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珊瑚是什么意思 珊瑚在线翻译 珊瑚什么意思 珊瑚的意思 珊瑚的翻译 珊瑚的解释 珊瑚的发音 珊瑚的同义词 珊瑚的反义词 珊瑚的例句 珊瑚 双语例句1.
1. 珊瑚虫的生态系统在凤凰群岛是巨大而完整无缺的,使它们创造一个海洋的避难所。
a p>2. 钻石戒指收盘接触,哈尔顿花园珠宝商,经营的钻石戒指,你自己设计钻石戒指接触,预订结婚戒指、英国白金戒指、金戒指胶质,承担戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,接触红宝石戒指,伦敦珠宝商,奢侈品珠宝交战的tiffany戒指、社会学的tiffany,etoile的tiffany,预订珠宝,手工戒指接触英国订造接触戒指,戒指手工接触,接触不同寻常戒指,豪华珠宝商,手作戒指,用手写,英国伦敦车间,哈尔顿花园钻石戒指,白金、黄金、白银全部由手工及手工大师金帜钻石戒指、钻石戒指接触英国,翡翠戒指接触,红宝石戒指接触,品味珠宝钻石罚款、质量保证金街,伦敦珠宝商,聘请黄钻石戒指,钻石戒指婚纱、钻石贴片,钻石制造先驱钻石,钻石抛光机,出色禁钻石、白金钻石戒指、钻石永恒戒指,珠宝设计师独家钻石戒指的纸牌,迪拜钻石、钻石戒指廉价迪拜白金钻石戒指,cooldiamonds,dejoria,大卫莫里斯酷钻石,凉爽设计师、黄金钻石戒指,集束钻石戒指,英国钻石戒指,白金钻石戒指接触,史永恒戒指、钻石戒指三部曲,黑色钻石戒指,钻石戒指粉红、设计师钻石戒指,红宝石钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指永恒、古董钻石戒指,周年钻石戒指,汉语石榴石、钻石金戒指接触白色,蓝宝石钻石戒指、1克拉钻石戒指,原厂制造永恒戒指、钻石戒指接触的纸牌,金刚石engagemen296、昂贵的钻石戒指,kelsall的harriet,镶有钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指婚礼、热点钻石、钻石耳环、钻石首饰松散钻石粉红蓝宝石及粉红蓝宝石戒指,英文英国豪华珠宝、钻石伦理道德珠宝、宝石伦理、黄色钻石献血钻石、冲突钻石、清洁钻石戒指珍接触,接触红宝石戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,
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3. 意译:一群小的鱼正在通过一个脑珊瑚编队在水中游泳围绕在塞舌尔岛。
a school of tiny fish swims past a brain coral formation in the waters around the seychelles.
4. 由于这些鱼嚼就珊瑚,消化,它释放回到洋底,它的形式沙质基地该礁。
as these fish chew on the coral, digest it, and release it back onto the ocean floor, it form the sandy bases of the reef. 5.
5. 配皮部分遇空气会起化学反应自然氧化变红,这是一种高贵经典的珊瑚红,红里透黄,黄里透红,所有的走线针码均匀一致,拉链全部带有 lv logo。
leather case with some of the air from a chemical reaction will be a natural red oxide, which is a noble coralred classic, red with yellow, yellow in rosy, all alignment pin uniform code, with a zipper all the lv logo.
6. 从自然主题采取四种新的色彩灵感-橄榄绿色,珊瑚蓝,银白色和黑色钴-更加突出环保绿色设计。
four new colors inspired from the nature motif - olive green, coral blue, silver white and cobalt black – have been adopted to highlight the eco-friendly green design.
7. 小船的玻璃底面积达6平方米,以供观赏途经的珊瑚。
this was a special glass bottom boat with 6 sqare meters of viewing chambers.
