Walk and talk. On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five.
Marie: Look at Stella’s clothes. She has got a yellow T-shirt. She has got a blue skirt. She has got pink socks and she has got brown shoes.
Maskman: But she hasn’t got a jacket. Look at these. Simon’s got a red jacket. He has got green trousers and he has got black shoes. Marie: Well, Maskman. Stella has got trousers too. Has Simon got a skirt?
Maskman: Huh! No, he hasn’t. Trevor: Ooohh! Hee, hee.
Monty: Suzy has got a skirt, and she has got a beautiful orange T-shirt with a mouse on it. Trevor: Ha, ha, ha!
12. Listen and say the number.
Unit 9 Fun time!
1. Listen and point.
Alex: Let’s play ‘Simon says’. Everybody: OK.
Simon: OK, Simon says put your hands on your head. Simon: OK, good.
Simon: Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny. Come and stand next to me.
Lenny: Oops, yeah, OK.
Simon: Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis. Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and stand next to Lenny.
Stella: Ha ha ha! OK!
Simon: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim. Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex! Stand next to Stella. OK, Alex, ‘Simon says’ stand next to Stella. Alex: Thank you!
Simon: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike. Simon: OK, stop.
Meera: Very good, Simon. Now it’s my turn.
2. Listen and repeat.
play football, swim, play basketball, play tennis, ride a bike, play the guitar
3. Listen and answer.
What’s number 1? What’s number 2? What’s number 3? What’s number 4? What’s number 5? What’s number 6?
4. Sing the song.
Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song. Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song. Ride a bike.
Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play.
Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song. Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song. Now let’s swim. Play football, the guitar. Play, play, play.
Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song. Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song.
5. Listen and point.
Suzy: Look at Mum. She can ride a horse. Can you ride a horse, Simon?
Simon: No, I can’t, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too.
Suzy: Ooh! Can you fish, too, Simon? Simon: No, I can’t. Grandpa can fish.
Stella: Yes, he can. And grandma can draw pictures.
Suzy: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella?
Stella: Yes, I can, but I can’t sing. What can you do, Suzy? Suzy: I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green…
Simon: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too?
Suzy: No, I can’t…Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow…
6. Listen, point and repeat.
She can ride a horse. He can ride a bike. She can’t sing. She can draw. He can play the guitar.
7. Say the chant.
I can chant, I can chant,