岁月悠悠,沧桑巨变。历史是最生动的教材。法西斯发动的侵略战争给人类带来了浩劫,也教育了世界人民。世界人民赢得了战争的胜利,赢得了和平与进步。半个世纪过去了,痛苦的回忆,胜利的喜悦,深深的思考,使人们更加清醒。 历史证明,和平来之不易。世界大战的悲剧绝不能重演。必须经常保持高度警惕,不断发展和壮大和平力量,遏制和消除导致战争的一切因素。历史表明,人民终究是自己命运的主人,是社会前进的推动者。凡是正义的和进步的事业必然要胜利,这是任何力量也扼杀不了和阻挡不住的。 参考答案:
As time moves on everything changes in the world. History is in deed the most vivid textbook. War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.People have not only won the war but also achieved peace and progress. Half a century later the painful memories joy of victory and soul-searching pondering have made people more sober-minded. History has demonstrated that peace has not come about easily. The tragedy of a world war shall never be allowed to repeat itself. One must always maintain sharp vigilance develop and strengthen forces for peace and check and eliminate all factors leading to war. History has demonstrated that people are in the end masters of their destiny and powerful forces promoting social progress. Anything that is just and progressive is bound to win and cannot be smothered or stopped by any force.
端午节,又称龙舟节和重五(Double Fifth),是一个源于中国的传统节日。每年的农历五月初五为端午节。这就是重五这一别称的由来。端午节里流传最广的三种活动是吃粽子、喝雄黄酒(realgar wine)以及赛龙舟。其他常见的活动还包括挂钟馗(Zhong Kui)像、写咒符(spells)和佩戴香囊药包(perfumed medicine bags)。古代的人们认为,所有这些活动,连同喝雄黄酒,都能有效防病驱邪、促进生活安康。
Duanwu Festival, also known as Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Fifth, is a traditional festival originating in China. The festival occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. This is the origin of its alternative name, Double Fifth. Three of the most widespread activities for Duanwu Festival are eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats. Other common activities include hanging up icons of Zhong Kui, writing spells and wearing perfumed medicine bags. All of these activities, together with the drinking of realgar wine, were regarded by the ancients as effective in preventing disease and evil, and promoting health and well-being.
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端午节可以追溯到公元前227年的战国时代。这个节日是为了纪念楚国的大夫屈原,他因为对朝廷的贪污腐败感到绝望而投河自尽。镇上的人纷纷冲上船去救他,却没有成功。后来大家把米撒到水里,希望把饥饿的鱼群从他的躯体边引开。多年以后,屈原逝世的故事逐渐演变成赛龙舟和吃粽子(一种包在竹叶中的米食)的传统。2009年,端午节被联合国教科文组织宣布为非物质文化遗产。 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 追溯到 date back to
战国时代 the Warring States Period 纪念 commemorate 大夫minister
因?感到绝望 despair over 没有成功 in vain 撒 scatter 引开 distract
演变成 transform into 赛龙舟 race dragon boats
吃粽子 zongzi—a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves
联合国教科文组织 United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The Dragon Boat Festival can date back to the Warring States Period in 227 B.C. The festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a minister in the service of the Chu Emperor. Despairing over corruption at court, Qu threw himself into a river. Townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him. Then, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, the people scattered rice into the water. Over the years, the story of Qu’s death transformed into the traditions of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi—a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was proclaimed an intangible cultural heritage by the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2009
书是我青春期的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣。有了它,我就不再忧愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。它使我成为精神世界的富翁。我真的是“不可一日无此君”。当我忙完了,累极了;当我愤怒时,苦恼时,我就想亲近它,因为这是一种绝妙的安抚。 参考答案:
Books are my beloved in youth,my soul mate in middle age,and my companion in my later years.With books at my side,I will never feel lonely,nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the world.Books have made me wealthy in the inner world.I cannot do without them even for a single day.When I am tired after finishing my work,or when I am angry or in a bad mood,I will try to get close to books for comfort,fot it is a wonderful way for me to find spiritual consolation.
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1.有了它,我就不再忧愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。 分析:
原文存在两个“不再”的并列否定结构,宜使用连词结构“never?nor?”将其意义紧密地联系起来。“有了它”用“with”引导的介词短语来呈现。“人情冷暖”:social snobbery;“世态炎凉” fickleness of the world。 2.我真的是“不可一日无此君”。 分析:
“不可一日无此君”采用英文结构“can not do without”,表示“没有?而不能活,难受”,故译成“I cannot do without them even for a single day”,符合原文的意思。 背景链接:
无论如何,创造财富的物质资源,不论其初始分配如何,最终是要通过各种各样的渠道,流入到具有企业家精神的人手里,这是自由市场的一个基本趋势。这些人获得对他人的财富的支配权、使用权,以之为自己创造财富,并积累财富。这正是自由市场具有效率的根源。它可以动态地、自发地把资源从资源利用效率较低的人手里转移到资源利用效率较高的人手里。中国人讲“富不过三代”,其中有一些无奈,但也揭示了自由市场的精髓所在:财富本身并不能充当财富的保障。因为,财富本来就不是财富创造出来的。 参考答案:
However,no matter how they are allocated in the firset place,the material resources which can create fortune will flow into entrepreneurs'hands eventually through various channels.It is the basic tendency of free market.Those people acquire the right of disposal and the right of use of other people's wealth to create and accumulate wealth for them.This is the very source of efficiency of free market.It can dynamically and spontaneously transfers the resources from the people who are inefficient in resourses use to the people who are efficient in resources use.There is a Chinese saying that “the rich can not last three generations”.It has no alternative but also reveals some pith and marrow of the free market:the fortune itself can not be be guraantee of the fortune,because the fortune is not created by fortune. 考点分析:
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