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ChaPter 6 —DecisionMaking: The ESSenCe Of the Manager

True/FaISe QUeStiOnS


ACCOrding to the COmPany profile in COmPetitOr to COnnOn dale Corporati on. False (easy) 2. c

The type of decisiOn facing Mario GaIaSSO in the featured box, as a non PrOgrammed decisi on. TrUe (moderate) THE DECISloN-MAKING PRoCESS 3.

A discrepa ncy betwee n an exist ing and a desired State of affairs is an OPPOrt Uni ty. False (moderate)

The first SteP in the decisi on-mak ing PrOCeSS is ide ntify ing a problem. TrUe (easy)

S Job

“ A Manager ' S DiIemma, ” HarIey DaVidSOn WaS mentiOned as

“ A Manager ' S DiIemma, \



The final SteP in the decisi On-mak ing PrOCeSS is impleme nting the chose n alter native. False (moderate)

It is POSSibIe at the end of the decisi On-mak ing PrOCeSS that you may be required to Start the decisi On PrOCeSS over aga in. TrUe (easy)

The PriCe of a PartiCUIar COmPUter brand is a POSSibIe decisi On Criteri on. TrUe (moderate)

A decisi On Criteri On defi nes What is releva nt in a decisi on. TrUe (moderate)




9. The SteP in the decisi On-mak ing PrOCeSS that in volves choos ing a best alter native is termed impleme ntatio n.

False (moderate) THE MANAGER AS DEClSlON MAKER 10.

DeCiSi On-mak ing is SynOnym OUS With man agi ng. TrUe (easy)

Man agerial decisi on-mak ing is assumed to be rati on al. TrUe (moderate)

One assumpti on of rati on ality is that We CannOtknOW all of the alter natives. False (difficult)




ACCePti ng soluti OnS that are \ False (easy)

Man agers tend to OPerate Un der assumpti OnS of boun ded rati On ality. TrUe (moderate)

Man agers regularly USe their in tuiti On in decisi On-mak ing. TrUe (easy)

Rati Onal an alysis and in tuitive decisi On-mak ing are compleme ntary. TrUe (moderate)

A policy is an explicit Stateme nt that tells a man ager What he or She ought or ought not to do. False (moderate)

PrOgrammed decisi OnStend to be repetitive and rout ine. TrUe (easy)

Rules and policies are basically the same. False (moderate)

NOn PrOgrammed decisi OnS are UniqUeand non recurri ng. TrUe (moderate)

Most man agerial decisi ons in the real world are fully non programmed. False (easy)

Orga nizatio nal efficie ncy is facilitated by the USe of PrOgrammed decisi On-mak ing. TrUe (moderate)

The ideal SitUati on for making decisi ons is low risk. False (moderate)











24. RiSk is a SitUati on in WhiCh a decisi on maker has n either Certai nty nor reas on able PrObabiIity estimates.

False (difficU∣t) 25.

An OPtimiStiC man ager will follow a maximin approach. False (moderate)

People who have a low tolera nce for ambiguity and are rati Onal in their Way of thi nking are Said to have a directive style. TrUe (moderate)

DeCiSi on makers With an an alytic style have a much smaller tolera nce for ambiguity tha n do directive types. False (moderate) 28.

In dividuals With a con CePtUaI style tend to be Very broad in their outlook and will look at many alter natives. TrUe (moderate)

BehaVioral-style decisi on makers work well With others.




TrUe (easy)


ACCOrding to the boxed feature, “ ManagingWorkforce Diversity, d”erse employees tend to make decisi OnS faster tha n a homoge neous group of employees. False (moderate)

MUltiPIe ChOiCe


a. b. c. d. e. 32.

PrOgrammed decisi On

nonprogrammed (moderate) Uni VerSaI Un ethical orthodox

ACCOrding to the COmPany profile in ” A Manager ' S DiIemma ” , WhiCh Of the following best describes the type of decisiOn Mark GaIaSSO is faced With in the introduction Of his company

' S new dirt

All of the following are mentioned as major COmPetitOrS of Connondale Corporation according to the company profile in a. b. c. d. e.

