%) ( )1.Beethoven was a famous musician. ( )2.He was afraid to show his feelings.

( )3.Beethoven liked the man who was talking.

( )4.When he was playing at a rich man’s house,one of the listeners was talking.

( )5.At last Beethoven left the rich man’s house.

B 32Cross Street 66Park Road I go to school by bike.I got a blue bike. I go to school by subway.It’s very fast. I ride to school in 10 minutes. I like I first take the subway,and then I walk riding. 100meters to school. Emma Lisa 21West Street 85Garden Avenue How do you go to school?I go to school by bus.Look,this is my monthly ticket. Tom I lived very near my school,so I go to school on foot every morning.Sometimes I run to school. Ben 根据四位同学的介绍,完成下列句子。(5%) 1. Emma goes to school__________________.

2. Lisa ______________________________to school.

3. Ben lives________his school.So he doesn’t go to school by bus.He _____________school.

4. Tom uses his monthly ticket to________________________________. 十三、书面表达。(8%)

请改写Unit2 Cartoon time的故事。如果你是Bobby,你会怎么样描述这一天发生的事呢?用一般过去时帮Bobby写一篇日记。字数:不少于8句话。




3、不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。06:478.5.202006:478.5.202006:4706:47:108.5.202006:478.5.2020 4、办事刚愎自用,即使失败了也从不反悔。8.5.20208.5.202006:4706:4706:47:1006:47:10



5、努力不不一定成功,不努力一定不成功。Wednesday, August 5, 2020August 20Wednesday, August 5, 20208/5/2020 6、你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力。6时47分6时47分5-Aug-208.5.2020

7、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。20.8.520.8.520.8.5 。2020年8月5日星期三二〇二〇年八月五日 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。

8、人生就像卫生纸,没事的时候尽量少扯。06:4706:47:108.5.2020Wednesday, August 5, 2020

2020-2021学年牛津译林版六年级英语上学期unit1-2 检测卷


