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矿井通风mine ventilation矿井通风构筑物mine ventilation structure矿井通风检查mine ventilation survey矿井通风设计design of mine ventilation矿井通风网络mine ventilation network矿井通风系统mine ventilation system矿井通风系统鉴定指标criteria for mine ventilation evaluation矿井通风自动化automation of mine ventalation 矿井有毒气体mine toxic gas矿井有效风量efficiency rate of mine air quantity矿井自然通风natural ventilation矿块地质图geological map of oreblock矿块结构要素constructional element of oreblock矿块开采顺序mining sequence of oreblock矿区地质地形图topographical geological map of mining area矿区高程控制测量vertical control surveying of mine area矿区工程地质图engineering geological map of ore field矿区开发规划development plan of mine area矿区勘探线剖面图exploratory profile of mine area矿区控制测量control surveying of mine area矿区平面控制测量plane control surveying of mine area矿区水文地质图hydrogeological map of ore field矿区图根导线测量topographic control with traversing in mine area矿区图根三角测量topographic control with triangulation in mine area矿山综合地质图comprehensive geological map of mine area矿山安全mine safety矿山安全管理mine safety management矿山爆破安全距离safety distance from blasting ceter in mine矿山爆破地震ground vibrations due to blasting in mine矿山爆破地震效应观测observation of ground vibration effect from blasting in mine矿山爆破公害控制control of public nuisance from blasting in mine矿山爆破空气冲击波air blasting wave in mine

矿山采掘进度计划编制的计算机方法conputerized method for the production scheduling in mines矿山测量mine surveying矿山测量仪器mine-surveying instrument矿山柴油机废气净化purification of mine diesel exhaust gas矿山场地选择selection of mine site矿山穿孔作业防尘dust provention of drilling operation in mine矿山达产期period to attain planned annual output of mine矿山大气污染防治mine air pollution control矿山大气污染扩散dispersion of mine air pollution矿山大气污染源sourse of mine air pollution矿山地表沉陷防治control of surface subsidence in mine矿山地面运输mine surface transport矿山地质编录mining geological logging











矿山开发地区规划的计算机方法矿山劳动生产率矿山内部运输work of mining geologymining goelogical sampling

classification of mine electric loadpower supply for mine electric tractionmine electric energy measurementelectric illumination of minedust control in minewater control in mine

disposal of solid radioactive waste in minecontrol of radiation contamination in minewaste water treatment in minewaste water control in mineservice life of mine

engineering geological work in mine

mining engineering qualitative managementmine industrial site

road for mine industrial site

shut off surface water for mine industrial sitepipeline for mine industrial sitedrainage for mine industrial site

longitudinal arrangement for mine industrial sitegeneral layout for mine industrial sitedust prevention of mine road transportmine electric power supplymine structure

disposal and reclamation of solid waste in minemanagement information system in minescale of minemine track

enviromental geology work of minemine environmental engineering

safety in mining mechanical and electric equipmentsgeneral layout for mine mechanical work-shopmine capital construction

centralized monitoring of mine workcomputer aided design in minemining technical economic index

network sche-duling technique in mine constructioneconomic evaluation of construction project in minemine landscapemine rescue

muffler of auxiliary fan in mine

the computer method of district programming in mine developmentmine labour productivitymine interal transport






矿山总降压变电所矿山总体布置矿山总图运输annual output of minemine drainage

mine drainage equipmentmine drainage systemmine enterprise

general laybout for truck maintenance shopsurveying for installing mine equipmentcomputer management for mine equipmentremote control of mine machineryautomation of mine machinerymine design

the optimization method in mine design

geological work in the producing stage of mineconputer simulation in mining operationprocess automation inproductionmine capacity

mine accident prediction hydrogeological work in mine

hydrogeological evaluation of ore depositwater pollution control in minesource of water pollution in mine water resource protection in mine mine inundationmine hoisting

railway signalling of minemine ventilation

standard for mine project putting into productionrisk analysis for investment evaluation in minesensitive analysis for investment evaluation in minemined land reclamation soil pollution control in minemine outside transport

mining work for maintaining simple reprodutionmodernization of management in minemine working stereogramcompressed-air in minerock mechanics for mineland planning for mineperspective plan of minenoise control in mine

noise control of main fan in minemine automationmine main substationoverall layout of minemine layout and transport





ore recovery

ratio of extracted ore to reserve consumedore loss rate

ore loss and dilutionhandling of broken ore

ore quality control

minimum industrial grade of oreore body

cavability of orebody

permissible maximum thickness of gangue partingminimum mining thickness of orebodymine field

mine survey map mineral

spontaneous combustion of oremining rocketmine fanmine pump

mining explosive

calculation of pillar sizepillar recoverydetonatorripper

digging arm loader

continuous line bucket mining systemcombined mining method

combined development methodbucket-chain excavatorstone supportfissure

base friction model of fissured rockchuteore pass

reinforcement of ore-passorepass driving

dust control at ore-passshrinkage stopequick sand bed

glorghole mining methodfunnel sill structure

grounding of open-pit electrical equipmentlightning-protecting of open-pitconstruction element of open pit






electric power distribution of open-pit minescraper

scraper loading

combined opencut-and-underground miningsurface mining open-pit limit

computerized method for the design of open-pit limitsemi-stationary crushing plant in open-pitsemi-continuons transportation of openpitopen pit blasting

blasting surveying of surface mineblast hole pattern in open pit

mining and stripping procedure of open-pitslope stability of openpitmining cut of open-pit open pit loading open pit drilling

development of open-pit with conveyer belt wayopen pit transportation by belt conveyorpush-back mining of open-pitdust control in open-pitopen pit mining by stages

vertical control surveying of surface minegeneral layout for open pit industrial siteworking face of open-pitworking line of open pit

development of open-pit with haulage roadopen pit transportation by haulage road

development of open-pit with fixed haulage waycomputer-based dispatching system in open pit mineore dilution

second delineation of ore body

non-continuous transportation of open-pitworking trench of open-pitopen-pit development

full-continuous transportation of open-pitcombined development of open pitcombined transportation of open pitmanagement of ore-pass in open pit

setting down the collar of ore-pass in open pitopen pit transportation by ore-passdrainage in open-pit

development of open pit with tunnel and ore-pass



