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Unit 11 How was your school trip?

一、短语归纳 1. go for a walk去散步 2. milk a cow 挤牛奶 3. ride a horse 骑马 4. feed chickens 喂小鸡 5. talk with与…谈话 6. take photos拍照 7. quite a lot相当多

8. show...around带领...参观 9. learn about 了解 10. from... to... 从...到...

11. grow/pick strawberries 种植/采草莓 12. in the countryside在乡下 13. go fishing去钓鱼 14. at night在夜晚 15. a lot of许多;大量 16. come out出来

17. go on a school trip去学校郊游 18. along the way沿线 19. after that之后

20. buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物 21. all in all 总的来说 22. take a / the train 乘火车 精品文档


23. be interested in 对……感兴趣 24. not… at all 根本不……


1. How was your school trip?

How + be + 主语?= What be +主语 + like?意为“??怎么样?” 答语:It was great./ It was OK./ It was /wasn’t good.

2. quiet a lot of+可数名词(复数)/不可数名词,也可单独使用。 e.g. We drank quite a lot of milk. I saw quite a lot of cows. I play tennis quite a lot in the summer.

1) quite a little +不可数名词,意为“相当多”; e.g. There is quite a little water in the bottle. 2) quite a few 相当多+可数名词 ,意为“相当多”。 e.g. Quite a few students were late.

3. take与photo, picture等词搭配时,意为“拍摄,摄影”。表示“拍摄某物或人”,就要在短语后面接介词of来引入所拍摄的对象。

e.g. The girl likes to take photos of herself with her cell phone(手机). 那个女孩喜欢用自己的手机自拍。

4. ...learned a lot about farming. 学到了很多关于种田的知识。 1) learn sth. 学习某物 I learn English every day.

2) learn about 学习关于某事,如: He wants to learn more about science. 3) learn to do sth. 学习做某事,如: We all want to learn to swim.

5. It was so much fun. 那真是蛮好玩的。 fun 表示“有趣的事情”,为不可数名词。 e.g. He plays the violin for the fun of it. 他拉小提琴只是为了好玩。 精品文档


Swimming in the sea is great fun. 在海里游泳很好玩。 I had much fun on the school trip. 我在学校旅行中玩得很开心。

6. feel 和feel about的区别:

1) feel是系动词,意为“感觉”,后接形容词做表语。 e.g. I don’t feel well today. 我今天身体感觉不舒服。

2) feel about 意为“认为,以为”,后面加名词。 e.g. How do you feel about your school trip?

7. The guide taught us how to make a model robot. teach sb. how to do... 意为“教某人怎样做??”。

1) teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 e.g. His father teaches him to make kites.

2) teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 e.g. Miss Chen teaches me Chinese. 3) teach oneself =learn by oneself 自学 e.g. He teaches himself every day.

8. I think today’s school trip was terrible. 名词所有格: men’s room 男厕所 a mile’s distance 一英里的距离

注:但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加’ 来构成所有格。 three hours’ walk 三小时的路程 two miles’ distance 两英里的距离 five minutes’ ride骑车五分钟路程

9. Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.

1)everything, something, nothing, anything以及somebody, everybody, nobody等不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用单数。

e.g. Nobody knows me. 没有人认识我。 Everybody is here. 大家都在这里。 2)be interested in (doing)sth. 对??感兴趣 e.g. I am interested in swimming. 精品文档


10. (复习)1) too many + 可数名词复数 e.g. There were also too many people. 2) too much+不可数名词 e.g. He doesn’t have too much money.

3) much too + 形容词/副词 e.g. The car is much too expensive.(形容词) He runs much too fast.(副词)

11. All in all, it was an exciting day. 总的来说/总而言之,这是很愉快的一天。 e.g. All in all, I think you did a good job. 总的来说,你做得很好。

拓展:in all 总共 e.g. There are 65 students in all in our class. 我们班总共有65名学生。 exciting是形容词, 后接名词,多形容物。

excited也是形容词, 多用来形容人。 e.g. This show is really exciting. He is excited about the news.

12. I didn’t like the trip at all. not...at all 意为“一点也不,完全不 ”。 e.g. I can’t swim at all. 我完全不会游泳。 I don’t like apples at all. 我根本不喜欢吃苹果

13. something,anything和nothing

1)something用在肯定句中,而anything用在疑问句或否定句中。 e.g. I have something important to tell you. Can you hear anything?

2)something用在疑问句中时,表示希望对方给予肯定回答。 e.g. Would you like something to drink?

3) anything用在肯定句中,意为“任何事物,任何东西”。 e.g. I think I can do anything for you.为了你,我愿意做任何事。

4) nothing意为“没有什么;没有东西”。 nothing=not anything e.g. Tom saw nothing. 汤姆什么也没看见

5) everything 意为“所有事情”,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中。 e.g. I hope everything 精品文档


goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。

14.no +单数可数名词=not…a/an +单数可数名词 =not…any +复数可数名词/不可数名词 e.g. There is no bridge. = There isn’t a bridge.

He has no brothers or sisters.= He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. There is no meat in the fridge.= There is not any meat in the fridge.


1. 用法:表示在过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。


1)与yesterday 连用:yesterday昨天, the day before yesterday前天 yesterday morning/afternoon/evening

2)与last 连用last night,昨晚last time上次,last term上个学期last Monday,上周一, last week/ month/year,上周/月,去年

3)与ago 连用:a moment ago 刚才two minutes/ hours/ days/ weeks/ months/years ago 两分钟/小时/天/周/月/年以前

4)与in+过去的时间连用 in 1999, in 1980

5)其它:just now刚才 at the age of 5, 在5岁的时候 in the old days, in those days,在那些日子 the other day, at that time 在那时 one/ that day /morning/afternoon/evening…. once upon a time从前

3. 常用的句式:

1)含有be动词的: 肯定句: 主语+ was / were + 其它。e.g. My school trip was excellent. 否定句: 主语+ was/ were + not +其它。e.g. My school trip was not excellent. 一般疑问句:Was/ Were +主语+ 其他?e.g. Was your school trip excellent? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语+ was/ were. e.g. Yes, it was. 精品文档