“ A Manager ' S DiIemma ” EXCEPT:

Yamaha SUZUki

HarIey DaVidSOn (easy) KaWaSaki HOnda


DeCiSiOn-making is (SimPIiStiCally) typically described as WhiCh of the following? a. decidi ng What is COrreCt

b. PUtt ing Prefere nce On PaPer

c. choosing among alternatives (moderate) d. PrOCeSS ing in formati On to completi On e. the end result of data collect ion

A SerieS of eight StePS that begins With identifying a problem and decision Criteria and allocating WeightS to those criteria; moves to develop ing, an alyz ing, and SeIeCt ing an alter native that Can resolve the problem; impleme nts the alter native; and COn CIUdeS With evaluat ing the decisi On's effective ness is the a. b. c. d. e. 35.

decision-making process. (easy) man agerial process. maximin style.

boun ded rati On ality approach. legalistic opport UniSm process.


The first SteP in the decisiOn-making PrOCeSS is WhiCh of the following? a. develop ing decisi On Criteria

b. c. d. e. 36.

allocating WeightS to the Criteria an alyz ing alter natives

identifying a problem (moderate)

impleme nti ng the decisio n's effective ness

\On-mak ing process?

a. Criteria Weight allocati On b. an alysis of alter natives

c. problem identification (difficult) d. decisi On effective ness evaluati On e. decision Criteria identification

37. Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification?

a. Problems are generally obvious.

b. A symptom and a problem are basically the same.

c. Well trained managers generally agree on what is considered a problem.

d. The problem must be such that it exerts some type of pressure for the manager to act. (moderate) e. To be considered a problem, managers must be aware of the discrepancy but not have the resources

necessary to take action. 38.

Which of the following must be present in order to initiate the decision-making process? a. plenty of time

b. pressure to act (moderate) c. a lack of authority d. a lack of resources e. environmental certainty

Managers aren't likely to characterize something as a problem if they perceive _____ . a. they don't have authority to act. (difficult) b. pressure to act. c. a discrepancy.

d. they have sufficient resources. e. they have budgetary authority.

If a manager was purchasing a computer system, issues such as price and model are examples of which part of the decision-making process? a. problem identification b. criteria weight allocation

c. identifying decision criteria (difficult) d. evaluating decision effectiveness e. implementing the alternative

Which of the following is the step in the decision-making process that follows identifying a problem and decision criteria?

a. allocating weights to the criteria (moderate) b. c. d. e.

analyzing the alternatives

selecting the best alternative implementing the alternative

evaluating the decision's effectiveness













In allocating weights to the decision criteria, which of the following is helpful to remember? a. All weights must be the same.

b. The total of the weights should sum to 1.0.

c. Every factor criterion considered, regardless of its importance, must receive some weighting. d. Assign the most important criterion a score, and then assign weights against that standard.


e. The most important and least important criteria should receive the inverse weighting standard. In step six of the decision-making process, each alternative is evaluated by appraising it against

a. subjective goals of the decision maker. b. criteria. (moderate) c. assessed values.

d. implementation strategy. e. discrepancy status. SeIeCti ng an alter native in the decisi On-mak ing PrOCeSS is accomplished by ____ . a. choosing the alternative With the highest score. (easy) b. choos ing the One you like best.

c. SeIeCti ng the alter native that has the lowest price. d. SeIeCti ng the alter native that is the most reliable.

e. choos ing the alter native you thi nk your boss would prefer.

______________ in CIUdeS con Vey ing a decisi on to those affected and gett ing their COmmitme nt to a. SeIeCt ing an alter native

b. EVaIUati on of decisi on effective ness

c. ImPIementatiOn Of the alternatives (moderate) d. An alyz ing alter natives e. Develop ing alter natives

WhiCh of the followi ng is importa nt in effectively impleme nti ng the chose n alter native in the decisi on- making process?

a. gett ing UPPer man ageme nt SUPPOrt

b. double CheCk ing your an alysis for pote ntial errors

c. allowing those impacted by the outcome to PartiCiPate in the PrOCeSS (moderate) d. ignoring CritiCiSm COnCerning your chose n alter native e. impleme nti ng your chose n alter native quickly

WhiCh of the following is the final SteP in the decisiOn-making process? a. ide ntify ing the problem b. evaluating the decision's effectiveness (easy) c. ide ntify ing decisi On Criteria

d. SeIeCt ing an alter native that Can resolve the problem e.

allocat ing WeightS to alter natives.

WhiCh of the following is important to remember in evaluating the effectiveness of the decisiOn-making PrOCeSs?

a. Ign ore CritiCiSm COnCerning the decisi on-mak ing.



