奥鹏-东北师范大学英语精读(三)18秋在线作业1-2 作业试题参考答案 一、单选题共20题,60分
1、Without a wholehearted () to a keen forward-looking vision and deep insight, you cannot be a leader. Adetermination Bresolution Ccommitment Dobligation
2、If you don’t have enough cash, I think you can make arrangement to buy the house Aon deposit
Bwithout deposit Cin credit Don credit
3、The manager has to be () because he could not keep his promise Areplaced Bpasted Cfrightened Dpatched
4、Generous public funding of basic science would () considerable benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security Alead to Bresult from Clie in
Dsettle down
5、It is () that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work. Aabrupt Babsurd Cadverse Daddictive
6、Simple survival needs like hunger, thirst, and sexual desire are relatively (), and we quickly learn what particular discomfort is attached to the denial of these basic needs. Ainventory Bsacrifice Cdripping Dclear-cut
【答案】本题选择:D 7、We value reputation, respect, admiration, and the long-lasting happiness that comes