8. 提供在一个bouncy ,乐观的调色盘,珊瑚,倒挂金钟,和石灰,几乎每一个期待是沉重的对串珠绣花和达小康与outsized sombreros和珍宝。
rendered in a bouncy, optimistic palette of corals, fuchsias, and limes, nearly every look was heavy on the beaded
embroidery and topped off with outsized sombreros and bijoux. 9. 西沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系统虽然具备不断调节自身的能力,但面对人类活动及全球变暖的双重压力,其前景仍然堪忧,建立自然保护区应该被海洋管理部门提上日程。
according to the investigation of coral reef ecosystems on xishaislands, it is suggested to establish physical reserve areas and protecting objects. four sea areas, lingyangisland, guanghuaisland, zhongjianisland and qilianisland, are drawn up as the core areas of natural reserve.
10. 两种形式的腔肠动物之一,如水螅和珊瑚虫;通常不移栖,圆柱形身体,嘴周围通常有一圈触须。
and has a hollow cylindrical body usually with a ring of tentacles around the mouth.
11. 格洛佛珊瑚礁共有6座小岛,迪里是其中之一卡耶岛的研究站经理兼驻站科学家。
mr. tilley is the station manager and resident scientist here on middle caye, one of six small islands within the glover`s reef atoll. 12.
12. 武汉万绿园林工程有限责任公司在花卉苗木发展的一片浪潮声中应运而生,2002年,在株山核心腹地租赁土地168亩(年限20年),投资150万元,培育了大量的桂花、广玉兰、含笑、香樟、马褂木、栾树、雪松、杜英、冬青、垂柳、香花槐、碧柏、珊瑚、红叶女贞、龟背冬青、金叶女贞、红花继木、杜鹃等近40个品种的绿化工程大苗及色块苗木,在承接的学校、企业、居民小区等绿化工程和苗木销售中受到了同行和业主的好评。
wuhan wanlv yuan lin works limited liability company in the development of flower seedlings in a wave of sound came into being, in 2002, in the mountains of the hinterland of the core 168 acres of land lease (20 years), 1.5 million yuan investment, and cultivate a large number of osmanthus, kwong yu-lan, michelia, camphor, liriodendron chinense, koelreuteria paniculata, cedar, du ying, holly, weeping willow, xianghua huai, bibo, coral, hongye privet, turtle cove holly, privet golden leaf, safflower following the wood, cuckoo nearly 40 varieties, such as the green color of seedlings and saplings, accepting the schools, businesses, residents and community greening projects, such as nursery stock sales by peers and the owners won. 13.
13. 同时我们了解到大多数被调查者对珊瑚礁的了解较少,对珊瑚礁的保护措施知之更少。
at the same time, we found that most of the respondents lacked the knowledge of coral reefs and the measures to protect them.
14. 红鳍蝴蝶鱼穿梭在斐济拉礁海峡的珊瑚中。
a redfin butterflyfish navigates the coral of fijis vatu-i-ra channel.
15. 众所周知接近潜水员,马眼杰克是与珊瑚礁相关联的,并能达到的长度超过3英尺( 0.9米)。
coral reefs and can reach lengths of more than 3 feet (0.9 meters). 16.
16. 又是珊瑚虫,将这个大众的烦恼彻底解决,让广告永不出现。 it is anthozoan, this popular trouble is solved thoroughly, let advertisement never appear.
17. 珊瑚虫对于所有混迹于网络的朋友来说,就是一面旗帜。
anthozoan is slash to all mixing at network for the friend, it is one side banner.
18. 早在2006年,腾讯公司曾对陈寿福及他的珊瑚虫版软件提起诉讼。
be in early 2006, tecent company ever reached to lodge a complaint of his anthozoan edition software to chen shoufu. 19. 珊瑚虫版设计者陈寿福就是其中之一。
chen shoufu of anthozoan edition architect is among them one of.
20. 一个有三五年网龄的网友,不会不知道珊瑚虫给我们带来如此多实用便捷的功能。
one has the netizen of 35 years of net age, wont not know anthozoan is brought to us so many practical and convenient function.